Lessons 3 and 4
Lessons 3 and 4
Lessons 3 and 4
Learning Objectives:
• To work in pairs and clearly share our ideas
• To use images to help understand a poem and its ideas
• To understand and find the 4 parts of a PEEL paragraph
• To create a PEEL paragraph from scratch
• To begin to give feedback to our peers using WWW and EBI.
Private Reading – 10 Mins
Starter - Parents’
Parents/Guardians are a key part of us growing up.
In pairs, discuss what your Parents/Guardians say to you and write them
down on the post-its in front of you. Pick your favourite 2 sayings and be
ready to share!
“Parents’ Sayings” by Michael Rosen
Maybe in Year 5 or
Year 6?
Introducing PEEL…What does it stand for?
Writing a PEEL Paragraph…The Burger
Explanation = Your
analysis of the quote you
Link = The link back have selected. You breaking it
to the question to keep apart and explaining it in as
your answer focused on much detail as you can to
what you have been show your understanding of
asked. it.
Question to Consider
Text Detective – Locate and Label the PEEL
Rosen shows us how parents can be quite
demanding of their children. For example, “do you
know what a Hoover is?” The parent would like
their child to clean up after themselves, rather Evidence
than leaving it up to others. Rosen is trying to show
how the parent would like their child to help
around the house.
Explanation? Link?
Your turn – have a go at this one…
The parent in this poem seems quite annoyed. This is shown when
Rosen says “he’s not coming through that door again”. The parent is
upset with their child. It could be the child has not done what they have
Keeping Track of PEEL
Think carefully about the model paragraphs you have looked at and
write your own.
Remember to include:
Point Explanation
Evidence Link
Learning from our Peers
• Swap exercise books with your neighbour.
• Read their paragraph carefully…can you see the PEEL parts in their paragraph?
• On a separate piece of paper, write down 1 thing you really like about your neighbour’s paragraph –
what went well… (WWW)
• Write down 1 thing your neighbour could do to make their paragraph even better – even better if…
• Once you have finished, please return their book to them and give them the piece of paper to stick
into their exercise book under their paragraph.
Feedback and Improvement Time
Before you know it, you will be Almost there, need to practise a little more.
using PEEL on a regular basis…
so keep at it!