Click To Edit Master Subtitle Style: Bachelor of Accountancy LAW 385 Commercial Law
Click To Edit Master Subtitle Style: Bachelor of Accountancy LAW 385 Commercial Law
Click To Edit Master Subtitle Style: Bachelor of Accountancy LAW 385 Commercial Law
The legal system in Malaysia What are the sources of law? FC Legislation English law and equity Shariah law The judiciary 8 hours
Law of Contract
Definition and elements of contract Applicable law the Contracts Act 1950
Law of Contract
Formation of contract Offer and acceptance Consideration Capacity Intention to create legal relations certainty
Law of Contract
Void, voidable & illegal contracts Discharge of contracts Remedies for breach of contract
Law of Contract
Comparison with Islamic Contracts Analysing the differences of principles in conventional and Islamic contracts 12 hours
Sale of Goods
Nature and elements of sale of goods contract Applicable law SOGA 1957 Formation of contract of sale Formalities Parties Offer & acceptance
Price 4/15/12
Sale of Goods
Implied terms under SOGA Passing of property Specific & uncertain goods When risks passes frustration
Sale of Goods
8 hours
Exceptions to nemo dat quod non habet rule Remedies for breach Types of remedies Analysing the advantages of the different types of remedies
Hire Purchase
Applicable law HPA 1967 Definition of hire purchase agreement Goods under the 1st schedule Parties to HP repossession 8 hours
Law of Agency
Creation of agency Rights and duties of an agent Agent and 3rd parties Termination of an agency 4 hours
Law of Partnership
Nature and formation Relationship between partners and 3rd parties Relationship between partners inter se 8 Dissolution of partnershiphours
Monetary Instruments
Applicable law BOE 1949 Definition & types of monetary instruments Characteristics and functions cheques 8 hours