Singleton Pattern
Singleton Pattern
Singleton Pattern
CS 124
Reference: Gamma et al
(“Gang-of-4”), Design Patterns
Ensure a class has only one instance, and provide a global
point of access to it
Important for some classes to have exactly one instance.
E.g., although there are many printers, should just have
one print spooler
Ensure only one instance available and easily accessible
global variables gives access, but doesn’t keep you from
instantiating many objects
Give class responsibility for keeping track of its sole
Design Solution
Defines a getInstance() operation that lets
clients access its unique instance
May be responsible for creating its own
unique instance
-static uniqueinstance
Singleton data
… -Singleton()
return uniqueinstance; +static getInstance()
Singleton methods…
Singleton Example (Java)
Database public class Database {
private static Database DB;
private Database() { ... }
Database public static Database getDB() {
if (DB == null)
static Database* DB DB = new Database();
return DB;
instance attributes…
static Database* getDB() }
instance methods…
In application code…
Database db = Database.getDB();
Singleton Example (C++)
class Database
static Database *DB;
... In application code…
private Database() { ... } Database *db =
public: Database.getDB();
static Database *getDB() Db->someMethod();
{ if (DB == NULL)
DB = new Database());
return DB;
Database *Database::DB=NULL;
Declare all of class’s constructors private
prevent other classes from directly creating an instance of
this class
Hide the operation that creates the instance behind
a class operation (getInstance)
Variation: Since creation policy is encapsulated in
getInstance, it is possible to vary the creation policy
Singleton Consequences
Ensures only one (e.g., Database) instance exists in
the system
Can maintain a pointer (need to create object on
first get call) or an actual object
Can also use this pattern to control fixed multiple
Much better than the alternative: global variables