Module 3

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Module - III
Module – III
Lesson Plan
 L1: Distributed mutual exclusion algorithms – System model, Lamport’s algorithm
 L2: Ricart–Agrawala algorithm
 L3: Quorum-based mutual exclusion algorithms – Maekawa’s algorithm
 L4: Token-based algorithm – Suzuki–Kasami’s broadcast algorithm.
 L5: Deadlock detection in distributed systems – System model, Deadlock
handling strategies, Issues in deadlock detection.
 L6: Models of deadlocks
Distributed mutual exclusion algorithms
 Mutual exclusion is a fundamental problem in distributed computing systems.

 Mutual exclusion ensures that concurrent access of processes to a shared

resource or data is serialized, that is, executed in a mutually exclusive manner.

 Mutual exclusion in a distributed system states that only one process is

allowed to execute the critical section (CS) at any given time

 There are three basic approaches for implementing distributed mutual


1. Token-based approach.
2. Non-token-based approach
3. .Quorum-based approach.
Distributed mutual exclusion algorithms
 In the token-based approach, a unique token is shared among the sites.

 A site is allowed to enter its CS if it possesses the token and it continues to hold the token
until the execution of the CS is over.

 Mutual exclusion is ensured because the token is unique

 In the non-token-based approach, two or more successive rounds of messages are

exchanged among the sites to determine which site will enter the CS next.

 A site enters the critical section (CS) when an assertion, defined on its local variables,
becomes true.

 In the quorum-based approach, each site requests permission to execute the CS from a
subset of sites (called a quorum).

 The quorums are formed in such a way that when two sites concurrently request access to
the CS, at least one site receives both the requests and this site is responsible to make sure
that only one request executes the CS at any time.
Distributed mutual exclusion algorithms
 System model

 The system consists of N sites, S1, S2, , SN . Without loss of generality, we assume
that a single process is running on each site

 The process at site Si is denoted by pi.

 All these processes communicate asynchronously over an underlying

communication network.

 A process wishing to enter the CS requests all other or a subset of processes by

sending REQUEST messages, and waits for appropriate replies before entering the CS

 While waiting the process is not allowed to make further requests to enter the CS.

 A site can be in one of the following three states: requesting the CS, executing the
CS, or neither requesting nor executing the CS
Distributed mutual exclusion algorithms
 In the “requesting the CS” state, the site is blocked and cannot make further
requests for the CS.

 In the “idle” state, the site is executing outside the CS.

 In the token-based algorithms, a site can also be in a state where a site

holding the token is executing outside the CS.

 Such state is refereed to as the idle token state.

 At any instant, a site may have several pending requests for CS.

 A site queues up these requests and serves them one at a time.

Distributed mutual exclusion algorithms
 We do not make any assumption regarding communication channels if they are FIFO or not.

 This is algorithm specific. We assume that channels reliably deliver all messages, sites do not
crash, and the network does not get partitioned

Requirements of mutual exclusion algorithms

A mutual exclusion algorithm should satisfy the following properties:

1. Safety property:

The safety property states that at any instant, only one process can execute the critical section.

This is an essential property of a mutual exclusion algorithm.

2.Liveness property :

This property states the absence of deadlock and starvation.

Distributed mutual exclusion algorithms
Two or more sites should not endlessly wait for messages that will never arrive.

In addition, a site must not wait indefinitely to execute the CS while other sites
are repeatedly executing the CS.

That is, every requesting site should get an opportunity to execute the CS in finite

3. Fairness :

Fairness in the context of mutual exclusion means that each process gets a fair
chance to execute the CS.

In mutual exclusion algorithms, the fairness property generally means that the CS
execution requests are executed in order of their arrival in the system
Distributed mutual exclusion algorithms
Performance metrics

The performance of mutual exclusion algorithms is generally measured by the

following four metrics:

Message complexity : This is the number of messages that are required per CS
execution by a site

Synchronization delay : After a site leaves the CS, it is the time required and
before the next site enters the CS

Response time : This is the time interval a request waits for its CS execution to be
over after its request messages have been sent out
Distributed mutual exclusion algorithms
Performance metrics
Lamport’s algorithm
Lamport developed a distributed mutual exclusion algorithm as an illustration of
his clock synchronization scheme

The algorithm is fair in the sense that a request for CS are executed in the order
of their timestamps and time is determined by logical clocks.

When a site processes a request for the CS, it updates its local clock and assigns
the request a timestamp.

The algorithm executes CS requests in the increasing order of timestamps.

Every site Si keeps a queue, request_queuei, which contains mutual exclusion

requests ordered by their timestamps.

This algorithm requires communication channels to deliver messages in FIFO

Lamport’s algorithm
Ricart–Agrawala algorithm
 The Ricart–Agrawala algorithm assumes that the communication channels are

 The algorithm uses two types of messages: REQUEST and REPLY.

 A process sends a REQUEST message to all other processes to request their

permission to enter the critical section.

 A process sends a REPLY message to a process to give its permission to that


 Processes use Lamport-style logical clocks to assign a timestamp to critical

section requests.

 Timestamps are used to decide the priority of requests in case of conflict

Ricart–Agrawala algorithm
 if a process pi that is waiting to execute the critical section receives a
REQUEST message from process pj,

 then if the priority of pj’s request is lower, pi defers the REPLY to pj and sends
a REPLY message to pj only after executing the CS for its pending request.

 Otherwise, pi sends a REPLY message to pj immediately, provided it is

currently not executing the CS.

 Each process pi maintains the request-deferred array, RDi, the size of which is
the same as the number of processes in the system.

 Initially, ∀i ∀j: Rdi[j] = 0.

Ricart–Agrawala algorithm
Quorum-based mutual exclusion algorithms
 Quorum-based mutual exclusion algorithms respresented a departure from the
trend in the following two ways:

 A site does not request permission from all other sites, but only from a subset of
the sites.

 This is a radically different approach as compared to the Lamport and Ricart–

Agrawala algorithms, where all sites participate in conflict resolution of all other

 In quorum-based mutual exclusion algorithm, a site can send out only one REPLY
message at any time.

 A site can send a REPLY message only after it has received a RELEASE message for
the previous REPLY message.

 Therefore, a site Si locks all the sites in Ri in exclusive mode before executing its CS.
Quorum-based mutual exclusion algorithms
 Quorum-based mutual exclusion algorithms significantly reduce the message
complexity of invoking mutual exclusion by having sites ask permission from
only a subset of sites.

 Since these algorithms are based on the notion of “Coteries” and “Quorums,”
we first describe the idea of coteries and quorums.

 A coterie C is defined as a set of sets, where each set g ∈C is called a quorum.

The following properties hold for quorums in a coterie:

 Intersection property

 Minimality property

 Coteries and quorums can be used to develop algorithms to ensure mutual

exclusion in a distributed environment
Quorum-based mutual exclusion algorithms
 A simple protocol works as follows: let “a” be a site in quorum “A.”

 If “a” wants to invoke mutual exclusion, it requests permission from all sites
in its quorum “A.”

 Minimality property ensures efficiency

Maekawa’s algorithm
 Maekawa’s algorithm was the first quorum-based mutual exclusion algorithm.
 This algorithm requires delivery of messages to be in the order they are sent
between every pair of sites.
Token-based algorithms
 In token-based algorithms, a unique token is shared among the sites.

 A site is allowed to enter its CS if it possesses the token.

 A site holding the token can enter its CS repeatedly until it sends the token to
some other site.

 Depending upon the way a site carries out the search for the token, there are
numerous token-based algorithms

 token-based algorithms use sequence numbers instead of timestamps.

 Every request for the token contains a sequence number

Suzuki–Kasami’s broadcast algorithm
 In Suzuki–Kasami’s algorithm if a site that wants to enter the CS does not have
the token, it broadcasts a REQUEST message for the token to all other sites.

 A site that possesses the token sends it to the requesting site upon the
receipt of its REQUEST message.

 If a site receives a REQUEST message when it is executing the CS, it sends the
token only after it has completed the execution of the CS

 Although the basic idea underlying this algorithm may sound rather simple,
there are two design issues that must be efficiently addressed:

 1. How to distinguishing an outdated REQUEST message from a current

REQUEST message

 2. How to determine which site has an outstanding request for the CS

Suzuki–Kasami’s broadcast algorithm
Deadlock detection in distributed systems
 Deadlocks are a fundamental problem in distributed systems

 In distributed systems, a process may request resources in any order, which may
not be known a priori, and a process can request a resource while holding others.

 If the allocation sequence of process resources is not controlled in such

environments, deadlocks can occur.

 A deadlock can be defined as a condition where a set of processes request

resources that are held by other processes in the set.

 Deadlocks can be dealt with using any one of the following three strategies:
deadlock prevention, deadlock avoidance, and deadlock detection.

 Deadlock prevention is commonly achieved by either having a process acquire all

the needed resources simultaneously before it begins execution or by pre-
empting a process that holds the needed resource.
Deadlock detection in distributed systems
 In the deadlock avoidance approach to distributed systems, a resource is
granted to a process if the resulting global system is safe.

 Deadlock detection requires an examination of the status of the process–

resources interaction for the presence of a deadlock condition.

 To resolve the deadlock, we have to abort a deadlocked process.

System model

A distributed system consists of a set of processors that are connected by a

communication network.

The communication delay is finite but unpredictable.

A distributed program is composed of a set of n asynchronous processes P1, P2, , Pi,

, Pn that communicate by message passing over the communication network.
Deadlock detection in distributed systems
 Without loss of generality we assume that each process is running on a
different processor.

 The processors do not share a common global memory and communicate

solely by passing messages over the communication network.

 There is no physical global clock in the system to which processes have

instantaneous access.

 The communication medium may deliver messages out of order, messages

may be lost, garbled, or duplicated due to timeout and retransmission,
processors may fail, and communication links may go down.

 The system can be modeled as a directed graph in which vertices represent

the processes and edges represent unidirectional communication channels.
Deadlock detection in distributed systems
We make the following assumptions:

 The systems have only reusable resources.

 Processes are allowed to make only exclusive access to resources.
 There is only one copy of each resource.

 A process can be in two states, running or blocked. In the running state (also
called active state),

 a process has all the needed resources and is either executing or is ready for

 In the blocked state, a process is waiting to acquire some resource.

Deadlock detection in distributed systems
Wait-for graph (WFG)
 In distributed systems, the state of the system can be modeled by directed
graph, called a wait-for graph (WFG).
 In a WFG, nodes are processes and there is a directed edge from node P1 to
node P2 if P1 is blocked and is waiting for P2 to release some resource.
 A system is deadlocked if and only if there exists a directed cycle or knot in
the WFG
Deadlock detection in distributed systems
Deadlock handling strategies

There are three strategies for handling deadlocks,

 deadlock prevention,
 deadlock avoidance,
 deadlock detection.

Handling of deadlocks becomes highly complicated in distributed systems

because no site has accurate knowledge of the current state of the system and
because every inter-site communication involves a finite and unpredictable delay.

Deadlock prevention is commonly achieved either by having a process acquire

all the needed resources simultaneously before it begins executing or by pre-
empting a process that holds the needed resource.

This approach is highly inefficient and impractical in distributed systems.

Deadlock detection in distributed systems
In deadlock avoidance approach to distributed systems, a resource is granted to
a process if the resulting global system state is safe.

Due to several problems, however, deadlock avoidance is impractical in

distributed systems.

Deadlock detection requires an examination of the status of process– resource

interactions for the presence of cyclic wait.

Deadlock detection in distributed systems seems to be the best approach to

handle deadlocks in distributed systems.
Deadlock detection in distributed systems
Issues in deadlock detection

Deadlock handling using the approach of deadlock detection entails addressing

two basic issues:

 detection of existing deadlocks

 resolution of detected deadlocks.

Detection of deadlocks

Detection of deadlocks involves addressing two issues: maintenance of the WFG

and searching of the WFG for the presence of cycles

Since, in distributed systems, a cycle or knot may involve several sites, the search
for cycles greatly depends upon how the WFG of the system is represented across
the system.
Deadlock detection in distributed systems
Depending upon the way WFG information is maintained and the search for cycles is
carried out

Correctness criteria
A deadlock detection algorithm must satisfy the following two conditions:
1. Progress (no undetected deadlocks) : The algorithm must detect all existing
deadlocks in a finite time.
after all wait-for dependencies for a deadlock have formed, the algorithm should not
wait for any more events to occur to detect the deadlock

2. Safety (no false deadlocks) : The algorithm should not report deadlocks that do not
exist (called phantom or false deadlocks).

In distributed systems where there is no global memory and there is no global clock, it is
difficult to design a correct deadlock detection algorithm because sites may obtain an
out-of-date and inconsistent WFG of the system.

As a result, sites may detect a cycle that never existed

Deadlock detection in distributed systems
Resolution of a detected deadlock

Deadlock resolution involves breaking existing wait-for dependencies between

the processes to resolve the deadlock.

It involves rolling back one or more deadlocked processes and assigning their
resources to blocked processes so that they can resume execution
Deadlock detection in distributed systems
Models of deadlocks

Distributed systems allow many kinds of resource requests.

A process might require a single resource or a combination of resources for its execution

Models of deadlocks introduces a hierarchy of request models starting with very

restricted forms to the ones with no restrictions

1. The single-resource model

The single-resource model is the simplest resource model in a distributed system, where
a process can have at most one outstanding request for only one unit of a resource.

Since the maximum out-degree of a node in a WFG for the single resource model can be
1, the presence of a cycle in the WFG shall indicate that there is a deadlock
Deadlock detection in distributed systems
2. The AND model
 In the AND model, a process can request more than one resource
simultaneously and the request is satisfied only after all the requested
resources are granted to the process.

 The requested resources may exist at different locations.

 The out degree of a node in the WFG for AND model can be more than 1.

 The presence of a cycle in the WFG indicates a deadlock in the AND model.

3. The OR model

In the OR model, a process can make a request for numerous resources

simultaneously and the request is satisfied if any one of the requested resources
is granted.
Deadlock detection in distributed systems
The requested resources may exist at different locations.

If all requests in the WFG are OR requests, then the nodes are called OR nodes.

Presence of a cycle in the WFG of an OR model does not imply a deadlock in the OR

3. The AND-OR model

A generalization of the previous two models (OR model and AND model) is the AND-
OR model.

In the AND-OR model, a request may specify any combination of and and or in the
resource request.

For example, in the ANDOR model, a request for multiple resources can be of the
form x and (y or z).
Deadlock detection in distributed systems

Another form of the AND-OR model is the ( p q )model (called the P-out-of-Q
model), which allows a request to obtain any k available resources from a pool of
n resources.

Both the models are the same in expressive power.

model lends itself to a much more compact formation of a request

Every request in the model can be expressed in the AND-OR model and vice-versa
Deadlock detection in distributed systems
5. Unrestricted model

In the unrestricted model, no assumptions are made regarding the underlying

structure of resource requests.

Only one assumption that the deadlock is stable is made and hence it is the most
general model.

This model helps separate concerns: Concerns about properties of the problem
(stability and deadlock) are separated from underlying distributed systems
computations (e.g., message passing versus synchronous communication).

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