Consolidation and Settlement
Consolidation and Settlement
Consolidation and Settlement
Consolidation and Settlement
• Immediate or Elastic Settlement is caused by the elastic
deformation of dry soil and of moist and saturated soils
without change in the moisture content.
• Primary Consolidation Settlement occurs due volume
change in saturated fine-grained soils as a result of
expulsion of the water that occupies the void spaces.
• Secondary Consolidation Settlement is indicated by the
continuation of the oedometer test curve beyond the
primary stage, that is, after the near-complete
dissipation of excess pore pressure.
Consolidation and Settlement
• When a saturated soil layer is subjected to an increase
in stress, pore water pressure increases (refer to
chapter 5).
• Highly permeable soils such as sand, drain immediately from
the increase in pore water pressure.
• Rapid drainage results in elastic settlement and consolidation,
except for soils with low k such as clay.
• Any change in total volume means corresponding change in
voids ratio (e) as well as in the moisture content.
• The soil structure is made out of the volume of solid particles
and the void spaces (which are filled with air or water), so as
compression takes place, the voids tend to decrease.
Consolidation and Settlement
• Which means, with an increase in load there would be a
decrease in the voids ratio (which is the ratio of the
volume of voids to the volume of solid particles).
• The consolidation test is done in the laboratory using an
oedometer and this is done in terms of effective
pressure and voids ratio.
• The results of an oedometer test are presented by the
pressure-voids ratio curve.
• NB: read how the test is conducted from pg. 268 – 69,
search for a video online if possible!!!
This chapter focuses on solving two problems:
• The magnitude of consolidation of soil and consequent
settlement of a structure.
• The length of time taken to reach maximum settlement
of a structure. 6
Consolidation and Settlement
Consolidation and Settlement
Consolidation and Settlement
Now let us look at the - e curve, the graph is plotted
using the Oedometer results.
Consolidation and Settlement – Example 1
Note: (initial moisture content) the moisture content is
taken before the test!!!
Consolidation and Settlement
1. Shows the intervals of readings
2. Applied stress (you increase the load incrementally, so
you start with a low value). It’s a reading from the test,
therefore given!.
3. Dx is the vertical strain or simple put, the actual height
the sample decreased by (in mm). Remember as you
apply the load, the sample compresses so that is
measured in terms of Dx. It’s a reading from the test,
therefore given.
4. Height of the soil sample. This will change based on Dx.
This value is calculated taking into consideration Dx i.e.
in example 7.1, the initial height is 19mm and at
interval 3, Dx = 0.72. Therefore hx = 19 – 0.72 = 18.28
Consolidation and Settlement
5. This is the voids ratio, it is calculated using equation
7.3 and 7.4 (these equations are applicable when the
moisture content is taken at the beginning of the test
(initial moisture content), and you know e at the
beginning of the test). However, if the height is
measured after swelling, then you must use equation
7.5 and 7.6. When using formula 7.3, use hx (ho – Dx)
and when using formula 7.4, use Dx (given). Also
check section 7.2.3
6. eo or es is calculated using the formula, e = mGs.
• NB: The sample is saturated during the test, once the
load is removed it tends to expand (that is the swell).
Note interval 8. Also refer to slide 8!
• Once you have calculated e, plot the - e. See next
slide 12
Consolidation and Settlement
• The graph is plotted as shown in the figure below, the
compression curve is plotted from the readings from
interval 1 – 7. The swell curve takes interval 8 into
• First calculate the initial voids ratio (or final voids ratio
using the swell results), using e = mGs
• Then process the oedometer results as explained in the
previous slides to get e. is given.
• Lastly plot on a graph paper, e vertically and
horizontally. You do not have to plot the swell curve. I
will explain later when is that value important.
Consolidation and Settlement
Forms of the - e curve
Consolidation and Settlement
Coefficient of compressibility (av)
Consolidation and Settlement
2 3
Consolidation and Settlement
Consolidation and Settlement
Example 1
The following results were recorded from a consolidation test on a
sample of saturated clay, each pressure being maintained constant for
24 hours. The moisture content at the end of the test was 23.1% and
the specific gravity of the soil particles was 2.68.
1. Calculate the voids ratio at the end of each pressure stage and
plot the pressure – voids ratio curve.
2. Determine the coefficient of compressibility and the coefficient of
volume change for the pressure range between 100kN/m2 and
Consolidation and Settlement
The moisture content is taken at the end, meaning after swelling. This means you will
have to determine es
3. Now, determine hs, this is the height (thickness) of the sample after swelling. h s =
24.2mm (how do you know this, after the load was removed, the sample expanded.
The height at applied stress = 800 was 23.7mm at interval 6, but at interval 7 with no
loading the height is 24.2mm.
4. Substitute as required in the equation. Noting that h x is the height at each applied
stress i.e. at 100 kPa, h = 24.4mm. The initial height of the sample is 25mm (0 kPa).
5. Using a graph paper, plot the - e curve (you can make your own scale on a blank
page if you don’t have a graph paper).
Consolidation and Settlement
(kN/m3 ) 0 50 100 200 400 800 0
= = 0.00011 m2/kN
Consolidation and Settlement
Consolidation and Settlement
• The next step is to determine the extent of
• Settlement occurs in the layer. The oedometer
results are used in the estimation of settlement.
Thank you!