CSR Project Proposal
CSR Project Proposal
CSR Project Proposal
2 Objectives
9 Details of sponsorship
• Mangroves are some of the most important ecosystem on Earth because mangroves store more carbon than
terrestrial forests.
• Mangroves help fight climate change.
• Mangrove forests, they anchor and protect coastal ecosystems, and make up a transitional zone between land
and ocean, connecting and supporting both.
• Mangrove forests are essential nursery grounds for all kinds of marine life including fish, rays, and
Proposed geographical
• The entire area consists of private lands used mainly
for residential and agricultural purposes. However,
the vegetation along the canal is protected by the
owners to prevent erosion of their lands into the
canal. As, a result the canal has now become a tourist
attraction in Galle.
3. 30 P.M
5.00 P.M
1. 00 P.M
4.00 P.M End of the project
12. 30P.M
3.30 P.M
to Awareness of public
1.00 P.M about the importance
8. 30A.M Starting of rehabilitation of
mangroves mangroves
Lunch break project
Starting clean-up
the area
Multilac Company
Multilac Company
1. Upgrading the existing nursery to better serve project 1. Emergence of a nursery of 30 M X 40 M continuously
activities, such as access road, fencing and labeling the producing at least 15 mangrove species of at least 30,000
species. seedlings / year.
2. Launching nursery activities, such as collection of 2. Degraded mangrove area of 4 hectares being rehabilitated
seasonal species, procurement of raw materials including and maintained properly.
maintenance. 3. The existing floating learning Centre being upgraded and
3. Preparing selected degraded area for reforestation better serving environment education activities.
followed by reforestation. 4. Evinced increased capacity & awareness of targeted
4. Launching campaigns to build conservation awareness of population.(50 persons/organized event)
youth groups on special occasions and by other Note: At least 50 women would benefit from the project. This
dissemination facilities.(existing floating learning Centre includes marginal population in several villages in project
and publication) location. As to youth group, students from 2 community
schools would benefit in term of education through activity
participation, since some facilities of the project are
incorporate in local curriculum.
Rustic Legends Team Members