Department of community medicine
• Brucellosis is one of the major bacterial zoonosis, and in humans
is also known as Undulant fever, Malta fever or Mediterranean
• It is occasionally transmitted to man by direct or indirect contact
with infected animals.
• It is caused by different species of the brucella group of
organisms and characterized by intermittent or irregular febrile
attacks, with profuse sweating, arthritis and an enlarged spleen.
• Human brucellosis carries a low mortality rate (<5%), mostly
secondary to endocarditis, which is a rare complication of
• It is endemic wherever cattle, pigs,
goats and sheep are raised in large
• It causes more than 5,00,000
infections per year worldwide.
• Important endemic areas for
brucellosis exist in Mediterranean
zones, Europe, Central Asia, Mexico
and South America.
• The disease is now rare in most
European countries, North America
and Australia.
• Animal brucellosis is reported from practically every State in
• The prevalence of human brucellosis is difficult to estimate.
• Many cases remain undiagnosed either because they are
inapparent or because physicians in many countries are
unfamiliar with the disease.
Agent factors
(a) AGENT :
• The agents are small, gram-negative rod shaped, non-
motile, non-sporing and intracellular coccobacilli of
the genus Brucella.
• Four species infect man : B.melitensis, B.abortus,
B.suis, and B.canis.
• B.melitensis is the most virulent and invasive species; it
usually infects goats and occasionally sheep.
• B.abortus is less virulent and is primarily a disease of
• B.suis is of intermediate virulence and chiefly infects
• B.canis is a parasite of dogs.
• Main reservoirs of human infection are cattle, sheep, goats, swine,
buffaloes, horses and dogs.
• In animals the disease can cause abortion, premature expulsion of
the foetus or death.
• The infected animals excrete Brucella in the urine, milk, placenta,
uterine and vaginal discharges particularly during a birth or abortion.
The animals may remain infected for life.
Host factors
• Human brucellosis is predominantly a disease of adult males.
• Farmers, shepherds, butchers, and abattoir workers,
veterinarians and laboratory workers are particularly at
special risk because of occupational exposure.
• Immunity follows infection.
Environmental factors
• Overcrowding of herds, high rainfall, lack of exposure to
sunlight, unhygienic practices in milk and meat production,
all favour the spread of brucellosis.
• The infection can travel long distances in milk and dust.
• The environment of a cowshed may be heavily infected.
• The organism can survive for weeks, or months in favourable
conditions of water, urine, faeces, damp soil and manure.
• Transmission is usually from infected
animals to man. There is no evidence of
transmission from man to man.
• The routes of spread are :
(a) Contact infection : Most commonly,
infection occurs by direct contact with
infected tissues, blood, urine, vaginal
discharge, aborted foetuses and
especially placenta. Infection takes
place through abraded skin, mucosa or
conjunctiva (mucocutaneous route).
b) Food-borne infection : Infection may take place indirectly
by the ingestion of raw milk or dairy products (cheese)
from infected animals. Fresh raw vegetables can also carry
infection if grown on soil containing manure from infected
farms. Water contaminated with the excreta of infected
animals may also serve as a source of infection.
c) Air-borne infection : The environment of a cowshed may
be heavily infected. Few people living in such an
environment can escape inhalation of infected dust or
aerosols. Brucellae may be inhaled in aerosol form in
slaughter houses and laboratories, so these infections are
notified as occupational.
• Highly variable.
• Usually 1-3 weeks, but may be as long as 6 months or more.
• Subclinical brucellosis
• Acute or subacute brucellosis
• Chronic brucellosis
• Localized brucellosis.
• Relapsing brucellosis
• Fever is the most common symptom which is
associated with chills.
• The most rational approach for preventing human brucellosis is the
control and eradication of the infection from animal reservoirs
which is based on the combination of the following measures :
(a) Test and slaughter : Case finding is done by mass surveys. Skin tests
are available. The complement fixation test is also recommended.
Those animals infected with brucellosis are slaughtered, with full
compensation paid to farmers. This is the only satisfactory solution
aimed at eradication of the disease.
b) Vaccination: Vaccine of B. abortus strain 19 is commonly used for young
animals. A compulsory vaccination programme for all heifers in a given
community on a yearly basis can considerably reduce the rate of infection.
Systematic vaccination for a period of 7 to 10 years may result in the elimination
of the disease.
Control of the infection caused by B. melitensis in goats and sheep has to be
based mainly on vaccination.
c) Hygienic measures: These comprise provision of a clean sanitary
environment for animals, sanitary disposal of urine and faeces, veterinary
care of animals and health education of all those who are occupationally
(a) Early diagnosis and treatment: In uncomplicated cases the
antibiotic of choice is tetracycline. For adults in the acute
stage, the dose is 500 mg every 6 hours for about 3 weeks.
In patients with skeletal or other complications,
intramuscular streptomycin 1 g daily in addition to
tetracycline usually achieves a cure.
(b) Pasteurization of milk : This is a useful preventive measure
which will render milk and milk products safe for
consumption. Boiling of milk is effective when
pasteurization is not possible.
c) Protective measures : The aim is to prevent direct contact with
infected animals. Persons at risk such as farmers, shepherds,
milkmen, abattoir workers should observe high standards of
personal hygiene. They should exercise care in handling and
disposal of placenta, discharges and fetuses from an aborted
animal. They should wear protective clothing when handling
d) Vaccination : Human live vaccine of B. abortus strain 19-BA is
available. Brucellosis would disappear if it were eradicated from