Sem 5 - ADS511

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Research Method

Analysis Data

Research Methods: Sample

 Refers to no. of units to be studied as part of the study.

 Many factors determine the sample size
 Sample size related to statistical techniques to be used
◙ Factor Analysis - >100 cases – 15 cases per variable
◙ Anova – every category = 30 cases per category
◙ Chi-Square – every cell > 5 but around 30 better
◙ Regression – 5-25 cases per IV

 Sample size affects generalisability

 More important if not randomly selected – the larger the sample,
the more normally distributed it becomes – the law of central
Research Methods: Sample

Sampling: Process of selecting units from a population for the study

 Population of interest
 Why sample?
 too many in one residence / state / country
 too costly
 sampling error can be determined and reduced
 good sampling frame available
Krejcie and Morgan Sampling Method (1970)

Krejcie and Morgan Sampling Method

(1970) is used to simplify the process of
determining the sample size for a
predetermined population

 To select a sample from within a

general population
 To eliminate bias in the selection
 To reduce cost or effort in gathering
Research Methods: Sampling Technique

 Concepts in Sampling
◙ Population – all units in the universe
◙ Sampling frame – a listing of the units
◙ Sampling technique – the selection of units in the frame.


Research Methods: Sampling Technique

Sampling frame
 A listing of units of the population of interest
 There may be several sampling frames.
◙ Telephone listing
◙ Tenaga listing
# Sometimes we do
◙ Indahwaster listing not have a sampling
◙ Municipality property listing frame.
Eg. Cinema goers,
people who have
complained about
public services.
Research Methods: Sampling Technique

Sampling technique :

◙ Random sampling
◙ Systematic sampling
◙ Quota / Strata / Cluster sampling
◙ Convenience sampling
◙ Purposive sampling
◙ Snowball sampling
Research Methods: Sampling Technique

1. Random sampling: (Contoh bgi survey form depan market)

◙ Identify the population of interest

◙ Develop a sampling frame
◙ Determine sample size needed
◙ Generate a table of random numbers (no specific rules)
◙ Using the random number select the sample required from the
sampling frame
Research Methods: Sampling Technique

 There are free random number generator

software available on Internet. One can be
obtained from (
This site is set up to help students, lecturers
and researchers. It is well design, structured
and easy to follow and allows a lot of options
in generating the numbers.
Research Methods: Sampling Technique

2. Systematic sampling (amik org ke 3 utk jwb survey)

 Identify the population of interest
 Develop a sampling frame
 Determine sample size needed
 Determine the selection rule
 Select the sample required using the rule

i.e. Every 3rd. Name / no

of population
Research Methods: Sampling Technique

3. Quota/Strata/Cluster Sampling (Contoh utk eksekutif/ non executive)

 Identify the population of interest

 Identify important characteristics for the study subjects
 Divide the total population by the characteristic
 Determine the composition in the population
 Divide the total population using these characteristics
 Select randomly or systematically a proportionate number of
the total sample from each division
Research Methods: Sampling Technique
Quota/Strata/Cluster Sampling:
Research Methods: Sampling Technique

4. Convenience sampling (golongn pling mudah cth barisan depan dalm kelas)
 Clear idea of the population of interests
 Sample size required determined
 Solicit subjects by approaching them
at convenient locations
 Location, time etc recorded
Research Methods: Sampling Technique

5. Purposive sampling (conth survey utk kemudahan tandas OKU, so org OKU yg dipilih)
 Determine characteristics that will allow good test of theory or
 Identify the population of interest
 Determine sample size needed
 Develop a profile information
 Select the subjects required
Research Methods: Sampling Technique

6. Snowball sampling (cth MLM nye kes, kes political)

 Identify the population of interest

 Determine sample size needed
 Develop a profile information
 Identify a subject and ask for
other similar subjects

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