Building Customer Relationship
Building Customer Relationship
Building Customer Relationship
Course Contents
CRM Business Cycle at
Ladder of Loyalty
• It is equally important to know the stages through which a
prospect becomes a customer and a loyal customer.
• Use the concept of ladder of loyalty to explore the complete
relationship building process.
Customer Relationship Management Building Customer Relationship Management
Ladder of Loyalty
• An individual, which fulfils requirements of
the marketer’s definition of target. the
•A prospect who gets attracted by a company’s
marketing programme may try out its product
& services offerings and becomes a customer.
Ladder of Loyalty
• Customer purchases the product/services more than once.
• In several buying situations, customers become clients due
to nature of the product or services.
• Cross-sell multiple products to an existing customer. e.g.
Wells Fargo a leading financial services firm in US sells
more than four of its services to each customer.
• A client becomes a supporter when he is satisfied with the
offerings and recommends it to his friends, relatives.
• This positive word-of-mouth(WOM) has
tremendous positive impact as it helps the company get new
Customer Relationship Management Building Customer Relationship Management
Ladder of Loyalty
Ladder of Loyalty
• An advocate becomes a partner when they become
actively involved in the decisions of the company.
• e.g. kind of Relationship exists between P&G and
Wal- Mart.
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Customer Relationship Management Building Customer Relationship Management
Ladder of Loyalty
• Relationship exists between P&G and Wal-Mart. Wal-Mart
shares the scanner data from its check out counters in its over
4500 stores through the satellite. It helps P&G plan its
production, better management of its production runs and keep
its inventories low as it no longer depends on sales forecast but
actual sales data. Wal-Mart gains as it does not have to keep
inventories, get faster replenishments.
• Relationship between FedEx and IBM where FedEx stocks
IBM’s spare parts in its own warehouses and delivers them
across the world on instructions from IBM’s service personnel.
Customer Relationship Management Building Customer Relationship Management
One of the biggest disadvantage of the financial bonds is that they can
be easily imitated. Also, it attracts a lot of price sensitive customers
who switch to a cheaper option at the first available opportunity.
Hence this is a weakest bonds. Unfortunately they the most commonly
used bonds across industries.
Customer Relationship Management Building Customer Relationship Management
• Mass Customization
- Providing tailored P/S with little additional effort & cost-
effective production and using communication technologies.
- At its special outlets, Levis gives customers the option to
buy jeans made to their own specifications.
Customer Relationship Management Building Customer Relationship Management
CRM Framework
In competitive markets even satisfied customer switch or
defect to competitive offers. Since loyal customers are
more profitable for any organization, there is a need to
identify better predictors of loyalty. Indicators of
relationship strength like trust, satisfaction & commitment
are better predictors of loyalty and by including these in
customer satisfaction surveys, managers can modify
service delivery with a focus on customer loyalty.
Customer Relationship Management Building Customer Relationship Management
CRM Framework
Prospect Customer Client Supporter Advocate Partner
Steps Initiation Development
Major Role Minor role
CRM Framework
• Switching is very common in the initial stages of a
relationship process.
• Initial interactions & experiences determine whether the
customer is willing to continue or not.
• In cellular service industry,the first two weeks were more
• In health fitness industry,clubs provide personal trainer
when the customer signs up. This is to encourage the
customer to start using the service. Subsequently the
customer is signed up for an extended period of time.
• This prevents switching at least in the short term.
Customer Relationship Management Building Customer Relationship Management
CRM Framework
• Satisfaction is a complex emotion, which depends on the
offer characteristics,expectations and usage situations.
• Customer are satisfied when the performance of P/S
matches or exceed their expectations.
• Satisfaction is an important intermediate step in
relationship building process and many of the
satisfied customers will become clients.
Customer Relationship Management Building Customer Relationship Management
CRM Framework
Customer Relationship Management Building Customer Relationship Management
CRM Framework
• Satisfaction over multiple interactions lead to a stage where
the customer begins to have faith in the offerings and its
consistency in performance.
• Trust is defined as the willingness to rely on an exchange
partner in whom one has confidence.
Customer Relationship Management Building Customer Relationship Management
CRM Framework
• The concept of trust is common among marketers in the
packaged goods industry which depends on trust to build
brand loyalty. Naill Fitzgerald, Chairman-Unilever,
suggested that:
CRM Framework
Customer Relationship Management Building Customer Relationship Management
CRM Framework
• Commitment to a relationship is defined as an enduring
desire to maintain a valued relationship.Therefore
commitment exists only when the relationship is considered
• Trust & commitments are key variables because they encourage
marketers to work at preserving the relationship investments
with partners/clients.
Customer Relationship Management Building Customer Relationship Management
CRM Framework
It can be operational using the two dimensions of:
1. Attitude towards interacting with each other, and
2. The formation of bonds. The bonds may be legal, planning,
knowledge, social, technical and structural in nature.
Customer Relationship Management Building Customer Relationship Management
CRM Framework
• Loyalty is not simply repeat buying.
• Loyalty includes future purchase intentions,
complaining and referral behavior (WOM).
• In terms of measurement of loyalty, typical questions would
refer to:
▪ Intention regarding next purchase
▪ The number and intensity of complaints
▪ Tendency to talk about suppliers to other clients
▪ Degree of desire to share positive experience
Customer Relationship Management Building Customer Relationship Management
CRM Framework
Conclusion: It must be kept in mind that all buyer-seller
relationship do not necessarily go through sequentially. In
some cases, clients may exhibit a lot of loyalty related
behavior when they are satisfied with the performance over
multiple interactions.
Customer Relationship Management Building Customer Relationship Management
Customer Defection
Why Customers Defect ?
Move Away
‘Other’ 3%
9% Perceived
69 %
14 %
Customer Relationship Management Building Customer Relationship Management