Inter'Medic CKD
Inter'Medic CKD
Inter'Medic CKD
Chronic Kidney Disease: Introduction
0 >90a
1 90b
2 60–89
3 30–59
4 15–29
5 <15
CKD – Introduction…
Estimated GFR (mL/min per 1.73 m2) = 1.86 x (PCr)–1.154 x (age)–0. 203
Multiply by 0.742 for women
Multiply by 1.21 for African Americans
2. Cockcroft-Gault equation
Hypertensive nephropathy
Primary glomerulopathy with hypertension
Vascular and ischemic renal disease
Elevated levels of C-reactive protein are detected along with other acute-phase
reactants, while levels of so-called negative acute-phase reactants, such as
albumin , decline even in nonproteinuric kidney disease.
As long as water intake does not exceed the capacity for water
clearance, the ECFV expansion will be isotonic and the patient will
have a normal plasma Na concentration and effective osmolality .
Thiazide diuretics have limited utility in stages 3–5 CKD, such that
administration of loop diuretics may also be needed.
Sodium and Water Homeostasis in CKD…
Resistance to loop diuretics in renal failure often mandates use of higher doses
Diuretic resistance with intractable edema and HTN in advanced CKD may
serve as an indication to initiate dialysis.
Some patients with CKD may have impaired renal conservation of sodium and
In this setting, cautious volume repletion may return the ECFV to normal and
restore renal function to baseline.
Potassium Homeostasis in CKD
Symptoms and overt signs of kidney disease are often subtle or absent until
Hx of diabetes mellitus
A careful drug history should be elicited.
Physical examination
In the patient with bilaterally small kidneys, renal biopsy is not advised
(2) there is usually so much scarring that the underlying disease may not be
apparent, and
Norm chromic, normocytic anemia suggests that the process has been ongoing
for some time.
The finding of bilaterally reduced kidney size (<8.5 cm) favors CKD.
Renal biopsy can usually be performed in early CKD (stages 1–3)
In the absence of a clinical diagnosis, renal biopsy may be the only recourse to
establish an etiology in early-stage CKD
Treatment: Chronic Kidney Disease
The optimal timing of both specific and nonspecific Rxy is well before there has
been a measurable decline in GFR and certainly before CKD is established
It is helpful to sequentially measure and plot the rate of decline of GFR in all
These include ECFV depletion, uncontrolled HTN, UTI , new obstructive uropathy,
exposure to nephrotoxic agents , & flare of the original disease, such as lupus or
Slowing the Progression of CKD
Thus, the more effective a given Rx is in lowering protein excretion, the greater the
impact on protection from decline in GFR.
This observation is the basis for the Rx guideline establishing 125/75 mmHg as the
target BP in proteinuric CKD patients.
ACE inhibitors and ARBs inhibit the angiotensin-induced
vasoconstriction of the efferent arterioles of the glomerular
As the GFR decreases with progressive nephropathy, the use and dose
of oral hypoglycemics needs to be reevaluated.
Protein Restriction
Protein restriction has been advocated to reduce symptoms of uremia.
A daily protein intake of b/n 0.60 and 0.75 g/kg per day is recommended ,
depending upon patient adherence, co morbid disease, presence of proteinuria,
and nutritional status.
It is advised that at least 50% of the protein intake be of high biologic value.
As patients approach stage 5 CKD, spontaneous protein intake tends to
decrease, and patients may enter a state of protein-energy malnutrition.