Theories of Entrepreneurship
Theories of Entrepreneurship
Theories of Entrepreneurship
Gauhar (084)
Neeraj (352)
McClelland’s Theory of Entrepreneurship
McClelland’s Theory of Needs
According to McClelland, entrepreneurs do things in a new and better way and make
decisions under uncertainty. Entrepreneurs are characterized by a need for achievement
or an achievement orientation, which is a drive to excel, advance, and grow. Theory
states that every person has one of three main driving motivators: the needs for
achievement, affiliation, or power. These motivators are not inherent; we develop them
through our culture and life experiences. Achievers like to solve problems and achieve
goals.He believed that entrepreneurship is learned and that such learning can be
encouraged fruitfully.
Need for Achievement:
This is the drive to excel, to achieve in relation to a set “standard, and to strive to
succeed. In other words, need for achievement is a Behaviour directed towards
competition with a standard of excellence. McClelland found that people with a
high need for achievement perform better than those with a moderate or low need
for achievement.
Through his research, McClelland identified the following six
characteristics of high need achievers:
1. High need achievers tend to set moderately difficult goals and take calculated risks.
2. High need achievers have a strong desire for performance feedback.
3. They have need for achievement for attaining personal accomplishment.
4. They look for challenging tasks.
Need for Power (“n Pow”):
The need for power is concerned with making an impact on others, the desire
to influence others, the urge to change people, and the desire to make a
difference in life. People with a high need for power are people who like to be
in control of people and events. These result in ultimate satisfaction to man.
People who have a high need for power are characterized by:
2. Opportunity structure,
3. Labour structure,
4. Limitation structure
1. Demand Structure- The demand structure is of economic nature. This structure is
changing day by day according to economic progress and government policies. The
behaviour of individual can be made enterprising by affecting the main elements of demand
3. Labour structure- The labour structure is directed by several factors such as source of
livelihood, traditional outlook and life ambitions. The quality of labour influences the
emergence and growth of entrepreneurship.
4. Limitation structure- We can say that the limitation structure is social and cultural. This
structure affect the development of an entrepreneur.
The theory assumes the ideal structures for the supply of entrepreneur. But
generally there is discrepancy between objectives, structures and the actual
incidence of entrepreneurs. It is due to the fact that there are inadequate or
incorrect perception. In practice, entrepreneurship is also governed by the specific
combination of circumstances which are generally not available in the
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