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CSR Project Proposal

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1 Brief of the project 11 Expected outcomes

2 Objectives

3 Vision and Mission

4 Justification for need

Agenda 5 Proposed geographical execution

Style 6 Time frame

7 Total budget outlay

8 Time monitoring plan of the day

9 Details of sponsorship

10 Expected accomplishments and challenges

Brief of the project
• According to our CSR project, Mangrove plantation in Bope West ,Galle area, first we found out the area which we are
going to plant hasn’t a proper way to release the garbage. And we saw a lot of non-perishable materials like plastic,
glass and fuel, fishing equipment which are released by the visitors and fishermen. Because of that villagers and other
people who are visiting Bope West have faced a tragic situation. And fishing is the livelihood of other communities
living around the Bope West area. This is now threatened by degradation of the rich mangroves stand bordering the
village caused by population growth, economic development and a general lack of environmental awareness.
• So, we are planning to do a CSR project which is planting Mangroves. So, we have to mention here, Multilac paints
company is our main sponsor while we hope to conduct a fund raising progrmme by selling face masks. First, we focus
on planting mangrove plants to reduce beach soil erosion. Importance of mangrove planting is they are the buffer zone
between the land and sea, mangroves protect the soil from erosion, they play an invaluable role as natures’ shield against
cyclones, ecological disasters and as protector of shorelines, mangroves are a breeding and nursery grounds for a variety
of marine animals. So, we hope to plants 100 mangroves propagules on the lagoon and fencing of the plot.
Objectives -: • To enhance awareness of the value of mangroves.
• To demonstrate approaches to successful mangrove restoration.
• To prevent further destruction of mangroves which will further expand ecosystem benefits to the
• To showcase the model created through the project and Make this an example to encourage towards
conservation initiatives.
• To reduce the amount of litter on the surrounding aquatic habitat.
 We envision healthy mangroves in which humanity is
forever committed to caring for and appreciating our blue
planet, our global biodiversity, for the long – term benefit
of people and all life on earth.

 To drive positive change towards clean mangroves that

support all marine wildlife and sustainable living.
Justification for need

• Mangroves are some of the most important ecosystem on Earth because mangroves store more carbon than
terrestrial forests.
• Mangroves help fight climate change.
• Mangrove forests, they anchor and protect coastal ecosystems, and make up a transitional zone between land
and ocean, connecting and supporting both.
• Mangrove forests are essential nursery grounds for all kinds of marine life including fish, rays, and
Proposed geographical
• The entire area consists of private lands used mainly
for residential and agricultural purposes. However,
the vegetation along the canal is protected by the
owners to prevent erosion of their lands into the
canal. As, a result the canal has now become a tourist
attraction in Galle.

• Many mangrove associate trees and other riverine

flora are commonly found along both banks of the
lake and the canal. These trees and plants provide
habitat for many species of fauna.
Time frame
Preparing the
Prepare and Visiting and final
presenting the approved for the presentation and
proposal area. presenting

July July August August August August

3RD 4th 1st 2nd 3rd 4th
week week week week week week

Designing and Preparation of the Proceeding the

planning the budget and fund Project
project raising by selling
face masks
The Budget Outlay
The Budget

• 200 Mangrove plants( Each Rs.60) - Rs. 12000

• Transportation( up and down) - Rs. 1500

• Other expenses - Rs. 2500

• Total Estimated budget = Rs. 16000

• Funding Plan A – Selling 100 face masks

• Funding Plan B – Sponsorship from Multilac Paints
Time monitoring plan of the day

3. 30 P.M
5.00 P.M
1. 00 P.M
4.00 P.M End of the project
12. 30P.M
3.30 P.M
to Awareness of public
1.00 P.M about the importance
8. 30A.M Starting of rehabilitation of
mangroves mangroves
Lunch break project
Starting clean-up
the area
Multilac Company

Multilac Company

• Multilac Company is the number one paint company in Sri Lanka.

• They commenced manufacturing and marketing paint in 1981.
• Multilac company received the SLS marks in 2004.
• They complie with ISO 9001-2015.
• They introduced unlimited option to the customer.
• Multilac Company was get awards get for Best Sri Lanka enterprise and the presidential export award.
• They exporting their product to china, Australia, India, Maldives and Myanmar.
 .

Expected Challenges and Accomplishments

 Arranging the location with  Increased conservation awareness of targeted
local authorities was communities prompted collective measures against
 We had to ensure the planting cumbersome. illegal fishing which had considerably threatened
that was to be carried out does young aquatic animals and its habitats.
not intervene with current
existing eco system
 The planted mangrove has
 Informing and speeding our effectively improved the
message towards the public water sources of the area.
was expensive. Challenges Accomplishment

 Natural threat such as some types of  Increased harmonization and

insects and animals devoured and better participation in community
ruined the mangrove seedlings. activities among community
members were evinced after
 The current situation prevailing in the country. launching the project.
 Praised and believed to
improve the biodiversity in
the area.
Expected outcomes
Main Anticipated
Main Activities Result
Main Anticipated

1. Upgrading the existing nursery to better serve project 1. Emergence of a nursery of 30 M X 40 M continuously
activities, such as access road, fencing and labeling the producing at least 15 mangrove species of at least 30,000
species. seedlings / year.
2. Launching nursery activities, such as collection of 2.  Degraded mangrove area of 4 hectares being rehabilitated
seasonal species, procurement of raw materials including and maintained properly.
maintenance. 3.  The existing floating learning Centre being upgraded and
3. Preparing selected degraded area for reforestation better serving environment education activities.
followed by reforestation. 4. Evinced increased capacity & awareness of targeted
4. Launching campaigns to build conservation awareness of population.(50 persons/organized event)
youth groups on special occasions and by other Note:  At least 50 women would benefit from the project. This
dissemination facilities.(existing floating learning Centre includes marginal population in several villages in project
and publication) location. As to youth group, students from 2 community
  schools would benefit in term of education through activity
participation, since some facilities of the project are
incorporate in local curriculum. 
Rustic Legends Team Members

• BM19546858 S. K. Nupehewa = Team Leader

• BM19510040 Pasindu V. C. = Deputy Team Leader
• BM19538242 K. T. B. P. Katudampe
• BM19519050 Sachintha Dilhan A. P.
• BM19522920 Sasithpriya M. G. S.
• BM19537870 T. P. Ekanayaka
• BM19517834 Chamoda Madushini A. G.
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