Guidelines in Establishing School
Guidelines in Establishing School
Guidelines in Establishing School
(DO 88, S. 2010 “Revised Manual of
Regulations for Private Schools in
Basic Education” )
Section 23. Incorporation of a Proposed Private School
Section 25. Reasonable Supervision and Regulation
• All private educational institutions shall be subject to
reasonable supervision and regulation by the Department.
Section 28. Authority to Operate
Section 30. Requirements for Issuance of Permit
• Request for the opening of a new school or for the operation of a new
grade or year level in existing elementary and secondary schools
should be submitted to the Regional Office on or before August 30
preceding the start of the school year when the school/new course is
supposed to operate. Subject to the authority of the Regional Director,
the Division office may also accept said requests. The request shall
be accompanied with a notarized feasibility study covering
comprehensively the following factors, supported with sufficient
a. Purpose and Objectives of proposed school or course;
b. Availability and adequacy of school site and building, including
documents of ownership thereof, location plan, development plan,
pictures, or architect’s plan of building, if the same is still to be
c. Itemized cost of the project covering the entire course in
terms of site, site development, school building and quarters,
classroom equipment and facilities, library, salaries of faculty, and
staff and maintenance;
d. Financial capacity of applicant, including his resources to
provide the requirements for the entire course and to support its
operation from year to year without depending solely on students’
e. Proposed faculty line-up and administrative and
supervisory staff together with their individual Transcript of Records
and evidence of willingness to join the school; and
f. Need or demand for establishment of the school or
operation of the course in the locality. If the course is already being
offered in the same town or city, there must be an evidence of the
following factors:
Distance of the applicant school to the existing
Enrolment in the existing school
Number of students in the same locality enrolled
in schools other than in the existing school;
Number of prospective students of applicant-
school; and
Facilities, standards and supportive provisions for
effective instruction and quality education
30.6 A thorough inspection of the school shall be conducted by a
supervisor to determine compliance with the requirements, both in
the authorized(if any) and new grade/year level. He/She shall
submit a detailed and comprehensive report stating his findings.
The report shall cover adequately the following information:
a. Date of visit
b. Course under Permit or Recognition and number of sections
in each course
c. Course applied for
d. Site description and area in square meters, adequacy for
school purposes, documents specifying ownership of land
e. Building description
f. Quarters and equipment
h. Administration and supervision: educational qualifications,
experience, salaries, and tenure of office ( permanent,
contractual, part-time, or full-time) of school head and
administrative and supervisory officials
i. Faculty: list of faculty members for existing course and
courses applied for
j. Financial Position
k. Admission credentials
l. How the school apportioned increases in tuition and other
m. Quality of instruction; observation; deficiencies noted
n. Retirement Plan for its teachers and other personnel
o. Observation on implementation of deficiencies noted
p. Application and inspection fees: amount paid; official receipt
number and date of issue
q. Evaluation: Summary of findings, strong points and
deficiencies noted
r. Recommendations strictly based on findings during the visit
and existing standards and regulations.
30.7 Private schools should own sites adequate for their own
buildings, for physical education and athletics, military training
and recreation, and also for vocational education where this
course is required in the curriculum. Its size, nature, location and
accessibility must adequately serve the purpose of the school. It
should be free from noise, unpleasant odors and dust, and should
be sufficiently far from cockpits, dancing halls, bowling alleys,
movie houses, markets, garbage dumps, funeral parlors,
cemeteries, heavy traffic highway, jails, railroad yards, and
manufacturing and industrial establishments.
30.8 Ideally, the areas of school sites shall be as follows:
a. One half(.5) hectare for a school with an enrolment of 50 or
less students;
b. One (1) hectare for a school with an enrolment of 50 to
1,000 students;
c. Two (2) hectares for a school with an enrolment of 1,000 to
2,000 students;
d. Three(3) hectares for a school with an enrolment of 2,000
to 3,000 students; and
e. The same ratio should be maintained for enrolment in
excess of 3,000.
30.9 Prior to issuance of permit, the school shall comply with the
a. Situated far from traffic, neighbors and fire hazards so that
necessary instruction and study can be carried on without undue
interference from neighbors or traffic and so arranged that the
classroom work going on in one will not interfere with those going
on in the other classrooms, study rooms, laboratory rooms or
b. Planned and so constructed that in case of fire, typhoon,
earthquake, all students can evacuate the building promptly and
c. Provided with fire escapes, fire extinguishers and other safety
d. Provided with satisfactory toilet facilities, separate for students
and faculty by gender;
e. Adequately and properly lighted and ventilated;
f. Contains sufficient space, furniture and fixtures for the general
needs of the administrative staff, faculty and students;
g. Not used in any manner for private residence or for other
purposes that might interfere directly or indirectly in the proper
functioning of the school;
h. Accessible and suitable administrative office, faculty rooms and
i. Adequate space for students/personnel services
j. Sufficient space for Home Economics and other vocational courses;
k. The doors of the classrooms and laboratory rooms lead or open
outwards towards the corridors; and
l. In case of a two(2) or more story building, at least two(2) stairs with
a minimum width of two (2) meters shall be provided subject, however,
to other government regulations. Ramps shall be provided for students
with special needs ( BP 344 Accessibility Law)
30.10 The Regional Director shall sign the permit for the Secretary of
Education. The permit shall cover the period of one school year. In
issuing a permit, the Regional Director shall observe the following:
30.10.1 No permit shall be issued to a private school unless it has
submitted a school bond the amount of which shall be fixed by the
30.10.2 The Government Permit issued to a school is valid only for
a specific educational program, and while issued on a school year
basis, shall remain valid until revoked for cause.
30.10.3 The Regional Director shall furnish the Secretary of
Education, before the opening of classes, a list of permits issued,
attaching thereto copies of permits.
Section 32. Grant of Recognition
Section 33. Effects of Recognition
Any action regarding revocation/withdrawal of the Certificate of
recognition must be for valid cause pursuant to existing laws and
Department regulations and after due process, and shall be subject to
the approval of the Regional Director. The valid causes must cite the
specific instances of grave violations of Department regulations.
• The school must be informed by the Department in writing, by
registered mail, of the substantial deficiencies or causes for proposed
revocation and shall be required to explain and/or otherwise remedy the
deficiencies or violations within a reasonable period.
• Revocation may be done only after re-inspection and re evaluation
to determine the school’s performance in providing efficient, quality and
relevant educational services. Revocation is done only with dues
process after failure of the school concerned to correct the deficiencies
and/or explain satisfactorily the violations within a reasonable period.
• The Certificate of Recognition may be revoked after due process if
the circumstances so warrant, or reverted to a Permit to operate for a
period of one school year, for any of the following causes, without
prejudice to instituting appropriate actions and imposing appropriate
sanctions against the responsible school officials;
Section 35. Automatic Cancellation of Recognition
Section 39. Punishable Violations
• The school must have at least 500 to 1000 square meters of
property which is not traffic hazardous. It may be in the safest
street corner of a subdivision or interior road. When this is
secured, the school business will need the following papers:
homeowners’ consent, barangay clearance and permit, Securities
and Exchange Commission (SEC) papers (it must be a
corporation), Bureau of Internal Revenue permit (BIR), business
or mayor’s permit, and a permit to operate a preschool and
elementary school from the Department of Education (DEP ED).
• Location
( )same as given address, same block and lots are adjacent
with each other
( ) in the name of the school
( )in the name of the school owner
( ) in the name of the congregation
( ) in the name of the lessor (privately owned)
• lease contract
( ) at least 10 years ( ) __ years
_____ Other quarters
( ) office ( ) library ( ) H. E. & shop ( ) Computer room
( ) canteen ( ) rest rooms ( ) Science Laboratory/room
( ) clinic ( ) guidance, etc.
_____ 10. Certificate of Occupancy of school building
_____ signed by proper city / municipal authorities
_____ 11. Pictures of school building (s), classrooms, office, guidance,
laboratories (science & EPP), library, medical and dental health
facilities, canteen, playground apparatus (for preschool), etc.
_____ 12. Proposed budget / annual expenditures for the succeeding
school year approved by the
Chairman of the Board / Directors
For items 16-18 of columnar form is preferred.
_____ 16. Name of administrator / Principal
_____ Educationally qualified _____ not qualified
• School Head
( ) Filipino
( ) Master’s degree in Education
(at least 5 years of relevant teaching or administrative
_____ Transcript of Records
_____ Appointment / contract
_____ Salaries & other fringe benefits
_____ 17. List of academic non-teaching personnel (registrar, librarian,
school physician, school dentist, school nurse, school office staff, guidance
counselor, support staff, etc..)
_____ Educationally qualified
_____ Not qualified
_____ Pre-Elementary teachers should be holders of Bachelor’s
Degree in Early
Childhood Education or Bachelor’s Degree in Elementary Education
with at
least 18 units of Early Childhood Education.
_____ Elementary school teachers should be holders of a Bachelor’s Degree
Elementary Education or its equivalent.
_____ Elementary school teachers should be holders of a Licensure
for teachers
_____ Transcript of Records
_____ Subject assignments in accordance with qualification
_____ Appointments / Contract
_____ Salary /benefits in accordance with prescribed standards
_____ Ratio of full time
• full time
- paid monthly or hourly, based on the regular teaching loads as
provided in policies, rules and standards
- a total working day of 8 hours daily
- no other remunerative occupation elsewhere requiring regular
hours of work
- who are not teaching in any other educational institutions
_____ 19. List of laboratory facilities, equipment, furniture, supplies and materials
classified by subject area certified by school head.
_____ complies with minimum standards and requirements by subject area
_____ 20. List of library holdings, teachers’ references, general references,
supplementary readers, periodicals, magazines.
_____ Complies with prescribed standards and requirements by
classification / subject area
_____ 21. Certification of bank deposit in the name of the school
_____ adequate funds to support operation for one year
_____ 22. Application and Inspection fee (P2,000.00)
_____ Total fees paid __________ Date of Issuance
_____ O. R. Number __________ Place of Issuance
_____ 23. School Bond (P1,000.00) per course)
_____ Bond agreement duly accomplished and notarized
_____ Total amount of bond posted
_____ Kind of Bond
( ) Surety ( ) Cash ( ) Real Estate
• 1. Application duly accomplished and notarized DECS Form
• 2. School site
( ) at least 500 sq. m. for preschool
( ) more or less 5000 sq. m. for preschool, elementary and
( ) owned / donation ( ) authority to use the school site (for
church schools)
_____ Copy (ies) of Transfer Certificate (s) of Title (TCT)
_____ Total floor area available (Indicated) __________
( ) owned ( ) leased / donation ( ) authority
to use the school site
( ) adequate ( ) inadequate
TCT No. (s) __________ __________ __________
• Location
( )same as given address, same block and lots are adjacent
with each other
( ) in the name of the school ( ) in the name of the
school owner
( ) in the name of the congregation ( ) in the name of the
(privately owned)
– lease contract
( ) at least 10 years ( ) __ years
• 3 Certificate of Occupancy of school building/s
_____ signed by proper city / municipal authorities
• 4. Pictures of additional school building (s), classrooms, office, guidance, laboratories
– (science & EPP), library, medical and dental health facilities, canteen, playground
– apparatus (for preschool), etc.
• 5. Proposed budget / annual expenditures for the succeeding school year approved by
Chairman of the Trustees / Directors
• 6. Copy of the LATEST FINANCIAL STATEMENT of the school certified by an
independent Certified Public Accountant (CPA)
• 7. Approved class program
– _____ Preschool _____ Elementary _____ Sped
– ______ Time Allotment per subject area
( ) correct ( ) not correct
• 8. Copy of retirement plan
– _____ Registered with SEC / BIR (for school initiated retirement plan)
– _____ Other plans (PERAA, CEAP, Professional Pension Plan, SUD, SSS)
• Remittance of payment/Latest O.R. No. ______
• 9. Updated list of administrators
_____ Educationally qualified _____ not qualified
– School Head ( ) Filipino ( ) Master’s degree or Bachelor’s degree
– Principal: Master’s degree holder and have at least 5 years of relevant teaching
administrative experience
_____ Transcript of Records
_____ Appointment
_____ Salaries & other fringe benefits
_____ Full time _____ Part time
• 10. Updated list of academic non-teaching personnel (registrar, librarian,
school physician, school dentist, school nurse, school office staff,
guidance counselor, support staff, etc..) including:
– a. Educational qualification, where and when obtained
– b. Field of specialization by degree
– c. Full-time / part time
– d. Eligibility
– e. Rate of salary per month
– f. Other benefits
_____ Educationally qualified _____ not qualified
– Registrar: Bachelor’s degree and have at least 3 years of training or
experience in the
maintenance of student academic records and related school work
– Librarian: at least with 18 units of Library Science
_____ Transcript of Records
_____ Appointment
_____ Salaries & other fringe benefits
_____ Full time _____ Part time
– Elementary school teachers should be holders of a Licensure Examination for
– Include qualification of secondary teachers
_____ Transcript of Records
_____ Subject assignments in accordance with qualification
_____ Valid notarized contracts / appointments
_____ Salary /benefits in accordance with prescribed standards
_____ Ratio of full time
– full time
- paid monthly or hourly, based on the regular teaching loads as provided in
policies, rules and standards
- a total working day of 8 hours daily
- no other remunerative occupation elsewhere requiring regular hours of work
- who are not teaching in any other educational institutions
Frequently Ask
1. What is an accredited school?
4. What is the effect if the private school has been
granted government permit or DepEd recognition?