Week 3

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College of electronics technology

________Baniwalid _______

High level conceptual model, Entity-

Relationship model

Week 3
Mustafa Abuali spring 2017

 Entities
 Attributes
 Relationship
 Entity Types
 Attributes Types
ER Model concepts

- Entities and Attributes.

Entities:- are specific persons , places ,events ,and objects or things in the mini-world
which the user needs to keep data ,that are represented in the database.
-Might be out of the organization .


ER Model concepts

Attribute:- are properties used to describe an entity.

# For example an EMPLOYEE entity may have the attributes

ER Model concepts

Relationships:- relates two or more distinct entities with a specific meaning.

For example, EMPLOYEE Ahmed works on the PROJECTX,

EMPLOYEE ALI manages the Research DEPARTMENT.
Types of Attributes (1)

Each entity has a single atomic value for the attribute.
For example, SSN or Sex.
Types of Attributes (2)


The attribute may be composed of several components.

For example:
Address(Apt#, House#, Street, City, State, ZipCode, Country), or
Name(FirstName, MiddleName, LastName).
Composition may form a hierarchy where some components are themselves
Types of Attributes (3)

3- Multi-valued
An entity may have multiple values for that attribute.
For example, Color of a CAR or PreviousDegrees of a STUDENT.
Denoted as {Color} or {PreviousDegrees}.
Types of Attributes (3)

4-Derived attribute:-
is an attribute whose value is calculated (derived) from other attributes. The derived
attribute need not be physically stored within the database; instead, it can be derived by
using an algorithm. For example, an employee’s age, EMP_AGE, may be found by
computing the integer value of the difference between the current date and the birth date
ofthe employee.
Key Attributes (1)

 An attribute of an entity type for which each entity must have a

unique value is called a key attribute of the entity type.
 For example, SSN of EMPLOYEE.
 For example, ID of STUDENT.
 For example, CODE of COURSE.
Key Attributes (1)

 A key attribute may be composite.

 VehicleTagNumber is a key of the CAR entity type with components
(Number, State).
 Office number (OFNumber,BulNumber)

 Each key is underlined

Relationship Types (1)

Relationship instances
In the mini-world represented by figure below employees e1, e2, e3 and e6 work for
department d1, e2 and e4 works for d2 and e5 and e7 work for d3.
Relationship types

 1-Binary Relationship .

for example (EMP _____ DEP).

 2-Ternary Relationship.

for example (suppliers ____ Parts____ projects).

 3-Recursive Relationship.

for example (EMPLOYEE ___ itself ).

Cardinality of relationship Constraints

1- One –to– One .

each entity in the relationship will have exactly one related entity .

2-One –to- Many .

An entity on one side of relationship can have many related entities but an
entity on the other side will have a maximum of one related entity .

3-Many –to- Many.

Entities on both side of relationship have related entities on the other side .
Participation Constraint

 1- Partial
 2- Total

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