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Types of Lotic

Freshwater Ecosystem Types of Lentic Freshwater Ecosystem Difference between Drainage Difference between Bedload and Difference between Riparian zones
In simple terms, the An aquatic ecosystem within stagnant or
Types of Groundwater Aquifer.1. Unconfined basin and watersheds bedrock. Bedload1)It consists of and wetlands
water bodies moving in Aquifer.* Drainage basin.1) an loose materials that are Riparian zones- 1)Riparian
still water like ponds and lakes is known
one direction is known 1:The topmost water bearing strata having no area drained by a river and transported by the water flow.2: zones are areas of land adjacent to
as Lentic Freshwater Ecosystem. Lentic
as a lotic freshwater confining impermeable over-burden is known its tributaries is called The sediment particles are rivers streams or other bodies of
ecosystem. Rivers and
ecosystem found in various sizes
as unconfined aquifer.
drainage basin .2)the carried along the bed being water. 2)They serve as a transitional
streams are common ranging from a few square meters to catchments of large rivera pushed and transported by the area between aquatic ecosystems
2:This aquifer is also know non-artesian
examples of lotic thousands of square km.Some ponds are called river basin.3)the flowing water.3: Bedload plays a and upland areas.3> They are
aquifer or water table aquifer.3:The gravity
ecosystems.There are last just for a few months as these are drainage basin covers crucial role in stream dynamics typically characterized by moist and
many rivers and stream seasonal like sessile pools. On the other
wells are construct to tap water from
lareger and geomorphology. fertile soils due to the close proximity
that flows from their unconfined aquifer only.4:The water rise in areas.Watersheds1)the Bedrock- to water. - Wetlands: 1>Wetlands
hand, lakes may exist for many years.
origin and ultimately such wells is equal to water rise in a boundary line separating one 1:Bedrock on the other hand on the other hand can be found in a
Lentic ecosystem, i.e. Ponds and lakes,
meets with other water piezometer connected to the water table.2. drainage basin from the other refers to the solid underlying variety of locations such as coastal
channels or oceans at
support a very limited number of
Confined Aquifer. 1:It is such an aquifer which
is known as the rock layer beneath the loose areas floodplains or within riparian
its mouth.Lotic species.We can further divide the lentic watersheds.2)those of small sediment or soil.-2:Bedrock zones. 2>Wetlands are characterized
remains overladen by an impermeable strata or
freshwater travel ecosystem into three zones based on Rivulets and rills are often being solid and immovable does by the presence of waterlogged or
aquiclude.2:The water is under pressure in this
through different their depth and distance from the referred to as not normally move or transport saturated soils which support the
difference between delta and estuary delta
locations from its source
aquifer.3:Confine aquifers are also know as
watersheds.3)watersheds within the stream or river.-3: growth of unique vegetation adapted
shoreline.1: Littoral Zone.2: Limnetic
1: it is
to mouth.The lotic
artesian aquifers.4:They can be consider are small in areas. Bedrock provides the underlying to such conditions.- 3>Wetlands on
the flat,low-lying
Zone or Photic Zone. 3: Profundal Zonearea formed at the mouth of
freshwater ecosystem is analogous to pipe lines flowing under pressure framework and stability for the the other hand act as natural filters by
the river.Zone
or Aphotic 2: it is suitable for agricultural
divided into three zones stream or river. removing excess nutrients sediment
activities.3: they are formed in areas having
such as. 1:source zone. and pollutants from water.
low tides one plain surface.
2:transition – zone. 4: e.g: Ganga and brahmaputra. Estuary 1:
3:floodplain zone It is the water body that is formed when the
river meets the sea.2: it is suitable for fishing
activities.3: they are formed in areas with
high tides and valleys.

Difference between Discharge

Difference between Food chain difference between delta Difference between River Difference between Erosion River bank In limnology,
and channel
and Food web. and estuary delta 1: it is and stream River a and transport.Erosion. 1> it is Discharge:1:Discharge increases the study of inland waters,
*Food chain 1:A the flat,low-lying area 1:A river is a sizeable the displacment of solids by as more water is added throand a stream bank or river
single, linear pathway of energy formed at the mouth of the floating body of water.2:A winds water and ice.2:Erosion rainfall, tributary streams, or bank is the terrain
flow. 2: may consist of 4-6 trophic river.2: it is suitable for river is deep.3:Largest is the movement of these alongside the bed of a
from groundwater seeping into
levels. agricultural activities.3: types of streams.4:A river broken pieces by water, wind, river, creek, or stream.
the stream.2: The volume of
3: A disturbance on a single they are formed in areas can cause a flood, 5:It or ice to another water passing any point on a Stream banks are of
trophic level/organism distrubs having low tides one plain usually contains area.3:Surface run-off and stream is called the discharge.3: particular interest in fluvial
the whole food. 4: Increases the surface. 4: e.g: Ganga and Freshwater. Stream.1:A throughflow cause erosion at As discharge increases, geography, which studies
instability of an ecosystem. Food brahmaputra.Estuary 1: It small is a floating body of the point where the water the processes associated
generally width, depth, and
web1: Has a number of is the water body that is water.2:A stream is no enters the valley head.. with rivers and streams
velocity of the stream also
interconnected pathways through formed when the river deep.3:Small water Transport 1>transportation is increase.Channel 1:the channel and the deposits and
which the energy flows within an meets the sea.2: it is bodies.4:A stream cannot the movement of material from is usually controlled by a linear landforms created by
ecosystem. 2: consists of suitable for fishing cause a flood.5:It contains one place to another zone of weakness in the them.
numerous trophic levels.3: A activities.3: they are any water. place .2:transport is when underlying rock, like a fault or
disturbance on a single organism formed in areas with high these broken pieces are joint system. 2: Even in straight
does not disturb the whole food tides and valleys. moved by currents to other channel segments water flows in

web.4: increases the stability of areas on the earth’s a sinuous fashion, with the
Populations are all the members

an ecosystem. surface,3:Transport refers to deepest part of the channel

of a species that live in a one

the processes by which the changing from near one bank to

area. You are part of the human

sediment is moved along near the other. 3: straight

population for your home town. A

freshwater pond has multiple

channels will eventually erode populations, including a
into meandering channels. population of mallard ducks, and

a population of cattail plants

Water cycle The water cycle is an
Ecosystem An ecosystem is important Biogeochemical Cycle
Producer The main Aquitards A saturated low Habitat:A habitat is a
a geographic area where involved in the flow or circulation of
producers of a permeability unit that can restrict Decomposers: place where an
plants, animals, and other water through different levels of the
freshwater biome are the movement of groundwater. It Decomposers of freshwater organism makes its
organisms, as well as weather ecosystem. The water cycle is
the plants and algae. may be able to store biomes are microorganisms home. A habitat
and landscape, work together defined as a natural process of
When energy enters groundwater. A saturated but like fungi and bacteria meets all the
to form a bubble of life. constantly recycling the water in the
the ecosystem as poorly permeable bed, formation which breaks down animal environmental
Ecosystems contain biotic or atmosphere. It is also known as the
sunlight,plants and or group of formations that does and plant remains and as a conditions an
living, parts, as well as abiotic hydrological cycle or the hydrologic
algae capture the not yield water freely to a result, convert them into organism needs to
factors, or nonliving parts. cycle.Stages of Water CycleThe
sunlight and store it as borehole or spring. However, an useful food for other survive.
Biotic factors include plants, complete water cycle is carried into
food energy. aquitard may store water and animals and plants.
animals, and other organisms. four stages which are as follows:
may transmit appreciable water
Abiotic factors include rocks, Evaporation, Condensation,
to and from adjacent
temperature, and humidity. Precipitation and
aquifers.Aquitards normally slow
down the movement of Collection.1:Evaporation:This is the
groundwater and contaminants. initial stage of the water cycle.The
Aquitards can also store process by which water from its
groundwater and contaminants. liquid state changes to vapour, a
gaseous state, is termed as
evaporation. During the water cycle,
water in the water bodies get
Freshwater Ecosystem heated up and evaporates in the
definition Lakes, ponds, form of vapour, mixes with the air
rivers, streams and wetlands and
that have a low salt disappears.2:Condensation:When
concentration (usually below the evaporated water vapour loses
1%) and serve as habitats are its thermal energy, it becomes liquid
called freshwater through the process of
ecosystems. The two major condensation. Formation of clouds
divisions of freshwater are examples of
ecosystems are the lentic condensation.3:Precipitation:Rain,
ecosystems and the lotic snow, sleet, or hail are all examples
ecosystems. of Precipitation. After the
condensation, atmospheric water
vapour forms sufficiently large water
droplets and falls back to the earth
with the help of gravity.4:Deposition
or Collection:This is the final stage
of the water cycle. Deposition
occurs when evaporated water
vapour falls back to earth as
precipitation. This water may fall
back into the different water bodies,
including oceans, rivers, ponds,
lakes and even end up on the land,
which in turn becomes a part of the
groundwater.Overall, the water
cycle process describes how water
is balanced in the atmosphere. It
also plays an important role in
ensuring the availability of water for
all living organisms and also it has
a great impact on our environment.

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