Factor Rating and COG

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Facility Location

Factor-Rating Method

1. Develop a list of relevant factors.

2. Assign a weight to each factor reflecting its relative
importance to the firm.
3. Develop a rating scale for the factors.
4. Score each location on each factor based on the scale.
5. Multiply the scores by the weights for each factor and
total the weighted scores for each location.
6. Make a recommendation based on the maximum point
Factor Rating Example
Center-of-Gravity Method

1. Place the locations to be supported on a

coordinate system (like a graph).
2. Calculate the center of gravity:

X  coordinate 
 lx i i
Ycg  coordinate 
 ly
i i

 l
l i i
xi = x-coordinate of location i.
yi = y-coordinate of location i.
li = quantity (load) of goods moved to/from location
Center-of-Gravity Method
• This approach requires that the analyst find the center
of gravity of the geographic area being considered

Computing the Center of Gravity for Matrix Manufacturing

Coordinates Load
Location (X,Y) (li) lixi liyi
Cleveland (11,22) 15 165 330
Columbus (10,7) 10 165 70
Cincinnati (4,1) 12 165 12
Dayton (3,6) 4 165 24
Total 41 325 436
• Computing the Center of Gravity for Matrix

Xc.g. 

ManufacturingliXi 325
  7.9 ; Yc.g. 
 liYi 436
  10.6
 li 41  li 41

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