What Is Via Negativa in World Mysticism & Religions
What Is Via Negativa in World Mysticism & Religions
What Is Via Negativa in World Mysticism & Religions
What is Via Negativa
in Mysticism?
What is Via Negativa?
The way to God, Absolute, through negation: no predicates
attach to God, no words may be legitimately used to
describe “Him”, “Her” or “It”; “He”, “She”, “It” is ‘not
this, not that’; commonplace of all mysticism, Eastern and
In Plotinus: the negative characterization of One
In Christianity: Via Negativa (the katapathic way)
In Vedanta: Neti-Neti (not this, not this)
In Buddhism: Nirvana or Sunyata (voidness)
In Taoism: Wu-Wei (non-doing way)
In Science: Zero-Point Energy
Plotinus on One
(205BC – 70AD)
Christian Mystic Meister Eckhart
(1260 - 1328)
God is
Quotes from Meister Eckhart
The eye by which I see God is the same as
the eye by which God sees me. My eye and
God’s eye are the same – one in seeing, one
in knowing and one in loving.
Identity with God is still not enough; to
abandon all things without abandoning God
is still not abandoning anything. Man must
live “without why.” He must seek nothing,
not even God. - Talks of
Neti-Neti in Vedanta
Neti - neti - Not this, not this – or Not this, not that – a famous
passage from the Brhadaranyaka Upanishads 2.3.6, giving answer to
questions as to the nature of Brahman, thus hinting at its ineffability.
Neti - neti also means to convey that we are not egos, and that we can
never be defined as being separate from the Universe, Absolute Being,
One, One Mind… without introducing a delusion.
What is Nirvana?
Nirvana is the “haven” of all Buddhism, beyond all “havens”, total extinction
of all desire & suffering…
all passion
Uncompounded state, made of nothing at all; one cannot say of Nirvana that it
arises or it does not arise
is to be produced
What is Sunyavada? (1)
Sunyavada is a Mahayana Buddhist theory (vada) holding that the
world, reality to be empty, void (sunya), or unreal.
What is Sunyavada? (2)
According to Sunyavada:
the phenomenal world is said to have no reality; yet the
world “underlying” it (Noumenon?) defies all description,
because of our inability to see, grasp, comprehend “the-
thing-itself ” (svabhava);
A Scriptural Prophecy Regarding Nagarjuna
As is written in the Manjusrimulakalpa, the Acarya
Nagarjuna lived for a total of 600 years:
Some Criticism of Sunyavada
Classical Hindu and some Buddhist thinkers dismissed Nagarjuna's
extreme use of the Via Negativa as self-condemned:
the negation of everything is inconceivable without implying an
affirmation, a positive ground to negate;
nothing can be proved false if nothing is taken as true;
One could also say that the act of negation itself requires the existence
of the negator.
Sunyavada as Prajnaparamita
The Sunyavada School considers all philosophy as prajna-
paramita = the supreme non-conceptual intellectual intuitive
awareness and wisdom.
According to Sunyavada
Prajna is the supreme, immediate, sudden, non-
progressive attainment of non-dualistic Knowledge
(known as Jnana in Sanskrit), through Enlightenment;
Sunyavada as Absolutism & Nondualism
Sunyavada teaches that
The only absolute being is self-evident and real, here & now;
There are two truths: the illusory (dualistic) truth of the empirical
standpoint and the Ultimate (Nondual) Truth of the Absolute,
which cannot be expressed in any words or symbols.
Sunyavada is not Nihilism
Sunyata and Wu-wei, Wu-hsin & Wu-nien
Sunyata or wu (kokoro or mu in Japanese)
= absolute emptiness, voidness
Wu-wei = non-action
Wu-hsin = no-mind
Wu-nien = no-thought
Zen Doctrine of No-mind (Wu-hsin)
A Zen doctrine which goes back to at least Hui
Neng (637-713) the 6th Patriarch of Chan, and his
assertion From the first not a thing is.
Hui Neng insisted that the object of Zen is ‘seeing
into ones own nature’ which thus becomes ‘seeing
into nothingness’.
To see into one’s own nature requires no mind
Two “kinds” of Sunyata, Voidness Buddha Taught
Levels of Sunyata, Voidness
Zero-point Energy in Science
Thank You
Ivan Frimmel
Cell: 082-454-0311
E-mail: ivan.frimmel@nanhua.co.za