Brute Force: The Design and Analysis of Algorithms

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The Design and Analysis of Algorithms

Chapter 3: Brute Force

Chapter 3. Brute Force Algorithms

 Basic Idea
 Brute Force Search and Sort
 Brute Force String Matching
 Closest Pair and Convex Hull Problems
 Exhaustive Search
 Conclusion

Basic Idea
 A straightforward approach to solve a
problem based on the problem’s
statement and definitions of the concepts

 Example
Computing an based on the definition of exponentiation:
an = a* a* a* …. * a

(a > 0, n a nonnegative integer)

Brute Force Search and Sort
 Sequential Search O(n)
 Selection Sort O(n2)
 Bubble Sort O(n2)

Brute Force String Matching
Pattern: program
(n*m) in the worst
possible case
Write a program.
(n+m)  (n) in the
average case.


Closest Pair Problem
Find the two closest points in a set of
n points in k-dimensional space.
Algorithm ClosestPairPoints (P)
dmin ← ∞
for i ← 1 to n-1 do
for j ← i + 1 to n do
d ← sqrt ((xi – xj) 2 + (yi – yj)2)
if d < dmin
(n2) dmin ← d

Convex Hull Problem
 Convex set: For any two points P and Q in the
set, the entire line segment with the end points
at P and Q belongs to the set
 Convex hull of a set S of points is the smallest
convex set containing S

The convex hull of any set S of n > 2 points is a

convex polygon with the vertexes at some of
the points of S.
Convex Hull Problem

for each of n(n-1)/2 pairs of distinct points
for each of the other n – 2 points
find the sign of ax + by – c

The time efficiency of this algorithm is O(n3).

Exhaustive Search
State-space search
Given an initial state,
a goal state, and
a set of operations,
find a sequence of operations that transforms the
initial state to the goal state.

The solution process can be represented as a tree

Exhaustive Search
Combinatorial problems

 Traveling Salesman – permutations  ((N-1)!)

 Knapsack – subsets  (2N)

 Assignment problem – permutations

 (N!)

Conclusion - Strengths

 Wide applicability, simplicity

 Reasonable algorithms for some important
problems such as searching, string matching,
and matrix multiplication
 Standard algorithms for simple computational
tasks such as sum and product of n numbers,
and finding maximum or minimum in a list

Conclusion - Weaknesses
 Brute Force approach rarely yields
efficient algorithms
 Some brute force algorithms are
unacceptably slow
 Brute Force approach is neither as
constructive nor creative as some other
design techniques


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