Bone Tumours
Bone Tumours
Bone Tumours
WHO Classification is based on
histogenesis and histologic criteria
Can be osseous, non- osseous,
indigenous to the bone
Metastatic bone tumours are more
• Age group -20 to 40 years
• The tumour arises in epiphysis of long bones commonly lower end of femur and upper end
of tibia
• Clinical features include pain, especially on weight bearing, and movement, noticeable
swelling and pathological fracture
• Grossly appears as well circumscribed, dark tan mass covered with subperiosteal bone. Cut
section show honey-coombed areas due to cystic degeneration
• Histologically consists of large number of multinucleated osteoclast-like giant cells
scattered throughout the stromal mononuclear cells. Stromal cells are mononuclear cells
and are the real tumour cells
Most common primary malignant tumour of
Highly malignant
• Highly malignant
• Small round cell tumour
• Age group- 5 to 20 years predilection for occurence in females
• Site- diaphysis or metaphysis of long bones, particularly femur and tibia.
• Clinical features include pain, tenderness and swelling of affected area accompanied by fever, leukocytosis, and
elevated ESR. These sign and symptoms may lead to an erroneous diagnosis of osteomyelitis
• X-ray –shows subperiosteal reactive bone formation producing characteristic “ONION SKIN” radiologic appearance
• Grossly it produces expansion of diaphysis or metaphysis and is characterstically grey-white, soft and friable
• Histologically tumour cells are arranged in lobules with formation of pseudorosettes and are composed of cells
resembling lymphocytes
Metastatic bone tumours
• Metastasis to the skeleton are more frequent than the primary bone tumours
• Most skeletal matastases are derived from harmatogenous spread
• Bony metastases of carcinomas predominate over the sarcomas
• Some of the common carcinomas metastasising to the bones are from - breast, prostate, lung, kidney etc
• Skeletal metastases may be single or multiple.
• Most commonly involved bone are-
• Spine
• Pelvis
• Femur
• Skull
• Ribs
• Humerus
Usual radiographic appearance is of an osteolytic