WH Questions Simple Past

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Guadalupe Itzel Rodriguez

LIC José Abraham Zuñiga
we use them to ask for information, they answer cannot be
yes or no

Son usados para:

 People
 Things
 Facts
 Time
 Place
 Reason
 Manner

Why questions
•what (qué)
•when (cuándo)
•where (dónde)
•who (quién)
•why (por qué)
•whom (a quién)
Y un poco más complicado:
•which (cuál)
•de quién (de quién)
A propósito, las palabras wh también se utilizan para crear «frases dentro
frases». A esto lo llamamos relative clauses . Pero éstas no tienen por qué ser
preguntas en absoluto (luego más al respecto). Por lo tanto, las mismas «wh-
words» se denominan entonces pronombres relativos (relative pronouns).

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What is used un a question when you want to find
out about a thing
What did you do?
What did she say?

You can also use “what” to ask for someone to

repeat what they said.

For example:
Sorry, I can’t hear you. What did you say?

question word + helping verb + subject+ main verb ?

Who is used to ask questions about people

Existen dos maneras:

Who ( informal) is the subject of the questions
Whom ( informal) is the object of the questions

For example:
•Who did that?
•Who did you call?

For example:
Whom did they see? 5
Asks for place

For example:

•Where did they go?

•Where did Sam live?

Asks for a reason

For example:

•Why did they not call back?

•Why did he not study for the

You can use “when” to ask about

For example:
•When did the meeting start?
•When did the plane arrive?

You can use “how” to ask about manner.
For example:

•How did this work?

•How did they do that?

You can also use “how” to ask about

quality or condition.

For example:
•How did you do on the test?
•How did it go?
Is used instead for what when a question concers
choosing from a a difinitive, known, quantity or group
Which color do you prefer?

can be used with either singular o plural niuns

Which earrings are you going to buy?

Can be used to asks about peopole as well as thing

Which one is your kid?

Asks about possession
Whose book is this?

Forming wh-questions
With an auxiliary verb
We usually form wh-questions with wh- + an auxiliary verb (be, do or have) +
subject + main verb or with wh- + a modal verb + subject + main verb:
Be: When are you leaving?

Do: Where do they live?

Have: What has she done now?
Modal: Who would she stay with?
Who’s been paying the bills?
Why didn’t you call me?

What have they decided?

Where should I park?

• Without an auxiliary verb
• When what, who, which or whose is the subject or part of the subject, we do not use the auxiliary. We use the
word order subject + verb:

• What fell off the wall? Which horse won?

• Who bought this? Whose phone rang?

• Who owns this bag?

• Who is the subject of the sentence and this bag is the object. We use no auxiliary verb.

• Who do you love most?

• Who is the object of the sentence and you is the subject. We use the auxiliary verb do.

Negative wh-questions

When we ask negative wh-questions, we use the

auxiliary verb do when there is no other auxiliary or
modal verb, even when the wh-word is the subject of
the clause:

Who doesn’t want an ice cream?

Which door didn’t open?


When did you wake up this morning?

Not: Up when did you wake?

See also:

Verbs: multi-word verbs

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•Where was she today?

•How were the apples? Were they delicious?

•Why were the children sad?
•What was your last name before marriage?

•What were their favorite books as children?

•Where were they last week?
•How was the weather during your holiday

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Notice the word order. The wh- question word comes
before "did" and then the infinitive.


•How long did you study English?

•How often did he smoke cigarettes?
•Where did your mother live when she was a girl?
•Why did you do that?
•Who did he bring to the dance yesterday?
•What did the girl have in her bag?

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Ahora que ya sabemos todo lo que tenemos que saber sobre preguntas cerradas con el simple past
Estos son ejemplos de preguntas con el simple past con su respectiva respuesta:
•Did you watch Dark last night?
•Yes I did
•Did you make a party with 50 people?
•No, I didn’t
•Did you wear a face mask?
•Yes, I did
•Did you go to the university?
•No, I didn’t
•Did you rent another apartment?
•No, I didn’t
•Did Sasha really die?
•Yes, she did
Recuerda que todas las preguntas cerradas con el pasado simple empiezan con did.

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Preguntas en Pasado Simple con Wh
Las preguntas con wh en Inglés también se les conoce
como preguntas abiertas o preguntas de información Estas
se llaman así, porque requieren más que un simple “si” o

•What did you do yesterday?

•I played soccer
•What movie did you watch?
•I watched Titanic
•Where did you go?
•I went to the movies
•What did you cook?
•I made pasta
•Who did you meet?
•I met a very interesting woman
•Where did you train last night?
•I trained in a gym nearby
•What country did she travel to?
•She traveled to Norway and Denmark
•Why did you buy more Crypto?
•Because ADA is going to the moon

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1.When was the Second World War?
2.Where did you live 10 years ago?
3.Why did she move to London?
4.Which course did you choose?
5.What did the director tell you?
6.Whose child was that?
7.Who ate all the chocolate? 
8.Whom did he call?
9.How did you get there?

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Como puedes ver todas las preguntas con el pasado simple comienzan con (1) did,
estas son seguidas de un (2) pronombre o sujeto, de un (3) verbo en Inglés y por
último del (4) complemento de la oración
Siguiendo esto puedes crear oraciones como:
•Did you do exercises? = ¿Hiciste ejercicios?
•Did you pay for the food? = ¿Pagaste por la comida?
•Did you watch a horror movies? = ¿Viste una pelicula de terror?
Todo es bastante facíl, si manejas verbos en Inglés y algo de vocabulario.
Preguntas Cerradas con el Pasado Simple
Recuerda que las preguntas cerradas con el pasado simple en Inglés se pueden
contestar con un “sí” o un “no”
El “sí” o “no” puede ser un simple “yes” or “no“, sin embargo la gramática requiere
un poco más que eso.
Esta es la forma de contestar las preguntas cerradas en Inglés con el pasado simple

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Ejemplos de Preguntas con Simple Past
Ahora que ya sabemos todo lo que tenemos que saber sobre preguntas cerradas con el simple
Estos son ejemplos de preguntas con el simple past con su respectiva respuesta:
•Did you watch Dark last night?
•Yes I did
•Did you make a party with 50 people?
•No, I didn’t
•Did you wear a face mask?
•Yes, I did
•Did you go to the university?
•No, I didn’t
•Did you rent another apartment?
•No, I didn’t
•Did Sasha really die?
•Yes, she did
Recuerda que todas las preguntas cerradas con el pasado simple empiezan con did.

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• Did you work very hard last week? Yes, I did
Las respuestas largas afirmativas se forman con Yes (Si) seguido de
una coma, el sujeto, el verbo principal en pasado y el complemento
de la oración. 
•Did you work very hard last week? Yes, I worked very hard last week. (¿Tú
trabajaste muy duro la semana pasada? Sí, trabajé muy duro la semana
Las respuestas cortas negativas se forman con No (No) seguido de una
coma, el sujeto, did not. Se puede utilizar la contracción didn’t.
•Did you work very hard last week? No, I didn’t. (¿Tú trabajaste muy duro
la semana pasada? No)
Las respuestas largas negativas se forman con No (No) seguido de una
coma, el sujeto, did not. Se puede utilizar la contracción didn’t.
•Did you work very hard last week? No, I didn’t work very hard last week.
(¿Tú trabajaste muy duro la semana pasada? No, yo no trabajé muy duro
la semana pasada)

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