Compiled Pre Board 1
Compiled Pre Board 1
Compiled Pre Board 1
Professional Education
1. According to Sigmund Freud, there is a stage
wherein young boys experience a strong rivalry
with father for their mother’s affection. This
period is known as _______.
A. Oedipus Complex
B. Elektra Complex
C. Achilles Syndrome
D. Cassandra Syndrome
A.Rosenthal or Pygmalion
B.John Henry effect
C.Hawthorne effect
7. Teacher Lawrence scolded a pupil named Pewee
for not listening attentively. As a result, the whole
class paid attention to Teacher Lawrence. What
explains the phenomenon?
A. Evolutionistc. Culturalist
b. Creationist d. Progressivist
9. Among the following educators, who proposed
the placement of children in a “prepared
A. Thorndike C. Kilpatrick
B. Montessori D. Froebel
10. Gary a 3 yr. old boy lacks the ability to control
his bowel. He could be suffering from?
A. enuresis C. encopresis
B. analism D. anorexia nervosa
A. James Coleman
B. Lawrence Kohlberg
C. Erik Erikson
D. Sigmund Freud
12. Why are life stages important?
A. infancy
B. late adolescence
C. later adulthood
D. old age
20. Menopause: Aging
A. integrity is to autonomy
B. birth is to death
C. activity is to ageism
D. puberty is to adolescence
21. When a child manifests mutism, self-
destructive behavior, and echolalia, the child
might be showing the symptoms of
A. childhood autism
B. anorexia nervosa
D. Dyslexia
22. When a person’s moral choices are determined
by the direct consequences of actions, he is most
like in the stage of
A. pre-conventional
B. conventional
C. concrete
D. concrete post-conventional
23. Puberty is commonly considered
A. industry C. generatively
B. identity D. Initiative
26. A “crisis of urgency” and the “attainment of
stability” according to Gould are characteristics of
A.late adolescent
B.young adulthood
C.middle adulthood
D.the disengagement period
27. According to Kohlberg the correct order of
Moral Development is
A. Popularity C. Interpersonal
B. Congenial D. Intrapersonal
32. Teacher Harold brought a hamster in a class
during a lecture about mammals. The hamster is a
devise commonly known as a REALIA. Teacher
can bring Realia ONLY when ____.
A. available C. affordable
B. feasible D. Workable
33. When asked, students of Teacher Roel
described him as someone who knows what he is
talking about. Teacher Roel therefore exhibits a
power known as ____.
A. Legitimate Power
B. Expert Power
C. Referent Power
D. Reward Power
34. Teacher Emmanuel requires his students to
memorize the poem “Mi Ultimo Adios” but they
do not actually known the meaning of the poem.
This traditional technique which turns the student
into “tiny parrots” is exhibit when teachers use
a. during discussion
b. during debate
c. during reporting
d. during lecture
36. Students were required to stay and live
with a family of aetas in Zambales form week.
They will do this study the lifestyle of the
ethnic group and come up with a report about
the particular group. The teacher will most
probably rely on what technique?
A. Laboratory Technique
B. Practicum Technique C. Field
Study Technique
D. Apprenticeship Technique
37. Teacher Gary religiously records the
attendance of his students everyday. He
marks those who are tardy and absent in
this particular recording document known
as _______.
A. Affective
B. Psychomotor C. Cognitive
D. Metacognition
41. Teacher Edward invited several experts
to shed light on the topic of environmental
protection. Teacher Edward is using the
technique known as ________.
A. Symposium
B. Panel Discussion
C. Interview
D. Socialized Classroom
42. To show disapproval to the misbehavior
of the student, Teacher Charles clears his
throat and looks intently at the earring
student. This classroom management style is
commonly known as _______.
A. Proximity Control
B. Dropping of Name
C. Signal Interference D. Direct
43. Teacher Teresa would most likely end
her goal-oriented lesson by _________.
A. planning of activities
B. evaluation C.
identification of the topic
D. formulation of objectives
44. According to Krathwohl’s affective
domain of objectives, _______ is the lowest
level of affective behavior.
A. Valuing
B. Characterization
C. Responding
D. Organization
45. To show the social relations that exist
among the Fourth Year students of Matayog
Elementary School, the teacher can use
A. Johari Window
B. Sociogram
C. Group Dynamics
D. Counseling
A sociogram is a graphic representation
of social links that a person has. It is a graph
drawing that plots the structure of interpersonal
relations in a group situation
A. Fishbone Diagram
B. Venn Diagram C. Tree
D. KWL Chart
48. The students of teacher Corazon feels
that their teacher has an “eye behind her
head” this characteristics of the teacher is
known as
A. Referrent power
B. Withitness C. Pygmalion
D. Rosenthal Effect
49. Edward de Bono is famous fo this
instructional innovation ________.
A. Six Thinking Hat
B. Graphic Organizer
C. Understanding by Design
D. 7 Habits of Highly Effective
50. It refers to the science of developing a
plan to attain goal and to guard against
undesirable results.
A. Strategy of Teaching
B. Method of Teaching
C. Technique of Teaching
D. teaching device
51. Teachers should allow his or her
students to create the rules inside the
classroom to develop a sense of …
A. discipline
B. self-control C. leadership
D. Ownership
52.The teacher started her lesson about
“addition of similar fraction” by giving
general rule on how to add similar
fraction then eventually gives examples.
His teaching technique is known as…
A. inductive
B. deductive
C. transductive
D. Outlining
53-55 (Study the case below) Case 1
A. Case presentation
B. Deductive
C. Inductive
D. Picture aided
54. Looking at how she presented the lesson,
do you think the teacher presented the lesson
A. Add a discussion
B. Include a quiz
C. Start by a review
D. Show more picture
56. Which statement is not true about
A. It is announced
B. Possible question are given
C. Call a student before giving
D. It is a form of discussion
57. Using Bloom’s Taxonomy, the highest
among the following is.
A. Critical comprehension
B. Critical evaluation C.
D. Literal comprehension
58. Teacher Roger would like to present the
historical events that happened in the field
of education. Which among the following
would be of best help?
A. Cluster Map
B. Time Line C. Story Map
D. Affinity Chart
59. When choosing an instructional aid or
device, the primary condition of a teacher
would be _______.
A. cost
B. availability
C. efficiency
D. Suitability
60. Katrina shows strong interest in writing
personal journals and diaries. She does not
feel out even if she is mostly by himself in the
school. She is most likely intelligent in the
area of__.
A. spatial C. Intrapersonal
B. Verbal D. Interpersonal
61. Ms. Ortiz ranked no. 1 in March 2012 LET Exam.
Upon leaning this by the school where she had her
internship, she was offered immediately of a position
for the S.Y. 2012-2013. She gladly accepted this job
offering. She submitted all the documents required by
the school and just waited for the result of her
medical exam. A week before the orientation for the
newly hired teachers, the result of her medical exam
was released. She learned that she has tuberculosis.
Which of the following do you think should Ms. Ortiz
A. Hide her sickness from the Principal and
proceed to teach in the S.Y. 2012-2013.
B. Ask the examining doctor to give her medical
clearance so that she can teach and assure that
medication will continue.
C. Tell the Principal that she has changed her mind
and opted not to teach anymore.
D. Discuss her medical condition to the Principal
and defer to teach until she gets well do?
62. Mrs. Banaticla is a high school teacher known
for her integrity and credibility. In her community,
she was regarded as one of the leaders. All thru
out her career as a teacher, she is also a part of the
board of canvassers every time there is an election.
One time, she was asked by her nephew to
campaign for him in the forthcoming election for
he will run as a congressman. Should Mrs.
Banaticla campaign her nephew?.
A. Yes, there is no reason why she can’t do this
since blood is thicker than water.
B. Yes, she will be campaigning for her nephew
and will do it discretely.
C. No, she hates her nephew and it’s time to get
D. No, she knows that it is against her principle as
a teacher and this might put her credibility as a
teacher at risk.
63. Jonathan San Diego, son of the Principal of
Mapagpala Elementary School is running as a
Mayor in their town. It is Ethical for Principal
Diego to vote for his son during the election?
A. Yes, it is constitutional right of Principal
Diego to vote.
B. Yes, his vote is additional point for his son.
C. No, out of delicadeza, he should refrain for
voting since his son is a candidate.
D. No, he has no right to vote.
64. Ms. Conception is a public school teacher for 35
years. Every time she was asked by her principal to
attend a seminar, she refused and requested that the
new teacher be the one to take her slot. Is this correct?
A. Yes, Mrs. Conception had enough of this seminar.
B. Yes, Mrs. Conception is about to retire and these
seminar will have no longer use for her.
C. No, Mrs. Conception should take every
opportunity to attend a seminar for her own
professional growth.
D. No, Mrs. Conception has a prerogative to what
seminar she well attend
65. Teacher Allyce doesn’t like Maria, her student
who is expected to graduate as class valedictorian. In
this regard, she is so impartial to her and give her low
marks in recitation and project. Is this correct?
preschool, primary, elementary, secondary, and tertiary levels whether
academic, vocational, special, technical, or non-formal.
b. All Public school teachers in all educational institutions at the
preschool, primary, elementary, secondary, and tertiary levels whether
academic, vocational, special, technical, or non-formal.
c. All Public and Private school teachers in all educational
institutions at the preschool, primary, elementary, secondary, and
tertiary levels whether academic, vocational, special, technical, or non-
d. All Public and Private school teachers in all educational
institutions at the preschool, primary, elementary, secondary, and
tertiary levels whether academic, vocational, special, technical, or non-
67. Which of the following is a mark of a
good teacher?
a. Insight
b. Competence
c. Communication
d. Compromise
69. “Life is what you make it” exemplifies best
what _________ is:
a. Existentialism
b. Humanism
c. Progressivism
d. Essentialism
70. Mr. De Guzman is regarded as the best teacher in their school.
He is known not only because he teaches well but also because of
his integrity and credibility. In addition, he is also an adviser in
their barangay. Without the knowledge of everyone he is
consistently attending the cockfight in his adjacent town every
other day. He is also known of betting a big amount of money in
every game. Can he continue doing this considering his profession
as a teacher?
a. Yes, this activity is not affecting his work as a teacher.
b. Yes, this activity is being funded by his own money.
c. No, this activity will not merit him reasonable social
d. No, this activity may lead him to financial loss and
71. What do you think would be the action of a
teacher who found out and has proven that his
principal is involved in the malversation of funds of
their school?
a. Malign her through an anonymous letter
b. Circulate this issue and let it become a
c. Present the charge to a competent authority
d. Ignore what the teacher has discovered
about this action of the principal
72. After listening to the homily of the Priest
about fidelity, Catherine has a moment of
reflection. Her understanding of the value of
fidelity has become deeper as she related this to
her past experience. This typifies what kind of
a. Constructivism
b. Reconstructivism
c. Humanism
d. Existentialism
73. Teacher Riean is a new teacher. She realize
that handling her student’s misbehavior is a very
demanding aspect of classroom management. In
this regard, she thought of giving up teaching.
What advice can you give her?
a. Agree with the class on what rules to follow
b. Report every student’s misbehavior to the
c. Set the ground rules for the whole class
d. None of the above
74. If a teacher is an advocate of “banking
concept in education”, he or she viewed
student as?
a. Clear account to be filled up by the
b. Dormant account to be activated by the
c. Wobble account to be balance by the
d. All of the above
75. Teacher Carol is a neophyte teacher. One time a
mother of one of her students confronted her and
maligned her in front of her colleagues. How should
Teacher Carol react on this kind of situation?
a. Walk away and ignore the mother
b. Answer back the mother and malign he too
c. Allow the mother to keep on maligning her until it’s
her turn to do the same
d. Wait until the emotion of the mother subsides and
invite her to discuss the concern with the principal or
guidance councilor
76. During the distribution of the report card,
which of the following must be the foremost of a
a. Discuss the project of the school
b. Discuss the progress as well as the
deficiencies of the student
c. discuss the unsettled bill of the students
d. Discuss the complaints of other teachers
and classmates of the students
77. Which of the following would best describe
the role of the schools?
a. To educate the citizens
b. To fit the citizens into the society
c. To educate the citizens to change
the society
d. All of the above
78. Which of the following is the political
purpose of the school?
a. To teach the basic cognitive skills
b. To foster patriotism and loyalty to the
existing political order
c. To familiarize every citizen of their
various function in the society
d. To prepare every citizen for the world
of work.
79. How you classify the purpose of the school
as if concern with the training and preparation
of citizen for the world of work?
a. Political Purposes
b. Cognitive Purposes c. Economic
d. Social Purposes
80. Which of the following will best describe the
purpose of holistic education?
a. Constructivism
b. Perennialism c.
d. Humanism
85. Principal Lourdes ask the assistance of teacher Elvie to
prepare the report to be presented to the District Supervisor.
After the presentation, the District Supervisor commended her
for the excellent report. She even asked her to print the materials
for the distribution to other principals. In the printed work,
principal Lourdes did not even acknowledge teacher Elvie. Is this
morally correct?
a. Yes, the principal has all the right to decide who to
b. Yes, the principal knows that teacher Elvie is afraid of
her and will not complaint.
c. Yes, the principal must impress her district
supervisor and hide the truth that it is not her alone who
prepared the report
d. None of the choices is correct
86. During the class reunion of teacher Eloisa, she
learned that most of her classmates are successful in
their fields. Also, she found out that most of them are
wealthy because they have chosen a lucrative profession.
Confronted with this situation, how should teacher
Eloisa react?
a. Hide to those who asked her real profession
b. Leave the event so as to avoid being asked
on her profession
c. Tell with pride that she is a teacher by
d. Answer not their question concerning her
87. Which of the following pillar of education
is vital in the building of genuine and lasting
culture of peace in the world?
a. Learning to know
b. Learning to do c. Learning to
live together
d. Learning to be
88. Which of the following pillar of
education is dominant in the report of Edgar
Faure’s report concerning the development
of man’s complete dimension?
a. Learning to know
b. Learning to do c. Learning
to live together
d. Learning to be
89. Ms. Valenzuela is always guarded by the
principal that she has a foremost responsibility
as a teacher. Given the following, which do you
think is the main responsibility of Ms.
a. Shares responsibility in counseling
b. Guides students in learning process
c. Inspires students through
interesting lessons
d. Ask challenging questions
90. What practice(s) will demonstrate the
teacher’s genuine concern in the learning of
a. Confer progress of students to their
b. Guides students to meet their
learning goals
c. Validates if learning goals were meet
d. All of the above
91. Which of the computer-based
instructional tool can help you revise written
work such as short stories and essays?
a. Word processing
b. Spreadsheet
c. Database
d. Desktop publishing
92. With a use of computer aided software,
which can be used to organized information
about trees and planets?
a. Word processing
b. Spreadsheet c. Database
d. Desktop publishing
93. A document published by the school
district that identifies rules of behavior that
must be followed by anyone using the school
district computers, network, or internet
a. Classroom rules
b. Acceptable use policy c. Fair
d. Ethical internet use policy
94. Mrs. Sulit is a seasoned teacher. She has been in
the service longer than anyone else in her
department. However, she is also the first person to
resist in media utilization in the classroom and
found out to be technophobic. What is she afraid of?
a. Fear in the use of technology due to limited
exposure to new ideas and new equipment
b. Fear of computers, laptops, PDA
c. Fear of being changed by computers
d. Fear of electrical circuits
95. Teacher is the best visual aid. What does the
statement mean?
a. Filmstrip
b. Opaque projector
c. Overhead projector
d. Slides
99.“Technology is not a PANACEA. “What does
this statement mean?
a. Technology is the answer to all the
problems of the teachers
b. Technology is not a “cure-all” tool for the
c. Technology will not always be a remedy in
the learning process of the student
d. Technology is not an important factor in the
teaching and learning process
100. Teacher Lawrence likes to show a close
presentation of the size and shape of the earth
and its location in the entire solar system. What
is the best instructional aid?
a. Picture c. Realia
b. Model d. Film
101. Mrs. Alcoriza dreams to organize a seminar
with a known poet from another country but she
cannot afford to spend for the transportation of
the said poet. Which of the following she can use
so she won’t need to spend much?
a. instant messaging
b. video conferencing c.
distance communication
d. Podcasting
102. Teacher Jenny wants her students to express
their opinions regarding a certain government
issue. Which of the following can she use to this?
a. forum
b. blog
c. email
d. group messaging system
103.A student of Ms. Weng wants to clarify
something regarding the project` she gave them.
Which of the following is the fastest way that the
student can use to send her the message if she is
not online?
a. email the message
b. post the message in the blog
c. use instant messaging on social
network sites
d. wait until you meet the teacher
104. Ms. Charlin will be absent for two days because
of national conference. She wants her students to
work on a certain module. What is the fastest way in
sending the module to her students while she is
a. email a module to her student
b. share it to all her students in her live
c. send the module through group instant
d. message each of the students on social
network site
105. Teacher Rubie wants her students to learn more
English. Specifically she wants the students to
improve the listening skills. She has a CD player,
tape recorder and an internet connection. Which of
the following is best for her students?
a. CD’s with English listening drills
b. Tapes with English listening drills
c. Internet websites such as
Go4English, English language listening lab
d. All of the above
106. Curriculum is defined as the total learning
experiences of the children in school. Which part
of the curriculum will assure these experiences?
a. Curriculum plan
b. Curriculum implementation
c. Curriculum evaluation
d. Curriculum assessment
107. Which of the following is NOT the aim of Elementary Education
under the Education Act of 1982?
a. Provide knowledge and develop skills, attitudes, values
essential to personal development and necessary for living in and
contributing to a developing and changing world.
b. Provide learning experiences which increase the child’s
awareness of and responsiveness to the changes in society.
c. Promote and intensify knowledge, identification with and love
for the nation and the people to which develop orientation to the world
of work and prepare the learner to engage in honest and gainful work.
d. Discover and enhance the different aptitudes and interest of
students in order to equip them with skills for productive endeavor and
to prepare them from tertiary level.
108. In the basic Education Curriculum in 2002,
MAKABAYAN was envisioned to be?
a. The laboratory of life
b. The history of life c. The
combined subject
d. The tool for the 21st century
109. Which of the following choices is considered
as social force that affects the school and
a. learner’s styles
b. changes in gender roles c. nature of
d. learners’ characteristics
110. Every curriculum has this dimension. This is
both unplanned and implicit but its instructional
effects are often evident in the students’ behavior,
values and dispositions. This dimension is
referred to as _______.
a. social curriculum
b. instructional curriculum c.
institutional curriculum
d. hidden curriculum
111. Dr. Sison, the provincial hospital director,
plans to attend a school board meeting where a
new high school science curriculum will be
discussed. Which level of curriculum is shown in
this situation?
a. experiential
b. instructional c. institutional
d. Societal
112. On weekends, Mrs. Jungco asks her two
children on different grade levels what they
learned in school on that week. Which level of
curriculum does Mrs. Jungco practice?
a. institutional
b. experiential c. societal
d. Instructional
113. The rationale of the K+12 program of the Department of
Education are the following EXCEPT:
a. The quality of education is reflected in the inadequate
preparation of high school graduates for the world of work or
entrepreneurship or higher education.
b. The poor quality of basic education is reflected in the
low achievement scores of Filipino students including
international test results.
c. To be the same as other countries in terms of number
of years in the basic education.
d. The congested curriculum partly explain the present
state of education
114. When instruction in the curriculum focuses
on the mastery of the content and the evaluation
that follows measures only the knowledge
learned, such curriculum design is
a. Learning experiences
b. Testing of knowledge
c. Desired results
d. Teaching strategies
116. Which educational philosophy focuses on the
role of curriculum as a means in remarking
society and rebuilding culture?
a. Perennialism
b. Progressivism
c. Existentialism
d. Reconstructionism
117.Ms. Jean is a member of the curriculum
committee on a private school in Bulacan. What
educational philosophy does she consider if her
major concern is to give the child’s freedom to
choose what to learn and believe, as she allow them
to set their own identities and standards. What
philosophy will you consider?
a. Existentialism
b. Realism c. Idealism
d. Pragmatism
118. When certain topics are presented in the
elementary in a manner appropriate for grade
schoolers, and the same topic is tackle in the high
school, but on a much deeper level, this referred
to as a
a. Discovery learning
b. Classified curriculum c. Spiral
d. Symbolic learning
119. Which important element must the phrases
of Curriculum Development consider according
to Ralph Tyler?
I. Learners
II. Society
III. Environment
IV. Subject Matter
a. I, II and IV
b. I, III and IV c. II, III and
d. I, II and III
120. Who are considered community-based
stakeholders in curriculum development?
a. Government officials
b. Civic groups c. School
d. Industry groups
121. Teacher Ryan conducted a short quiz after
discussing the topic “Item Analysis,” to get
feedback on how much the students learned
which may not be used for grading purposes is
classified as a _______.
a. Placement assessment
b. Summative assessment
c. Formative assessment
d. Diagnostic assessment
122. The criterion of success of Teacher RC in his lesson
is that “the student must be able to get 85% of the test
items correctly”. Luis and 29 other students in the class
answered only 33 out of 40 items correctly. This means
that Teacher RC ________.
a. attain his lesson objective because of his
effective problem solving drills.
b. did not attain his lesson objective because his
students lack of attention.
c. attained his lesson objective.
d. did not attain his lesson objective as far as the
30 students are concerned
123. To increase the difficulty of multiple-choice
test item, which of the following should be done?
a. Below average
b. Average
c. Above average
d. Outstanding
130. Teacher G discovered that his students are
weak in grammar. Which assessment procedure
should teacher G administer to further
determine which other skills his students are
a. Placement assessment
b. Diagnostic assessment c.
Summative assessment
d. Formative assessment
131. A portfolio requires a presentation of a
collection of student’s work. What is the purpose
of the said activity?
I. To showcase the current abilities and skills
of the learners
II. To show growth and development of the
III. To evaluate the cumulative achievement of
the learners
a. I, II, III c. I, III
b. I, II d. II, III
132. Jay R’s raw score in Mathematics class is 94
which is equal to 97th percentile. What does this
a. 97% of Jay R’s classmates got a score
higher than 94.
b. 97% of Jay R’s classmates got a score
lower than 94.
c. Jay R’s score is less than 97% of his
d. Jay R is higher than 97% of his
133. The discrimination index of a test item is 0.35. what
does this mean?
a. More students in lower group got the item
correctly than those students in the upper group.
b. More students in upper group got the item
correctly than those students in the lower group.
c. The number of students in the lower group and
upper group who got the item correctly are equal.
d. More students from the upper group got the item
• Index of Discrimination
0.00-0.19= Reject
0.20-0.39= Revise
0.40-above= Retain
• Difficulty Index
0.00-0.20= Very Difficult
0.21-0.80= Moderately Difficult
0.81-1.00= Very Easy
134. Which of the following statement/s/are
important in developing scoring rubrics?
I. Description of each criterion to serves as
II. Very clear descriptions of performance in
each level
III. Rating scale
IV. Master levels of achievement
a. I only
b. I and II c. I, II, III
d. I, II, III, IV
135. Which of the following statement best
describes norm-referenced interpretation?
a. BJ performed better in Mathematics than
85% of his classmates
b. BJ was able to get 60% of the items
c. BJ got 40 items correctly out of 50 items
d. BJ was able to answer his test in 45 minutes
136. Teacher DJ wants to test her student’s
ability to formulate ideas, which type of test
should she formulate?
a. Completion type
b. Matching type c. Multiple-
choice answer
d. Essay
137. Teacher BJ wrote about Ryan;” When Ryan came
to class this morning, he seemed very tired and slouched
into his seat. He took no part in his class discussion and
seemed to have no interest in what was being discussed.
This was unusual for he has been eager to participate
and often monopolize the class discussion. What teacher
BJ wrote is an example of a/an ______.
a. anecdotal report
b. observation report c. personality
d. incidence report
138. Teacher Louis found out that more from the
lower group got item #16 correctly in his item
analysis. This means that the test item has
a. negative discriminating power
b. low validity c. positive
discriminating power
d. high reliability
139. What is the meaning of TOS in the parlance
of test construction?
a. Table of Specifies
b. Table of Specification c. Table
of Specific Test
d. Table of Subject
140. Which statement best describe a negative
skewed score distribution?
a. frequencies
b. two means only c. median
d. three or more means
144. Teacher Ryan Christopher gave a
summative test. In which competency did his
students find the greatest difficulty? In the item
with a difficulty index of _______.
a. 0.09
b. 1.0
c. 0.75
d. 0.45
• Index of Discrimination
0.00-0.19= Reject
0.20-0.39= Revise
0.40-above= Retain
• Difficulty Index
0.00-0.20= Very Difficult
0.21-0.80= Moderately Difficult
0.81-1.00= Very Easy
145. Teacher Kristy conducted an item analysis
in her Chapter examination, she found out that
the difficulty index of item 20 is 0.45 and the
discrimination index is 0.31. what should the
teacher do with this item?
a. reject item
b. retain the item c. revise the
d. make the item bonus
subject Ritz Means Standard
Glenn’s Score deviation(
Score s)
Math 90 85 1.5
English 95 97 2.0
PEHM 94 92 1.75
146. In which subject/s did Ritz
performed well?
a. Math
b. Math and English c.
147. What type of learner is Ritz Glenn?