Atomic Emission Spectroscopy Lecture

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Atomic Emission Spectroscopy

Atomic Emission Spectroscopy

Atomic emission spectroscopy is also an analytical
technique that is used to measure the concentrations of
elements in samples .
It uses quantitative measurement of the emission from
excited atoms to determine analyte concentration .
The analyte atoms are promoted to a higher energy level
by the sufficient energy that is provided by the high
temperature of the atomization sources.
The excited atoms decay back to lower levels by
emitting light. Emissions are passed through
monochromators or filters prior to detection by
photomultiplier tubes.
Advantages of emission Spectrometer over absorption

1. Lower inter-element interference because of higher


2. Several elements can be recorded simultaneously.

3. Multi-element can be analyzed from very small sample.

4. Low concentration refractory compounds can be determined

5. Nonmetals can also be determined by plasma sources.

6. Very high concentration range (linear range) for plasma

Disadvantages of emission spectrometry:

1. More expensive equipment's needed.

2. Procedures are somewhat complicated than
absorption method.
3. More operating cost than absorption

Atomic emission and absorption methods are

complementary to each other.
Emission Spectroscopy Based on Plasma
A plasma is an electrical conducting gaseous
mixture containing a significant concentration of
cations and electrons. (The concentrations of the
two are such that the net charge approaches zero).
In the argon plasma frequently employed for
emission analyses, argon ions and electrons are
the principle conducting species, although cations
from the sample will also be present in lesser
…Emission spectroscopy based on plasma sources continued…
Argon ions, once formed in a plasma, are
capable of absorbing sufficient power from an
external source to maintain the temperature at a
level at which further ionization sustains the
plasma indefinitely; temperatures as great as
10,000 K are encountered. Three types of high-
temperature plasmas are encountered:
(1)the inductively coupled plasma (ICP)
(2) the direct current plasma (DCP)
(3) the microwave induced plasma (MIP).
The instrumentation of atomic emission spectroscopy is
the same as that of atomic absorption, but without the
presence of a radiation source .
In atomic Emission the sample is atomized and the
analyte atoms are excited to higher energy levels all in
the atomizer .
Schematic Diagram of an Atomic Emission spectrometer
The source of energy in Atomic Emission could be a flame
like the one used in atomic absorption or an inductively
coupled plasma ( ICP ) .

-The flame (1700–3150⸰C) is most useful for

elements with relatively low excitation energies like
sodium potassium and calcium .

-The ICP (6000–8000⸰C) has a very high

temperature and is useful for elements of high
excitation energies .
Sample Preparation

Inductively coupled plasma emission spectroscopy

is used primarily for the qualitative and
quantitative analysis of samples that are dissolved
or suspended in aqueous or organic liquids. With
plasma emission, methods do exist for the direct
analysis of solids. These procedures include
electro-thermal vaporization, laser and spark
ablation, and glow discharge.
Elements Determined

In principle, all metallic elements can be

determined by plasma emission spectrometry.
A vacuum spectrometer is necessary for the
determination of boron, phosphorus, nitrogen,
sulfur, and carbon because the emission lines
for these elements lie at wavelengths below
180 nm where components of the atmosphere
absorb. The usefulness for the alkali metals is
Detection Limits

The detection limits with the inductively

coupled plasma source appear comparable to or
better than other atomic spectral procedures.
More elements can be detected at levels of ten
parts-per billion or less with plasma excitation
than with other emission or absorption
Comparison Between Atomic Absorption
and Emission Spectroscopy
Absorption Emission

- Measure trace metal - Measure trace metal

concentrations in concentrations in
complex matrices . complex matrices .

- Atomic absorption - Atomic emission depends

depends upon the upon the number of
number of ground state excited atoms .
atoms .
- It measures the - It measures the
radiation absorbed by radiation emitted by
the ground state atoms. the excited atoms .

- Presence of a light - Absence of the light

source (HCL) . source .

- The temperature in - The temperature in the

the atomizer is adjusted atomizer is big enough
to atomize the analyte to atomize the analyte
atoms in the ground atoms and excite them to a
state only. higher energy level.
AES Applications
The are many applications for atomic absorption:
- Clinical analysis: Analyzing metals in biological fluids such
as blood and urine.
- Environmental analysis: Monitoring our environment – e g
finding out the levels of various elements in rivers, seawater,
drinking water, air, and petrol.
- Pharmaceuticals: In some pharmaceutical manufacturing
processes, minute quantities of a catalyst used in the process
(usually a metal) are sometimes present in the final product. By
using AAS the amount of catalyst present can be determined.
- Industry : Many raw materials are examined and AAS is widely
used to check that the major elements are present and that toxic
impurities are lower than specified – e g in concrete, where
calcium is a major constituent, the lead level should be low
because it is toxic.
- Mining: By using AAS the amount of metals
such as gold in rocks can be determined to
see whether it is worth mining the rocks to
extract the gold .
- Trace elements in food analysis
- Trace element analysis of cosmetics
- Trace element analysis of hair
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