Unit 4

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Introduction to Internet of Things (IoT)
UNIT-4 Syllabus
 IoT with Cloud,
 Challenges,
 Selection of Cloud Service Provider for IoT

 Introduction to Fog Computing,
 Cloud Computing: Security Aspects, Case Study:

Streaming IoT Data to AWS/Google Cloud

what is cloud for IoT
 An IoT cloud is a massive network that supports
IoT devices and applications.

 This includes the underlying infrastructure,

servers and storage, needed for real-time
operations and processing.
How does cloud work with IoT?
Cloud Computing in IoT works as part of a
collaboration and is used to store IoT data.
 The Cloud is a centralised server containing

computer resources that can be accessed

whenever required.
 Cloud Computing is an easy travel method for

the large data packages generated by the IoT

through the Internet.
IoT examples in cloud computing

Example, an IoT device system like Google

Nest or Alexa can collect data on energy
usage of the house. Then, this system uses
cloud computing to analyze the gathered
data and make recommendations to the
homeowner on how to reduce energy
Benefits And Functions of IoT Cloud:
 IoT Cloud Computing provides many connectivity options,
implying large network access. People use a wide range of
devices to gain access to cloud computing resources:
mobile devices, tablets, laptops. This is convenient for
users but creates the problem of the need for network
access points.
 Developers can use IoT cloud computing on-demand. In
other words, it is a web service accessed without special
permission or any help. The only requirement is Internet
 Based on the request, users can scale the service according
to their needs. Fast and flexible means you can expand
storage space, edit software settings, and work with the
number of users. Due to this characteristic, it is possible to
provide deep computing power and storage.
Benefits And Functions of IoT Cloud:
 Cloud Computing implies the pooling of resources. It
influences increased collaboration and builds close
connections between users.
 As the number of IoT devices and automation in use
grows, security concerns emerge. Cloud solutions
provide companies with reliable authentication and
encryption protocols.
 Finally, IoT cloud computing is convenient because
you get exactly as much from the service as you pay.
This means that costs vary depending on use: the
provider measures your usage statistics. A growing
network of objects with IP addresses is needed to
connect to the Internet and exchange data between
the components of the network.
What are the different IoT cloud platforms?

 A company can implement an IoT cloud in three,

mutually-not-exclusive ways:

  IaaS (Infrastructure-as-a-Service)
 This is a cloud computing base, where enterprises
rent or lease servers for compute and storage in the
cloud. Amazon Web Services (AWS) is an example
of IaaS, allowing businesses to use its storage space,
computing tools, and analytical functionalities on a
pay-as-you-go basis.
 2. PaaS (Platform-as-a-Service)
A third-party developer provides the user with computing
platforms, allowing them to create a customized cloud
application tailored to their individual needs. Oracle Cloud
is an examples of PaaS, where it allows developers to
customize the functionalities for their already-existing
application through JavaScript language.
 3. SaaS (Software-as-a-Service)
This is when the user pays and gets access to a ready-to-
use application, without worrying about installation and/or
setup. Google Cloud is an example of SaaS, where,
through subscriptions, it allows enterprises to link their
IoT devices and store their data on its cloud.
IoT with Cloud- Challenges

 1 Privacy and Security

 2.Bandwidth cost
 3.Migration and portability
 4.Availability, Reliability and Robustness.
 5.Costing
 6.Data ownership
 7.Expertise
1. Privacy and Security

 Internet of Things privacy is the special

considerations required to protect the information
of individuals from exposure in the IoT
environment, in which almost any physical or
logical entity or object can be given a unique
identifier and the ability to communicate
autonomously over the Internet or similar
2.Bandwidth cost
3.Migration and portability

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