Sandstone Acidizing

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Schlumberger Private

Sandstone Acidizing
Constituents Of Sandstone
Secondary Cement:
Quartz Overgrowth


Schlumberger Private

Pore Filling Clays:

Kaolinite Pore Lining Clays:
Constituents Of Sandstone

Schlumberger Private
Migrating Clay: Kaolinite

Schlumberger Private
Swelling Clays: Smectite

Schlumberger Private
HCl Sensitive Clays: Zeolite

Schlumberger Private
Alumino Silicate Structure
(-) charged surfaces
attract cations
H+, Na+, K+, ...

Schlumberger Private

4 Al

4O +

4 Si

Alumino Silicate Structure

6O 6O

Schlumberger Private
4 Si 3 Si + 1 Al

4O + 2(OH) 4O + 2(OH)

4 Al 4 Al

4O + 2(OH) 4O + 2(OH)

4 Si 3 Si + 1 Al
6O 6O

Montmorillonite Muscovite
Minerals Composition

Quartz Quartz Si02

Orthocose Si3Al08K

Schlumberger Private

Feldspars Albite Si3Al03KNa

Plagioclase Si2-3Al1-203(Na,Ca)
Biotite (AlSi3010) K(Mg, Fe)3(0H)2

Micas Muscovite (AlSi3010) K(Al)20H) 2

Clays Kaolinite Al4(Si4 010)(0H)8

Illite Si4-cAlc 010 (0H)2KcAl2
Smectite (AlSi3 010)Mg5(Al,Fe)(0H)8
Mixed-Layer Kaolinite, Illite or Chlorite with
Formation Minerals
Minerals Composition
Carbonates Calcite CaC03
Dolomite Ca, Mg(C03)2

Schlumberger Private
Ankerite Ca,(Mg,Fe)(C03) 2
Siderite FeC03

Sulfates Gypsum CaS04·2H20

Anhydrite CaS04

Others Halite NaCl

Iron Oxides
Sandstone Minerals
 Surface Area and Solubility
Mineral Surface Area HCI HCI-HF

Schlumberger Private
Quartz Low No Very Low
Chert Low to Moderate No Low to Moderate
Feldspars Low to Moderate Very Low Low to Moderate
Micas Low Very Low Low to Moderate

Kaolinite High Low High

Illite High Low High
Smectite High Low High
Chlorite High Moderate High

Calcite Low to Moderate High High, but CaF 2

Dolomite Low to Moderate High Precipitation

Ankerite Low to Moderate High
Siderite Low to Moderate High High
Zeolite High High to Moderate High
Reaction Rate - Factors

Mineral Specific Area

Schlumberger Private
Quartz Few cm 2/g

Feldspar Few cm 2/g

Clays: Kaolinite 22 m2/g

Illite 113 m2/g
Smectite 82 m2/g
Mud Acids
• Hydrochloric / Hydrofluoric acid mixtures

Schlumberger Private
• Reacts with numerous sandstone minerals

• Complex reactions

• Precipitates
Kinetics of HCl Reaction
• Mass-Transfer-Limited qd = rs = kmt(Cb-Cs)

Schlumberger Private
H+ Cl- (CaCl2) + (CO2^) + (H20)


Kinetics of HF Reaction
• Surface-Reaction-Limited qs = rs = kjACm

H+ F- ,H+ F- ,H+ F- H+ F- ,H+ F- ,H+ F- H+ F- ,H+ F- ,H+ F- H+

F- ,H+ F- ,H+ F- H+ F- ,H+ F- ,H+ F- H+ F- ,H+ F- ,H+ F- H+

Schlumberger Private
F- ,H+ F- ,H+ F- H+ F- ,H+ F- ,H+ F- H+ F- ,H+ F- ,H+ F- H+
F- ,H+ F- ,H+ F- H+ F- ,H+ F- ,H+ F- H+ F- ,H+ F- ,H+ F- SiF4 + 2 H20

Real Rocks
System m kj P
Limestone/HCl 0.2 7x10 0.07

Schlumberger Private
0.63 9.4x10-5 0.005
Dolomite/HCl 0.44 1.25x10 4
0.5 3x10-8 13
Feldspar/HF 1 1.5x10-9 300
Quartz/HF 1 1.5x10-10 3000
Moving Front Reaction
• Mud acid homogeneously dissolves minerals
dissolved Rxn front Unreacted minerals

Schlumberger Private

Schlumberger Private
Reactant: HF HF, AlFx3-x, SiF6= AlFx3-x
Secondar Tertiary
y Reaction
Products: AlFx3-x AlFx3-x Al(OH)3, AlF
SiF6= Si(OH)4 Si(OH)4
pH 2.5 - 3
Reaction Precipitations
• Primary Reaction: HF + mineral + HCl  AlFx + H2SiF6
– Ca. Na, K create CaF2, alkali-fluosilicates and alkali fluoaluminates ppt.

• Secondary Reaction: H2SiF6 + mineral + HCl  silica gel + AlFx

Schlumberger Private
– Driving force is greater affinity of fluoride for aluminum
– Silica gel precipitation but slower than primary reaction

• Tertiary Reaction: AlFx + mineral  AlFy + silica gel; x > y

– Driving force is greater stability of AlF y

– Only occurs if all HCl is consumed but slower than secondary reaction
Matrix Fluid Selection Criteria
• Formation mineralogy • Permeability
– Sensitivity – Nature of damage
• Deconsolidation
– Mobility of induced
• Precipitation
• Fines release

Schlumberger Private
– Reactivity • Produced Fluids
• Chemical composition – Sludge / Emulsions
• Surface area – Gas wells
– Rock Structure
• Temperature
• HCl solubility / carbonates
– Corrosion
• Clay distribution
– Penetration
• Bottomhole pressure
FSA Basic Acid Selection (1)
Special Clays

NO NO NO Select Brine
Gross Sandstone >3% Chlorite > 0%
START Calcite > 2% Preflush
Lithology + Glauconite Zeolites
>= 20% Zeolites NO go to (2)

Select Acid
Carbonate go to (5) go to (6) Select Brine Preflush
Chlorite>0 NO Preflush go to (3)

Schlumberger Private
Glauconite>0 go to (2)

<=200F <=200F >300F Select Acid Select Mud

BHT YES BHT Preflush Acid
go to (3) go to (4)
<=300F >300F 200F<T <=300F
Select Mud
MSR 90 w/ MSR 100 w/ MSR 100 w/ OF 1= same
15% HCl or 15% HCl or 15% HCl or 10% HCl or Acid
28% HCl or 10% HCl or fluid as Acid PF
28% HCl HCl/Acetic 28% HCl HCl/Acetic HCl/Acetic go to (4)

BHT OF 2= same
OF 1= same
Silts include: END fluid as Acid PF fluid as Brine PF
END <=200F
Biotite 10% HCl 10% Acetic
Clays include: Acid OF 2= same END
all others fluid as Brine PF
Silts END
Calcite END
Dolomite Add 5% Acetic to
all fluids w/HCL END
FSA Brine Preflush/Overflush (2)

Calculate NH4Cl Concentration according to following


Schlumberger Private
Concentration = 3+ ((%Smectite +(%mixed layer*0.5))*0.3)+
((%Illite+(%mixed layter*0.5))*0.12)+(%Kaolinite*0.08)+
Round up to the nearest whole number.

*Use of this formula will give a preflush of 3% if none of the

above minerals is present. For example if the only clay present is
1% Zeolites, you would get 3% NH4Cl with 5% Acetic.
FSA Acid Preflush/Overflush (3)

Schlumberger Private
<10% silt &
<10% clays

>100 md Perm < 20 md

Test 10% HCl 5% HCl
< 20 md 20 - 100 md
>100 md

15% HCl 7.5% HCl 7.5% HCl

20 - 100 md

10% HCl
FSA Basic Mud Acid Selection (4)

<10% silt & <10% clays >10% silt & >10% Clays
Silt &

Schlumberger Private
other silt & clay
>100 md < 20 md

12% HCl >100 md < 20 md

6% HCl Perm
2% HF 1% HF Test
20 - 100 md
13.5% HCl
>100 md
Perm < 20 md 9% HCl 4.5% HCl
1.5% HF
Test 1.5% HF 0.5% HF

20 - 100 md
12% HCl 6% HCl 9% HCl
3% HF 20 - 100 md 1.5% HF 1% HF
8% HCl
2% HF
FSA Acid Selection w/Zeolites (5)
2 - 5% >2% > 5% Select Brine
Zeolites Preflush
go to (2)

10% Acetic
PF & OF1
Select Brine

Schlumberger Private
go to (2)
Zeolite minerals include: > 20 md Perm < 20 md
Analcime Test
Clinoptilolite <10% silt & >10% silt & <10% silt & >10% silt &
Hershelite <10% clays Silt & >10% clays <10% clays Silt & >10% clays
10% Acetic
Heulandite Clay Clay
PF & OF1
other silt other silt
& clay & clay
combo combo
10% Citric 10% Citric 10% Citric 10% Citric 10% Citric 10% Citric
2% HF 1.5% HF 1% HF 1.5% HF 1% HF 0.5% HF
> 20 md Perm < 20 md

<10% silt & >10% silt & <10% silt & >10% silt & OF 1= same OF 2= same
<10% clays Silt & >10% clays <10% clays Silt & >10% clays fluid as Acid PF fluid as Brine PF
Clay Clay
other silt other silt
& clay & clay
combo combo
8% HCl 9% HCl 9% HCl 6% HCl 6% HCl 4.5% HCl
2% HF 1.5% HF 1% HF 1.5% HF 1% HF 0.5% HF
10% Acetic 10% Acetic 10% Acetic 10% Acetic 10% Acetic 10% Acetic
FSA Acid Selection with Chlorite/Glauconite (6)
Select Brine Select Brine
3-6 % > 3% Chlorite >9%
Preflush Preflush
go to (2) + Glauconite
> 20 md go to Fig 3
Test < 20 md
>6-9 %
<10% silt & >10% silt & <10% silt & >10% silt &
<10% clays <10% clays >10% clays Select Brine 10% Acetic
Silt & >10% clays Silt &
Preflush PF & OF1
Clay Clay
go to (2)

Schlumberger Private
other silt & 7.5% HCl other silt &
7.5% HCl 5% HCl 5% HCl
5% Acetic clay combo 5% Acetic 5% Acetic clay combo 5% Acetic <10% silt & >10% silt &
PF & OF1 PF & OF1 PF & OF1 PF & OF1 <10% clays Silt & >10% clays
5% HCl
5% HCl Clay
5% Acetic
5% Acetic
PF & OF1 10% Acetic
PF & OF1
PF & OF1 other silt &
clay combo
8% HCl 9% HCl 9% HCl 6% HCl 6% HCl 4.5% HCl 9% Formic 9% Formic 9% Formic
2% HF 1.5% HF 1% HF 1.5% HF 1% HF 0.5% HF 1.5% HF 1% HF 0.5% HF
5% Acetic 5% Acetic 5% Acetic 5% Acetic 5% Acetic 5% Acetic

> 20 md Perm < 20 md

OF 2= same OF 1= same Test
fluid as Brine PF fluid as Acid PF
<10% silt & >10% silt & <10% silt & >10% silt &
<10% clays Silt & >10% clays <10% clays Silt & >10% clays
Clay Clay
& clay & clay
other silt combo
other silt combo
8% HCl 9% HCl 9% HCl 6% HCl 6% HCl 4.5% HCl
2% HF 1.5% HF 1% HF 1.5% HF 1% HF 0.5% HF
10% Acetic 10% Acetic 10% Acetic 10% Acetic 10% Acetic 10% Acetic
Sandstone Acidizing Fluid Stages

Schlumberger Private
Brine preflush
HCl (or
Organic displaces
Acid) brines containing
acid removes
away CaCO3
matrix tocations
matrix. from
the precipitation of CaF2.
the wellbore.

Sandstone Fluid Formulations
• Flush Fluids
– Preflush (HCl, Solvents and Brines)
– Overflush (Solvents, Brines and Nitrified Fluids,
Organic Acids)

Schlumberger Private
• Main Fluids
– HCl, MA, OMA, Clay Acids, OCA, U820
• Additives
– MSR, DAD, Clean-Sweep packages
– Inhibitors, Surfactants, Mutual Solvents
– Friction Pressure Reducers, Stabilizers and Control
Agents (Iron, Sludge, H2S)
Sandstone Acidizing rw rd
• Rule of thumb
– Best success rates:
kd ki
125-200 gal/ft « 4 ft

Schlumberger Private
– Use of Preflush and Small injection volumes
– Flowback as soon as

perm increase Large injection volumes

perm decrease
Flow Back
Stage description Fluid Volume Unit Pump Rate

Stage 1 Brine spacer 5% NH4Cl 5,0 m3 1.0m3/min

Stage 2 5%-5 HCl Preflush 5% HCl- 20,0 m3 1.0m3/min
w/10% U066 5%Acetic

Schlumberger Private
Stage 3 Brine spacer 5% NH4Cl 5,0 m3 1.0m3/min
Stage 4 Diesel Diesel 37,0 m3 1.0m3/min
Stage 5 Flowback
Stage 6 Produced gas gas until 180
Injection bar
Stage 7 Brine Preflush 5% NH4Cl 5,0 m3 1.0m3/min
Stage 8 5%-5 HCl 5% HCl- 10,0 m3 1.0m3/min
Preflush  + J285 5%Acetic
Stage 9 Main Treatment 9:1-5 MA 50,0 m3 1.0m3/min
9:1-5 Mud Acid
Stage 10 Brine Overflush 5% NH4Cl 5,0 m3 1.0m3/min
Flow Back
Stage description Fluid Volume Unit Pump Rate

Stage 11 Diesel displacement Diesel 65,0 m3 1.0m3/min

Stage 12 Flowback slowly

Schlumberger Private
Stage 13 Produced Gas Gas Untill
Injection 180 bar
Stage 14 Brine Preflush 5% NH4Cl 5,0 m3 1.0m3/min
Stage 15 5%-5 HCl Preflush+ 5%HCl-5% 10,0 m3 1.0m3/min
J285 brine Acetic
Stage 16 Main Treatment Full RCA 50,0 m3 1.0m3/min
strength Clay Acid
Stage 17 Brine spacer 5% NH4Cl 5,0 m3 1.0m3/min
Stage 18 Displace with Diesel Diesel 60,0 m3 1.0m3/min

Stage 19 Displace with Diesel/ Diesel 10,0 m3 0.3m3/min

Cycle DHSV
Stage 20 Shut in RCA at
perfs;  SIT: 6 hours
Diluted Flow Back Tubing Pickle
First Stage

Schlumberger Private
Flow Back

Flow Back
Last Stage

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