Complaint Mangement For CP

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30th April, 2020

Complaint Management
Complaint Management

Q - What is complaint management?

A - Complaints management is about resolving individual
complaints and identifying opportunities to make systemic
Q – Why manage complaints?
A - An effective CMS is integral to providing quality customer
service. It helps to measure customer satisfaction and is a useful
source of information and feedback for improving services. Often
customers are the first to identify when things are not working
Q - How should customer complaints be managed?
A - Customers making complaints should be treated with courtesy
and respect. They should be given reasonable assistance to make
their complaint.
Customer complaints should be managed by trained staff in an
open, accountable, responsive, fair, efficient and effective way in
accordance with the organization's CMS.
Abbreviations used

CMS – Complaint Management System

SR – Sales Representative
QC – Quality Control

CS – Customer Support
CP – Channel Partner
CN – Credit Note
Complaint flow chart.

CP receives a
complaint from
the client

CP informs
Armstrong SR

CP visit the site

Armstrong SR to and verify
log complaint on
online portal
If complaint is not If complaint is
genuine then CP to genuine then CP to
report to QC/SR on report to QC/SR on
same day same day
email is sent to
QC person
QC to close the
QC to visit site
complaint on
online portal and verify
Complaint flow chart.

QC will prepare
report and submit to
product team

After approval/disapproval from product

team. QC will inform CP and SR.

In case of approval In case of disapproval

the complaint will be
, CN will be issued closed and informed
to the CP. to CP.

For CN to be
processed , the rejected
Rejected material to be sent back to CWH, only after
material has to be confirmation from CS
returned back to CWH

After confirmation
from CWH, CS will
process the CN

QC to close the
complaint on online

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