IT 601: Mobile Computing: GSM (Most of The Slides Stolen From Prof. Sridhar Iyer's Lectures)

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IT 601: Mobile Computing

GSM (Most of the slides stolen from Prof. Sridhar Iyers lectures)

Prof. Anirudha Sahoo


Cellular Concept
Base stations (BS): implement space division multiplex
Each BS covers a certain transmission area (cell) Each BS is allocated a portion of the total number of channels available Cluster: group of nearby BSs that together use all available channels

Mobile stations communicate only via Prof. Anirudha Sahoo the base station, using FDMA, TDMA,3.2

GSM: System Architecture

Prof. Anirudha Sahoo


Mobile Station (MS)

MS consists of following two components

Mobile Equipment (ME) Mobile Subscriber Identity Module (SIM)

Removable plastic card Stores Network Specific Data such as list of carrier frequencies and current Location Area ID (LAI). Stores International Mobile Subscriber Identity (IMSI) + ISDN Stores Personal Identification Number (PIN) & Authentication Keys. Also stores short messages, charging information, telephone book etc.

Allows separation of user mobility from equipment mobility

Prof. Anirudha Sahoo 3.4

One per cell Consists of high speed transmitter and receiver Function of BTS
Provides two channels
Signalling and Data Channel

Base Transceiver Station (BTS)

Performs error protection coding for the radio channel

Prof. Anirudha Sahoo 3.5

Controls multiple BTS Functions of BSC

Base Station Controller (BSC)

Performs radio resource management

Assigns and releases frequencies and time slots for all the MSs in its area Reallocation of frequencies among cells Hand off protocol is executed here

Time and frequency synchronization signals to BTSs Time Delay Measurement and notification of an MS to BTS Power Management of BTS and MS Prof. Anirudha Sahoo


Switching node of a PLMN (Public Land Mobile Network) Allocation of radio resource (RR)

Mobile Switching Center (MSC)

Mobility of subscribers
Location registration of subscriber

There can be several MSCs in a PLMN

Prof. Anirudha Sahoo 3.7

Gateway MSC (GMSC)

Connects mobile network to a fixed network
Entry point to a PLMN

Usually one per PLMN Request routing information from the HLR and routes the connection to the local MSC
Prof. Anirudha Sahoo 3.8

HLR - Home Location Register
Contains semi-permanent subscriber information For all users registered with the network, HLR keeps user profile MSCs exchange information with HLR When MS registers with a new GMSC, the HLR sends the user profile to the new MSC

VLR - Visitor Location Register

Contains temporary info about mobile subscribers that are currently located in the MSC service area but whose HLR are elsewhere Copies relevant information for new users (of this HLR or of foreign HLR) from the HLR VLR is responsible for a group of location areas, typically associated with an MSC Prof. Anirudha Sahoo 3.9

AuC: Authentication Center
is accessed by HLR to authenticate a user for service Contains authentication and encryption keys for subscribers

EIR: Equipment Identity Register

allows stolen or fraudulent mobile stations to be identified

Operation subsystem (OSS):

Operations and maintenance center (OMC), network management center (NMC), and administration center (ADC) Prof. Anirudha Sahoo work together to monitor, control,


GSM identifiers
International mobile subscriber identity (IMSI):
unique 15 digits assigned by service provider = home country code + home GSM network code + mobile subscriber ID + national mobile subscriber ID

International mobile station equipment identity (IMEI):

unique 15 digits assigned by equipment manufacturer = type approval code + final assembly code + serial number + spare digit

Temporary mobile subscriber identity Prof. Anirudha Sahoo (TMSI):


Location Area Identifier of an LA of a PLMN Based on international ISDN numering plan
Country Code (CC): 3 decimal digits Mobile Network Code (MNC): 2 decimal digits Location Area Code (LAC) : maximum 5 decimal digits
Prof. Anirudha Sahoo Is broadcast regularly by the BTS on3.12

Cell Identifier (CI)

Within LA, individual cells are uniquely identified with Cell Identifier (CI). LAI + CI = Global Cell Identity

Prof. Anirudha Sahoo


Air Interface: MS to BTS

Uplink/Downlink of 25MHz
890 -915 MHz for Up link 935 - 960 MHz for Down link

Combination of frequency division and time division multiplexing


124 channels of 200 kHz Burst


Modulation used
Gaussian Minimum Shift Keying (GMSK)
Prof. Anirudha Sahoo 3.14

Number of channels in GSM

Freq. Carrier: 200 kHz TDMA: 8 time slots per freq carrier No. of carriers = 25 MHz / 200 kHz = 125 Max no. of user channels = 125 * 8 = 1000
Prof. Anirudha Sahoo 3.15 Considering guard bands = 124 * 8 =

Prof. Anirudha Sahoo


GSM Channels

Prof. Anirudha Sahoo


Air Interface: Logical Channel

Traffic Channel (TCH)
Carries user voice traffic

Signalling Channel
Broadcast Channel (BCH) (unidirectional) Common Control Channel (CCH) (unidirectional) Dedicated/Associated Control Prof. Anirudha Sahoo 3.18 Channel (DCCH/ACCH) (bidirectional)

Broadcast Control Channel (BCCH)
send cell identities, organization info about common control channels, cell service available, etc

Radio channel configuration

Current cell + Neighbouring cells Frequencies + frame numbering LA + Cell Identification (CI) + Base Station Identity Code (BSIC)
Prof. Anirudha Sahoo 3.19

Synchronizing information

Registration Identifiers


Frequency Correction Channel

send a frequency correction data burst containing all zeros to effect a constant frequency shift of RF carrier
Mobile station knows which frequency to use

Repeated broadcast of Frequency Bursts

Synchronization Channel

send TDMA frame number and base station identity code to synchronize MSs
MS knows which timeslot to use

Repeated broadcast of Synchronization Bursts

Prof. Anirudha Sahoo 3.20


Access Grant Channel (AGCH)
BTS to MS Used to assign an SDCCH/TCH to MS

Paging Channel (PCH)

BTS to MS Page MS
Prof. Anirudha Sahoo 3.21


Random Access Channel (RACH)
MS => BTS Slotted Aloha Request for dedicated SDCCH

Standalone Dedicated Control Channel (SDCCH)

MS => BTS Standalone; Independent of Traffic Channel Used before MSAnirudha Sahoo Prof. is assigned a TCH


DCCH (dedicated control channel):
bidirectional point-to-point -- main signaling channels SDCCH (stand-alone dedicated control channel): for service request, subscriber authentication, equipment validation, assignment to a traffic channel SACCH (slow associated control channel): for out-of-band signaling associated with a traffic channel, eg, signal strength measurements FACCH (fast associated control channel): for preemptive signaling Sahoo a traffic channel, 3.23 on Prof. Anirudha eg, for handoff messages

Power On

Scan Channels, monitor RF levels

Select the channel with highest RF level among the control channels

Scan the channel for the FCCH Select the channel with next highest Rf level from the control list. NO Is FCCH detected? YES Scan channel for SCH NO Is SCH detected? YES Read data from BCCH and determine is it BCCH? From the channel data update the control channel list NO Is the current BCCH channel included?


FCCH Freq correction channel Camp SCH synchronization channel Anirudha Sahoo on BCCH and Prof.
start decoding


Adaptive Frame Synchronization

Timing Advance Advance in Tx time corresponding to propagation delay 6 bit number used; hence 63 steps 63 bit period = 233 micro seconds (148 bits occupy 546.5 micro second)
(round trip time)
35 Kms (taking speed of light)
Prof. Anirudha Sahoo 3.25

GSM: Frequency Hopping

Optionally, TDMA is combined with frequency hopping to address problem of channel fading
TDMA bursts are transmitted in a precalculated sequence of different frequencies (algorithm programmed in mobile station) If a TDMA burst happens to be in a deep fade, then next burst most probably will not be so Helps to make transmission quality 3.26 Prof. Anirudha Sahoo

Building unit of physical channel Types of bursts
Normal: for transmitting messages in traffic and control channels Frequency Correction: sent by base station for frequency correction at mobile station Synchronization: sent by base station for synchronization Access: for call setup Dummy: to fill an empty timeslot in the absence of data Anirudha Sahoo Prof. 3.27

Normal Burst
Normal Burst
2*(3 head bit + 57 data bits + 1 signaling bit) + 26 training sequence bit + 8.25 guard bit Used for all except RACH, FSCH & SCH

Prof. Anirudha Sahoo


Traffic Multiframe
Prof. Anirudha Sahoo 3.29

Traffic Channel
Transfer either encoded speech or user data Bidirectional Full Rate TCH
Rate 22.4kbps

Half Rate TCH

Rate 11.2 kbpsAnirudha Sahoo Prof.

Speech Coding for 20ms segments

260 bits at the output ; Effective data rate 13kbps

Full Rate Speech Coding

Unequal error protection

182 bits are protected 78 bits unprotected

Channel Encoding
Codes 260 bits into (8 x 57 bit blocks) 456 bits

2 blocks of different set interleaved
Prof. Anirudha Sahoo 3.31

GSM Speech Coding

104 kbps 13 kbps RPE-LTP Channel A/D speech encoder encoder 8000 samples/s, 13 bits/sample

Analog speech

Low-pass filter

Prof. Anirudha Sahoo


GSM Speech Coding

Bit interleaving: to spread effects of Rayleigh fading across data blocks
channel coder

blocks 57-bit segments 114-bit segments Normal burst 1 2 3

456 bits 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3

456 bits 4 5 6 7 8

1 TB

2 Data

5 Data

7 H TB

8 G

H Training
Prof. Anirudha Sahoo


20 ms Speech Coder 260

20 ms Speech Coder 260

Channel Encoding 456 bit

Channel Encoding 456 bit


NORMAL BURST 3 Out of first 20 ms 57 1 26 1 57 3 8.25

3.34 Prof. Anirudha Sahoo

Above 148 bits corresponds to 546.5 micro seconds

Out of second 20ms

Traffic Channel Structure for Full Rate Coding


Slots 1

Bursts for Users allocated in Slot

1 2 T T 3 T 4 T 5 T 6 T 7 8 T T 9T 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 T T T T S T T T T 26 I

T = Traffic S = Signal( contains information about the signal strength in neighboring cells)
Prof. Anirudha Sahoo 3.35

Traffic Channel Structure for Half Rate Coding

Slots 1

Burst for one users

1 2 T 3 T 4 5 T 6 7 T 8 9 10 T T 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 T S T T 26

Bursts for another users allocated in alternate Slots 1 2 3 4 5 6 T 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 T


26 S

Prof. Anirudha Sahoo


Slow Associated Control Channel (SACCH)
MS BTS Always associated with either TCH or SDCCH Information

Channel quality, signal power level

Should always be active; as proof of existence of physical radio connection

Fast Associated Control Channel (FACCH)


Uses timeslots which are otherwise used by TCH (Pre-emptive

multiplexing on aProf. Anirudha Sahoo Flag (SF)) TCH, Stealing


GSM: Channel Summary

Logical channels
Traffic Channels; Control Channels

Physical Channel
Time Slot Number; TDMA frame; RF Channel Sequence

Mapping in frequency
124 channels, 200KHz spacing

Mapping in time
TDMA Frame, Multi Frame, Super Frame, Channel
Prof. Anirudha Sahoo 3.38

GSM: System Architecture

Prof. Anirudha Sahoo


Radio Sub System (RSS)

Network Sub System (NSS)


Operation Sub System

Prof. Anirudha Sahoo 3.40

Example: Outgoing call setup

User keys in the number and presses send Mobile transmits Set Up message on uplink signaling channel (RACH) to the MSC MSC requests HLR/VLR to get subscriber parameters necessary for handling the call. VLR/HLR sends Complete Call msg to the MSC MSC sends an Assignment message to the BSS and asks it to assign TCH for the MS BSS allocates a radio channel (TCH) and sends an Assignment message to MS over SDCCH MS tunes to the radio channel (TCH) and sends an Assignment Complete message to the BSS. BSS deallocates SDCCH. Now voice path is established between MS and MSC MSC completes the PSTN side of the signaling.
Prof. Anirudha Sahoo 3.41

Example: Incoming Call Setup

MSC sends Send Routing Information msg to HLR HLR acks the Send Routing Information to MSC which contains the LAI (Location Area Identity) and TMSI (International Mobile Subscriber Identity) of the MS. MSC uses the LAI to determine which BSSs will page MS MS BSS/MSC ------ Paging request (PCH) (contains TMSI) MS BSS/MSC ------ Channel request (RACH) MS BSS/MSC ------ Immediate Assignment (AGCH) (carries SDCCH info) MS BSS/MSC ------ Paging Response (SDCCH) (This SDCCH is used until TCH is allocated) MS BSS/MSC ------ Authentication Request (SDCCH) MS BSS/MSC ------ Authentication Response (SDCCH) MS BSS/MSC ------ Setup (SDCCH) MS BSS/MSC ------ Call Confirmation (SDCCH) MS BSS/MSC ------ Alert Anirudha Sahoo (SDCCH) Prof. 3.42 MS BSS/MSC ------ Connect (SDCCH)

GSM: Identification
Identification of Mobile Subscriber
International Mobile Subscriber Identity (IMSI) Temporary IMSI (TMSI) Mobile Subscriber ISDN number (MSISDN)

Identification of Mobile Equipment

International Mobile Station Equipment Identification (IMEI) Mobile Station Roaming Number (MSRN)
Prof. Anirudha Sahoo 3.43

International Mobile Subscriber Identity Stored in SIM, not more than 15 digits
3 digits for Mobile Country Code (MCC) 3 digits for Mobile Network Code (MNC) It uniquely identifies the home GSM PLMN of the mobile subscriber. Not more than 10 digits for National Mobile Station Identity (MSIN) The first 3 digits identify the logical HLR-ID of the mobile subscriber

MNC+MSIN makes National Mobile Station Identity (NMSI)

Prof. Anirudha Sahoo 3.44


Temporary Mobile Subscriber Identity
Has only local and temporal significance Is assigned by VLR and stored there only Is used in place of IMSI for security reasons

Local Mobile Subscriber Identity

Is an additional searching key given by VLR It is also sent to HLR

Both are assigned in an operator Prof. Anirudha Sahoo specific way


real telephone number of a MS It is stored centrally in the HLR MS can have several MSISDNs depending on SIM It follows international ISDN numbering plan
Country Code (CC): upto 3 decimal places National Destination Code (NDC): 2-3 decimal places Subscriber Number (SN) : maximal 10 decimal places Anirudha Sahoo Prof. 3.46

GSM roaming
VLR registers users roaming in its area
Recognizes mobile station is from another PLMN If roaming is allowed, VLR finds the mobiles HLR in its home PLMN VLR constructs a global title from IMSI to allow signaling from VLR to mobiles HLR via public telephone network VLR generates a mobile subscriber roaming number (MSRN) used to route incoming calls to mobile station MSRN is sent to mobiles HLR Prof. Anirudha Sahoo 3.47

GSM roaming
VLR contains
MSRN TMSI Location area where mobile station has registered Info for supplementary services (if any) IMSI HLR or global title Prof. Anirudha Sahoo Local identity for mobile station (if


GSM handoffs
Intra-BSS: if old and new BTSs are attached to same base station
MSC is not involved

Intra-MSC: if old and new BTSs are attached to different base stations but within same MSC Inter-MSC: if MSCs are changed
Prof. Anirudha Sahoo 3.49

GSM Intra-MSC handoff

1. Mobile station monitors signal quality and determines handoff is required, sends signal measurements to serving BSS 2. Serving BSS sends handoff request to MSC with ranked list of qualified target BSSs 3. MSC determines that best candidate BSS is under its control 4. MSC reserves a trunk to target BSS 5. Target BSS selects and reserves radio channels for new connection, sends Ack to MSC Prof. Anirudha Sahoo 3.50 6. MSC notifies serving BSS to begin

GSM Intra-MSC handoff

7. Serving BSS forwards new radio channel assignment to mobile station 8. Mobile station retunes to new radio channel, notifies target BSS on new channel 9. Target BSS notifies MSC that handoff is detected 10.Target BSS and mobile station exchange messages to synchronize transmission in proper timeslot 11.MSC switches voice connection to target BSS, which responds when handoff is Prof. Anirudha Sahoo 3.51 complete

GSM Inter-MSC handoff

1. MS sends signal measurements to serving BSS 2. Serving BSS sends handoff request to MSC 3. Serving MSC determines that best candidate BSS is under control of a target MSC and calls target MSC 4. Target MSC notifies its VLR to assign a TMSI 5. Target VLR returns TMSI 6. Target MSC reserves a trunk to target BSS Prof. Anirudha Sahoo


GSM Inter-MSC handoff

9. Serving MSC notifies serving BSS to begin handoff, including new radio channel assignment 10.Serving BSS forwards new radio channel assignment to mobile station 11.Mobile station retunes to new radio channel, notifies target BSS on new channel 12.Target BSS notifies target MSC that handoff is detected 13.Target BSS and mobile station synchronize timeslot Prof. Anirudha Sahoo 3.53 14.Voice connection is switched to target

GSM Security
Access Control and Authentication
User should not be able to use the GSM resources without being authenticated

Messages containing user related information should not be accessible to others

User identifier is not used over the air
Prof. Anirudha Sahoo 3.54

GSM Security
Access Control and authentication
GSM handsets must be presented with a subscriber identity module (SIM) SIM must be validated with personal identification number (PIN) SIM also stores subscriber authentication key, authentication algorithm, cipher key generation algorithm, encryption algorithm
Prof. Anirudha Sahoo 3.55

GSM Security
During registration (when roaming), mobile station receives challenge and uses authentication key and authentication algorithm to generate challenge response to verify users identity

Confidentiality (Privacy from eavesdropping)

Temporary encryption key is used for privacy of data,Anirudha Sahoo Prof. signaling, and voice 3.56

GSM Security
Anonymity of users
Supported by temporary mobile subscriber ID (TMSI) When registered, mobile station sends globally-unique international mobile subscriber ID (IMSI) to network Network assigns TMSI for use during call IMSI is not sent over radio link Only network and mobile station know true identity New TMSI is assigned Sahoo Prof. Anirudha when roam into new 3.57 area

GSM Summary
Uplink frequencies Downlink frequencies Total GSM bandwidth Channel bandwidth Number of RF carriers Multiple access Users/carrier Number of simul. users Speech coding rate FEC coded speech rate 890-915 MHz 935-960 MHz 25 MHz up + 25 MHz down 200 kHz 124 TDMA 8 992 13 kb/s 22.8 kb/s

Prof. Anirudha Sahoo

GSM service quality requirements

Speech intelligibility Max one-way delay Max handoff gap Time to alert mobile of inbound cell Release time to called network Connect time to called network 90% 90 ms 150 ms if intercell 4 sec first attempt, 15 sec final attempt 2 sec 4 sec

Prof. Anirudha Sahoo


GSM 900 and GSM 1800

G SM 900 F re q u e n cy b a n d 8 9 0 -9 1 5 M H z 9 3 5 -9 6 0 M H z B o rde r s p a cin g 25 M Hz D u p le x sp a cin g 45 M Hz C a rrie r sp a cin g 200 kH z C a rrie rs 124 T im es lo ts p e r ca rrier 8 M u ltip le a cces s T D M A /F D M A T y p ica l ce ll ra n g e < 3 0 0 m 3 5 k m H a n d se t P o w e r 0 .8 & 8 W G SM 1800 1 7 1 0 -1 7 8 5 M H z 1 8 0 5 -1 8 8 0 M H z 75 M Hz 95 M Hz 2 0 0 kH z 374 8 T D M A /F D M A < 100m 15 km 0 .2 5 & 1 W

Prof. Anirudha Sahoo


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