2 Conditions Warranty
2 Conditions Warranty
2 Conditions Warranty
Condition = essential to the contract, breach -repudiate the contract
2. A agrees to sell B an old car for Rs 2.00 lakh. He also agrees to get
the car service but does not do so.
B can claim the service charges.
He is not entitled to repudiate the contract as that was only a
Distinction between Condition and Warranty
Basis Condition Warranty
1. Relation with Condition is stipulation which is Warranty is a stipulation
main purpose. essential to the main purpose of which is only subsidiary or
the contract. collateral to the main purpose
of the contract.
2. Nature of right Breach of condition gives the Breach of warranty gives the
to aggrieved party. aggrieved party the right to aggrieved party right to claim
repudiate the contract and also damages.
claim damages.
As to Title
In a Sale by Description
In a Sale by Sample
In a Sale by Sample as well as by description
Implied Conditions
As to quality or fitness
As to merchantability
1. Conditions as to title
In a Contract of Sale (Sell & Agreement to Sell) the seller has
an implied condition that in case of a sale he has a right to sell the
goods and in an Agreement to sell, he will have a right to sell the goods
at the time when the property is to pass.
If the seller does not own the title of the said good himself
and sells it to the buyer, it is a breach of condition, in which
case the buyer can return the goods to the seller and claim his
money back or refuse to accept the good before delivery or
whenever he learns about the false title of the seller.
Example :
A purchased a Car from B and used for six months. The car was impounded as
it was a stolen car. A sued B for recovery of the price. The Buyer A has to
return the car and can recover the price paid and need not pay for the usage of
Implied Conditions
Conditions as to description in a Contract of Sale – an implied condition that in a
sale and an agreement o sell the goods shall correspond to the goods described
Example :
A Buyer took a tractor trailer which was manufactured by sister concern of
Escorts and it was agreed to sell tractor trailer made by Escorts only. The
supplier was ordered to take back the trailer and replace it with the one made of
Escorts or refund the amount paid with 15% interest.
Implied Conditions
Conditions in a sale by sample – an implied condition that the goods should
correspond to the sample given.
Example :
Nichol agreed to sell to Godts some oil described as “foreign refined rape oil,
warranted only equal to sample.”
Nichol delivered oil equal to the quality of the samples, but which was not
“foreign refined rape oil.”
The goods corresponded with the sample but not with the description.
Implied Conditions
Conditions as o quality or fitness – there is implied condition that the goods
should be reasonably fit for the buyer purpose.
6. Conditions as to Merchantability ;
7. Conditions as to Wholesomeness ;
The implied condition is that the goods should be wholesome
and fit for human consumption.
The goods are for eatable and provisions.
The buyer brought milk and his wife consumed it and contracted
Typhiod and died. The milk was unfit and the buyer was entitled for damages.
Implied Warranties