1. Sentence 1 is using testimonial propaganda by claiming an authority figure (Olympians) endorses the product.
2. Sentence 2 is using bandwagon propaganda by saying "everyone is talking about" the product to encourage people to join in.
3. Sentences 3 and 4 are using plain folks propaganda by appealing to common people and statistics to convince audiences the product is for everyone.
4. Sentence 5 is using glamorization propaganda by associating the product with positive traits to appeal to audiences' aspirations.
1. Sentence 1 is using testimonial propaganda by claiming an authority figure (Olympians) endorses the product.
2. Sentence 2 is using bandwagon propaganda by saying "everyone is talking about" the product to encourage people to join in.
3. Sentences 3 and 4 are using plain folks propaganda by appealing to common people and statistics to convince audiences the product is for everyone.
4. Sentence 5 is using glamorization propaganda by associating the product with positive traits to appeal to audiences' aspirations.
1. Sentence 1 is using testimonial propaganda by claiming an authority figure (Olympians) endorses the product.
2. Sentence 2 is using bandwagon propaganda by saying "everyone is talking about" the product to encourage people to join in.
3. Sentences 3 and 4 are using plain folks propaganda by appealing to common people and statistics to convince audiences the product is for everyone.
4. Sentence 5 is using glamorization propaganda by associating the product with positive traits to appeal to audiences' aspirations.
1. Sentence 1 is using testimonial propaganda by claiming an authority figure (Olympians) endorses the product.
2. Sentence 2 is using bandwagon propaganda by saying "everyone is talking about" the product to encourage people to join in.
3. Sentences 3 and 4 are using plain folks propaganda by appealing to common people and statistics to convince audiences the product is for everyone.
4. Sentence 5 is using glamorization propaganda by associating the product with positive traits to appeal to audiences' aspirations.
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Tell what type of stereotype is being
described in the following statement.
1. Boys are stronger than girls. 2. Filipinos are always late. 3. Older people don't know how to use technology · 4. Mexicans are lazy. 5. Women are reckless drivers. Group Activity Group I Prepare a propaganda that suggest a bandwagon Group II Plain Folks Group III Testimonial All g ro up So m e g ro up Only 1 o r 2 Gro up m e m b e rs m e m b e rs m e m b e rs Pa rtic ip a tio n p a rtic ip a te p a rtic ip a te p a rtic ip a te Gro up wa s a b le Gro up wa s a b le Gro up wa s NOT to c o m p le te the to c o m p le te the a b le to c o m p le te ta sk a ssig ne d . ta sk a ssig ne d . the ta sk a ssig ne d Co nte nt Op inio n is One re a so n is c le a rly g ive n to sta te d . sup p o rt the o p inio n. The g ro up The g ro up p re se nts the p re se nts the The g ro up ha s Pre se nta tio n o utp ut c le a rly o utp ut BUT is NO p re se nta tio n a nd e a sy to NOT e a sy to o f the o utp ut und e rsta nd und e rsta nd
On o r b e fo re 1-5 m inute s la te 6 m inute s b e lo w
Tim e line ss o n tim e la te Evaluation) Read the sentences carefully. What propaganda is being describe below. 1.Sugar is good for you. It provides fast energy, gives you all that’s important carbohydrates, and satisfies your craving for sweets.) 2.Everyone is talking about Greenich Pizza. Everyone’s craving about that pizza. Don’t you want to munch Greenich Pizza too? 3.Yes I won three Olympics medal and they mean a lot to me. But you know what means even more? My bowl of Nutri-flakes every morning. Nutri-flakes helped me won these medals. Ask your mom to by Nutri-flakes. The winner’s cereal.) 4. Loose weight the way 6 billion Bahamians did. It’s the way 3 out of 4 doctors recommended. 5. A suit from Dinmore’s Men’s wear is more than a suit. A Dinmore’s suit is a possession for the most discriminating, the most tasteful, the most sophisticated, the most successful.