Presented By:: Aastha Garg Akanksha Malhotra Manasvi Singh Mayank Kapoor Mohit Bhambri Pankul Ashok Parv Bansal
Presented By:: Aastha Garg Akanksha Malhotra Manasvi Singh Mayank Kapoor Mohit Bhambri Pankul Ashok Parv Bansal
Presented By:: Aastha Garg Akanksha Malhotra Manasvi Singh Mayank Kapoor Mohit Bhambri Pankul Ashok Parv Bansal
A scientific technique concerned with: Acquisition Control and use of materials needed flow of goods and services ,connected with production process having some predetermined objectives in view.
there in a car? 14000 Do you know the no. of parts in a Boeing 747? 6 million
you receive raw materials until you ship the end product to your customers.
and increase the quantity and accuracy of shipments with a mobile solution.
Source :
) Low Prices
) Continuity of supply
) Consistency of Quality
SECONDARY OBJECTIVES a) Favorable reciprocal relations b) New material and products c) Economic make-or-buy or outsourcing d) Standardization e) Product improvement f) Forecast
Have details materials on hand when needed Pay the lowest possible prices, consistent with quality and value requirement for purchases materials Minimize the inventory investment Operate efficiently
Purchasing Production House Central Service of supply Warehouses Mini stores/Retail Outlets Product Design
Image Scanner
RFID Computer
Barcode Reader
Records of :
Maintenance & repairs Preventive maintenance Master maintenance plan Materials / spares used Starting and Expiry date
Verify records History sheet of equipment Log book of maintenance & repairs Performance record of equipment Put up in proper form & to the proper authority
Expenditure of Indian Railways on operation, maintenance and production, etc. is around 11,000 crores
37% stores for operation, repairs and maintenance, 2% stores for construction, 38% stores for manufacture of rolling stock.
Indian Railways has 215 stores depots spread all over stocking 2.8 lacs item, are the main hubs of inventory holding.
putting all purchase activities on the internet, wherein issue of tenders, receipt of bids, issue of contracts etc. would be done online.
transparency and improve efficiency by way of reduced procurement time cycle and expeditious payment to suppliers.
Integrated Computerized System for Stores Department of Indian Railways and has been developed using
Purchase Module Finance Module Depot Module Sales and Auction Module
Provide more value and better service to its customers, Boeing developed a website on the World Wide Web to give customers direct access to its extensive part information and ordering system. Customers can order parts and view part information through the award winning Boeing PART Page website (Part Analysis & Requirement Tracking). Through the Boeing PART Page, current data such as part inventories, prices, part interchangeability, quotes and purchase order status are at your fingertips. The system is simple and accessible to any authorized
Public Enterprise under the Department of Atomic Energy established with the purpose of supporting Indias Nuclear Power Programme and help the country achieve self-reliance in professional electronics.
characterised by intense competition from both the MNCs and private sector.
The impact of the globalisation process and the
sanctions in the wake of Pokhran-11 experiments have brought the company to the brink of sickness in 1998-99.
All the processes involved in Integrated Materials Management were fully computerized for speedy disposal of material requisitions, resulting in substantial reductions in lead times across various operations. These simple initiatives were implemented effectively resulting in incredible results that culminated in the historic turnaround of the company that brought wide recognition and national awards Source: SCOPE management.htm award for Outstanding Performance and Contribution
BETWEEN 1998-99 and 2002-03 Turnover shot from Rs. 250 crore to Rs. 1000 crore Profitability reversed from a loss of Rs. 60 crore to a profit of 130 crore Networth increased from Rs. 7 crore to Rs. 309 crore
Loans outstanding and Statutory Outstanding became nil Inventory levels and Sundry Debtors demonstrated efficient Working Capital Management
BETWEEN 1998-99 and 2002-03 Substantial cost reductions were realised through negotiations and improved quality levels across various processes Procurement lead times reduced substantially from about 60 days to 30 days Customer Satisfaction Index improved phenominaly from 66% to 95%
MATERIAL MANAGEMENT Procedures Materials management by A.K. Chitale & R.C. Gupta