Basic Casing Design and Casing Point Selection
Basic Casing Design and Casing Point Selection
Basic Casing Design and Casing Point Selection
Schlumberger Private
Casing Point Selection
UTC Instructor
On completion of this module the engineer should be
able to…
Schlumberger Private
• Define the different types of casings.
• Describe the casing point selection process
• Describe the maximum load casing design method.
• Demonstrate the bottom up method of casing setting
depth initial estimation.
• Design Considerations
• Cost, (usually up to 17% of the total well cost)
• Bottomhole Pressure
Schlumberger Private
• Service Conditions (casing handling)
• Material Properties
• Internal Yield
• Collapse
• Tension
3 UTC Instructor
Statement of Standard
All casing and tubing shall be designed to withstand
all loads that can be imposed on them during
installation and the lifetime of the well.
Schlumberger Private
No well construction program shall be commenced
without an approved casing and tubing design.
Mechanical Properties Of Steel
• API Standards
– Specification; API, 5A.
Schlumberger Private
– Bulletins; 5C2, properties of casing, tubing, drill pipe.
– Recommended; API. RP7G, care and use of tubular.
5 UTC Instructor
Types of Casing Strings
• Conductor
• Surface
Schlumberger Private
• Intermediate
• Drilling Liner
• Production
Types of Casing Strings
Conductor Casing
1. Provides mud returns to tanks.
Schlumberger Private
2. Divert flow in case of emergency.
3. Support subsequent casing loads.
1. Driven
2. Jetted
3. Drilled and cemented
Types of Casing Strings
Surface Casing
Schlumberger Private
1. Protect Fresh water aquifers.
2. Provide wellbore integrity,
- Provides a BOP seal
- Allows drilling into abnormal pressure safely by isolating
shallow hazards.
Definition: Casing set at or above 6500’ or in sub-normal pressure.
Setting depth is based on mechanical and regulatory considerations
Casing Point Selection Criteria
Mechanical Considerations
Schlumberger Private
• Ability of the weakest exposed formation beneath the casing
(usually shoe FG) to withstand the load imposed by well control
• Likelihood of differential sticking occurring while running
Types of Casing Strings
Intermediate Casing
Schlumberger Private
1. Provide mechanical integrity.
- Case off problem zones.
- Allows higher blowout protection as it is set in more
competent formations than surface casing (higher shoe strength)
Definition: Casing set to 6500’ or deeper in abnormal pressure.
Setting depth is based on mechanical considerations
Types of Casing Strings
Drilling Liners
Schlumberger Private
1. Provide mechanical integrity as intermediate casing but at
lower cost.
Definition: Partial string of casing hung in previously set casing
string and is set to a depth greater than 6500’ or in abnormal
Setting Depth is based on mechanical considerations
Types of Casing Strings
Production Casing/Liners
Schlumberger Private
1. Provide isolation of the producing zone from other zones.
2. Withstand the anticipated loads during production and testing
operations for the wells life time.
Setting Depth is the last string across the production zone. This may
be a casing to surface or a liner that is hung.
Casing Point Selection
• Why is Casing set in the Hole?
Schlumberger Private
• To consolidate the hole already drilled, (steel filter cake)
13 UTC Instructor
Criteria For Selecting Casing
Each casing string is run as deep as possible based on
Schlumberger Private
kick tolerance, unless other reasons dictate it to be run
14 UTC Instructor
Other Restrictions On Casing Shoe
• Wellbore Stability
Within the limit allowed by kick tolerance, we may restrict the
length of OH sections, to minimize deterioration of wellbore with
Schlumberger Private
• Mud Requirements
Formations may affect casing depth (reactive shale)
• Directional Requirements.
15 UTC Instructor
Casing Point Selection Criteria
Other factors affecting casing setting depth.
1. Underground fresh water zones
Schlumberger Private
2. Shallow hazards
3. Directional profile
4. Sidetrack requirement
5. ECD at shoe
Special Criteria for Conductor
The Conductor pipe needs to be set deep enough to carry
subsequent axial loads from all other casing strings.
Schlumberger Private
• It also must withstand the bending loads from
environmental conditions.
17 UTC Instructor
Special Criteria for Surface Casing
Schlumberger Private
18 UTC Instructor
Special Criteria for Intermediate Casing
Schlumberger Private
19 UTC Instructor
Intermediate Casing - other
Intermediate casing may also be set for directional or
wellbore stability reasons
Schlumberger Private
• Reduce torques and drags in an extended reach hole.
Schlumberger Private
21 UTC Instructor
Casing Point Selection Criteria
Information gathered prior to casing design.
• Estimated pore pressure and rock strength using offset data.
Schlumberger Private
• The minimum and maximum casing sizes to be run at TD that
would allow for logging testing and a completion program.
• The effects of geological uncertainties on casing setting depths
and the ability to safely circulate out the maximum anticipated
kick volume
Casing Point Selection Criteria
After gathering Information
• Develop a pore pressure and fracture gradient versus depth plot.
Schlumberger Private
• Plan the well from TD up.
- Determine the maximum formation pressure at TD.
- Add a Trip margin and determine minimum weight at TD.
Bottom Up Method
• Plot the pore pressure gradient curve
• Plot the Mud weight curve. The mud weight should balance the
Schlumberger Private
highest PP in the OH with a TM of 0.5 ppg.
• Plot the estimated actual FG curve, and the designed FG curve,
which is FG less allowance for Well control, surge or ECD.
• Start on the bottom on the mud weight curve and draw a
vertical line up to the designed FG curve. This is the initial
estimated production casing or liner.
• Cont…..
Casing Point Selection Criteria
Schlumberger Private
Kick Tolerance
Schlumberger Private
26 UTC Instructor
Kick Tolerance
Kick tolerance is the maximum
volume gas kick which can be
safely circulated out without
Schlumberger Private
causing formation failure at the
weakest point of the open hole
(usually deemed to be the casing
27 UTC Instructor
Kick Tolerance
Kick tolerance is a measure of the size of a gas
kick that can be handled.
The following assumptions are made…
Schlumberger Private
A gas influx comes from TD up to the casing point or stays at TD.
The kicking formation has a pore pressure equal to or greater than the mud
Shut in casing pressure (SICP) = MAASP when the top of gas is at the
casing shoe, using the drillers method.
Based on these assumptions, we calculate the volume of a gas kick. This is
the maximum size of gas influx, which is what we call KICK TOLERANCE
28 UTC Instructor
Kick Tolerance
More assumptions
For an Exploration or Appraisal well, we can assume that the kicking
Schlumberger Private
formation may have a pore pressure gradient of 10% higher than the
mud gradient.
i.e. A planned mud gradient of 0.5 psi/ft will assume a pore pressure
gradient at the kick depth of 0.55 psi/ft.
For a development well in a known area, assume that the kicking
formation may have a pore pressure which is equal to the mud gradient.
In this case any kick taken will be a swabbed kick.
29 UTC Instructor
The Well as a ‘U’-Tube - Static
The Pressure at Point 1 = Pressure at Point 2
Schlumberger Private
30 UTC Instructor
The Well as a ‘U’-Tube - Static
Therefore: P1 = P2
SIDPP@surf + HPDS = SICP@surf + HPA =>
Schlumberger Private
SIDPP@surf = MAASP@surf – MgxTVDTD +(TVDTD – Hi)Mg + GgxHi
1st Step: Determine what the maximum height of influx can be when it reaches the casing
MAASP@surf SIDPP@surf
Mg Gg
*Assumed that weakest formation is at the shoe
31 UTC Instructor
The Well as a ‘U’-Tube - Static
• To find MAASP@surf & SIDPP @surf:
– P@Shoe = MAASP@surf + Mg x TVDshoe = >
Schlumberger Private
MAASP@surf = P@Shoe - Mg x TVDshoe
32 UTC Instructor
The Well as a ‘U’-Tube - Static
• Where:
When kick at the shoe : P@Shoe = MAASP @ shoe = Fg x TVDshoe
Schlumberger Private
When kick is at TD: P@TD = SIDPP@TD = {Mg+(10%Mg)} x
Kick Gradient
33 UTC Instructor
Hydrostatic Pressure
Pressure (psi)
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000
Hydrostatic Pressure
Schlumberger Private
TVD (psi)
Hydrostatic Pressure
34 UTC Instructor
Hydrostatic Pressure & SIDPP
Pressure (psi)
0 SIDPP@surf 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000
Hydrostatic Pressure
Schlumberger Private
TVD (psi)
Hydrostatic Pressure
35 UTC Instructor
Hydrostatic Pressure & SIDPP &
1000 2000
Pressure (psi)
3000 4000 5000 6000
1000 SIDPP
Hydrostatic Pressure
Schlumberger Private
TVD (psi)
6000 MAASP
Hydrostatic Pressure
36 UTC Instructor
Hydrostatic Pressure & SIDPP &
0 SIDPP@surf
1000 2000
Pressure (psi)
3000 4000 5000 6000
Hydrostatic Pressure
Schlumberger Private
TVD (psi)
MAASP@Surf = MAASP@Shoe - Hydro. P@Shoe
Hydrostatic Pressure
Schlumberger Private
38 UTC Instructor
MAASP@Surf = MAASP@Shoe - Hydro. P@Shoe
Kick tolerance
2nd Step: The height of influx represents a volume:
Schlumberger Private
So this is the influx volume which will cause the pressure
at the shoe to reach the maximum allowable value
when the kick reaches the shoe.
39 UTC Instructor
Kick tolerance
• However, we also have to consider the possibility that
the pressure at the shoe can reach the Maximum
allowable value when the kick enters the wellbore!!!
Schlumberger Private
• Therefore, we have to calculate the second kick
tolerance at TD.
40 UTC Instructor
Annular Gas Expansion
• Pressure reduces in gas as depth of gas
in well decreases.
Schlumberger Private
reduced (Boyle’s Law).
41 UTC Instructor
Kick Tolerance
3rd Step: Therefore, we can calculate V@TD & the height
of the influx at TD at that V@TD :
Schlumberger Private
P@Shoe x V@Shoe = P@TD x V@TD
P@Shoe x V@Shoe
Annular Capacity@TD
42 UTC Instructor
Kick Tolerance
The final kick tolerance is determined by which of either of
the two kick tolerances is the smallest:
Schlumberger Private
If V@Shoe> V@TD , and if H@shoe >H@TD,then V@TD is the kick
43 UTC Instructor
Kick Tolerance Rule of Thumb
• If MAASP psi target Vertical Depth in feet < 0.1,
kick tolerance is going to be low.
Schlumberger Private
• If MAASP psi target Vertical Depth in feet > 0.1,
kick tolerance is probably going to be OK.
44 UTC Instructor
Kick Tolerance
Example 1:
Calculate the Kick Tolerance for the following scenario.
Casing shoe at 6000’ with a FG of 0.72 psi/ft, plan to drill to the
Schlumberger Private
next casing point at 8500’ with a mud gradient of 0.62 psi/ft in a
vertical exploration well. (Kick gradient 10%more than mud
Assume a gas gradient of 0.12 psi/ft at the casing shoe, and 12
¼” hole with 5” DP and 300’ of 8” drill collars.
45 UTC Instructor
Kick Tolerance
Calculate the Kick Tolerance for the following scenario.
Casing shoe at 5000’ with a FG of 0.65 psi/ft, plan to drill to the
Schlumberger Private
next casing point at 7500’ with a mud gradient of 0.55 psi/ft in a
vertical exploration well. (Kick gradient 10%more than mud
Assume a gas gradient of 0.12 psi/ft at the casing shoe, and 12
¼” hole with 5 7/8” DP and 300’ of 8” drill collars.
48 UTC Instructor
Maximum Load casing Design
• This is a method for selecting specific casing based on
operational conditions and resulting stresses.
Schlumberger Private
• Concept: Design for most severe realistic load to minimize risk
of failure.
• Maximum load cases are based on geographical region,
geologic section and organizational philosophy.
Maximum Load casing Design
• Design Cases:
– Burst
Schlumberger Private
– Collapse
– Tension
– Special considerations:
– H2S/CO2, Temperature, Multi-axial stress correction, Stability.
Steps for Basic Casing Design
Burst Design Collapse Design Tension Design
Develop Maximum Develop Maximum Develop Maximum
Load case condition for Load case condition for Load case condition for
Collapse Tension
Schlumberger Private
Schlumberger Private
- normal service 1.1 1.1 1.1
- critical service 1.25 1.25 1.25
pipe body 1.3 1.3 1.3
connection 1.5 1.5 1.3
52 UTC Instructor
Casing Burst Design
Worst case scenario is gas filled above FG+SF
Load Line
Maximum pressure at casing shoe,dependent on FG. (Internal Pressure)
Schlumberger Private
Pinj 0.052(EMWfg SF)Ds
The maximum internal burst loading pressure at surface is a
function of the injection pressure, and is given as:
Pisurf Pinj @ shoe Gg Ds
External pressure due to annular drilling fluid….0.465psi/ft
Pe G f D
Casing Burst Design
@ shoe Pbr @ shoe ( Pinj @ shoe Pe )
Schlumberger Private
Design Line
Pressure with burst design factor of 1.1
Schlumberger Private
Pe 0.052( m ) D
The casing is empty and open to atmospheric pressure. This
will render the surface pressure to be 0 psi
Design Line
PC ( Pe )1.1
Schlumberger Private
Tensile load calculation. If Biaxial stress calculations are not being
made then a safety factor of 1.6 shall be used.
11-3/4 13-3/8
Casing size, in 16 20
11-7/8 14
Schlumberger Private
size, in 10-5/8 12-1/4 14-3/4 17-1/2
• Weight of Casing
• Nominal Weight Expressed in lb/ft or kg/mt ( Weight of CSG plus tool joint ).
Schlumberger Private
• Plain End Weight Expressed in lb/ft or kg/mt ( Weight of CSG w/out tool joint) .
• Length of Casing
Range Length (ft) Average length (ft)
1 16 -25 22
2 25 -34 31
3 Over 34 42
58 UTC Instructor
• Colour Grade Identifications
Schlumberger Private
59 UTC Instructor
Schlumberger Private
60 UTC Instructor
Maximum Load Case - Example
• Scenario for burst- Gas filled at shoe fracture pressure and normal pressure gradient
• Scenario for collapse- Total evacuation, drilling mud in the annulus.
• Scenario for tension- no biaxial and triaxial calculations applied.
Exploration Well
Schlumberger Private
9 5/8" Casing 47 ppf N-80 setting depth 9500' TVD
Mud weight casing will be set in is 12.5 ppg
Normal pressure gradient is 0.465 psi/ft
Gas gradient is 0.12 psi/ft
Fracture gradient at shoe 16 ppg
Burst design factor 1.1
Collapse design factor 1.0
Tension design factor 1.6
61 UTC Instructor
Maximum Load Case – Example 2
• Scenario for burst- Gas filled at shoe fracture pressure and normal pressure gradient
• Scenario for collapse- Total evacuation, drilling mud in the annulus.
• Scenario for tension- No biaxial and triaxial calculations applied.
Development well
Schlumberger Private
-13 3/8" Casing /Setting depth 5000' MD/3500’TVD
-Mud weight casing will be set in is 10 ppg
-Normal pressure gradient is 0.465 psi/ft
-Gas gradient is 0.12 psi/ft
-Fracture gradient at shoe 14.5 ppg
-Burst design factor 1.1
-Collapse design factor 1.0
-Tension design factor 1.6
62 UTC Instructor
Kick Tolerance
Calculate the Kick Tolerance for the following scenario.
Casing shoe at 3500’ with a FG of 0.72 psi/ft, plan to drill to the
Schlumberger Private
next casing point at 8500’ with a mud gradient of 0.56 psi/ft in a
vertical exploration well. (Kick gradient 10%more than mud
Assume a gas gradient of 0.12 psi/ft at the casing shoe, and 12
¼” hole with 5 1/2” DP and 300’ of 8 1/4” drill collars.
63 UTC Instructor