Group-1 Cce-1
Group-1 Cce-1
Group-1 Cce-1
W W W . W E B S I T E . C O M
Group 1
Submitted By
M2022062 Abigayle Nazareth
M2022063 Shubham Asati
M2022067 Ajinkya Bhujade Guided by
M2022082 Rahul Jha Dr. Charu Upadhyay
The Gauras model of dairy development
is three-tiered structure with the dairy
cooperative societies at the village level
federated under a milk union at the
Patansaongi district level and a federation of
members unions at the state level.
» Establishment of a direct linkage
between milk producers and
consumers by eliminating middleman
» Milk producers (farmers) control
procurement, processing and
» Professional Management.
Mihan Phase-3, Khapri, Wardha Road,
Tah – Dist – Nagpur 441108
In line with this, the Government has been organizing free fodder camps
annually in rainfall deficit areas. It also arranges for the procurement,
transportation and distribution of sugarcane tops from cane growers to the
livestock owners in water scarcity areas at subsidized rates.
Industry in Maharashtra is expected to grow at a CAGR of more than 16%
Although the majority of the market is unorganized, it is highly lucrative during 2019-2024 ( Source: IMARC )
with ample untapped opportunities. This has prompted brands like Mother
Dairy to invest around Rs 65 crore so as to upgrade their Nagpur plant and The milk procurement set up in the initial 3 years will cover around 3,000
set up a milk procurement network in the regions of Marathwada and villages across 11 districts including around 60,000 farmers. Moreover,
Vidarbha. factors such as strong GDP growth, elevating incomes, health-conscious
consumer base and improving distribution networks are further propelling
the market growth.
Average Total Milk
Date Quantity Unit Cost Purchase
Head GRN CC Id No. Route
Received Received (Rs.) Cost
(Litre) (Rs.)
2019-B TG-001 TG R1 500 27 13500
2019-B BL-003 BL R1 300 27 8100
2019-B BZ-005 BZ R2 700 27 18900
2019-B PR-007 PR R3 300 27 8100
2019-B DM-009 DM R3 300 27 8100
2019-B TH-011 TH R3 200 27 5400
2019-B DE-013 DE R4 200 27 5400
2019-B KH-015 KH R4 350 27 9450
2019-B UD-017 UD R4 275 27 7425
2019-B PT-019 PT R5 850 27 22950
Patansaongi 01-03-2019
2019-C TG-002 TG R1 600 25 15000
2019-C BL-004 BL R1 400 25 10000
2019-C BZ-006 BZ R2 1000 25 25000
2019-C PR-008 PR R3 250 25 6250
2019-C DM-010 DM R3 400 25 10000
2019-C TH-012 TH R3 250 25 6250
2019-C DE-014 DE R4 300 25 7500
2019-C KH-016 KH R4 400 25 10000
2019-C UD-018 UD R4 300 25 7500
2019-C PT-020 PT R5 900 25 22500
Total 8775 26 227325
» Increase in Break Even Point due to increase in fixed cost since 2018.
W W W . W E B S I T E . C O M