Life in Modern Britain Design 1
Life in Modern Britain Design 1
Life in Modern Britain Design 1
What are the principles and values that
underpin British Society? (5)
The 5 principles
that underpin Tolerance Democracy
British society are:
Participation in
Individual liberty Rule of law
the community
Identify two freedoms enjoyed by UK citizens? (4)
by the term
national team is playing an
international sport match he would
support them assuming his Asian
Identity’? (3)
What is the
between • Immigration is when someone foreign
comes to live in another country to live and
• Emigration is when someone leaves their
country to go and live in a foreign country to
live and work.
What is
meant by
the phrase
• It is press that is “free” from
political and judicial
interferences. They can also be
privately owned.
a ‘free
press?’ (2)
What is The role of OFCOM
the role of is that it is a
regulator for
elements of the
media industry.
Give two
examples of • One example of social media is Facebook.
How would the • One way they would differ is that
the BBC is governed by legislation
BBC and a national so it can’t present fake news or
news based on opinions whilst a
newspaper differ in newspaper can so it would differ.
the way they can • Another way they would differ is
that the BBC has to be politically
present a political impartial and not biased whilst a
news story? (4) newspaper can so it would differ.
Why is it important
to have a free press?
bodies to
belongs to the Commonwealth.
• Another international body the UK
belongs? (2)
What are the aims of the
European Union? (4)
• To promote peace and the well-being of EU citizens.
• To offer EU citizens freedom, security and justice,
without internal borders whilst also controlling
external borders.
• To work towards the sustainable development of
Europe, promoting equality and social justice.
• To establish an economic union, with the euro as its
Outline the role of the UK
at the United Nations. (4)
• The UK is a founding member of the
United Nations.
• It is one of the five permanent
members of the UN Security Council.
• It is the fifth largest provider of
financial contributions to the United
• The UK is home to the International
Maritime Organization and its head
office is in London.
How does the
Commonwealth assist
member countries? (4)
has failed’ • However some people would disagree with this statement because
the history and composition of the UK has always been diverse but
Examine the the media distorts this. This shows that multiculturism hasn’t failed.
Another reason is that in the UK people who have multiple identities
all identify as British and the UK has many different groups mix
validity of this together freely, peacefully. Finally, in many international events
people share identities which shows that multiculturism hasn’t