Using and Maintaining Hand Tools

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Basic safety practices in workplace, hardware
and software tools, and the disposal of hazardous
materials must be observed. Safety guidelines
will help protect every individuals harm such as
accidents and injury.
1. All tools be kept in good condition with
regular maintenance.

Safe Use of
2. Use the right tool for the right job.
3. Examine each tool before use and
damage or defective tools should not be
Tools used.
4. Proper operations of each tool must be
Adhere to the Environmental Safety and based on manufacturer’s instructions.
Health Program requirement, the 5. Wear the right protective equipment
following must be observed: before using the tools.
Hand Tools
Hand tools are operated with an individual’s hand and are usually not powered to help
assemble or fix hardware and components.
1. Flat Head Screwdriver – Used to loosen or tighten slotted screws.
2. Philips Head Screwdriver – Used to loosen or tighten crosshead screws.
3. Torx Screwdriver - Used to loosen or tighten screws that have a star-like depression on
the top, a feature that is mainly found on laptop.
4. Hex Driver – Sometimes called a nut driver, is used to tighten nuts in the same way
that a screwdriver tightens screws.
5. Needle-Nose Pliers – Used to hold small parts
6. Wire Cutter – Used to strip and cut wires.
Hand Tools
7. Tweezers – Used to manipulate small parts
8. Part Retriever – Used to retrieve parts from location that is too small for your hand to
9. Wire stripper - Used to remove the insulation from wire so that it can be twisted to
other wires or crimped to connectors to make a cable.
10.Crimper - Used to attach connectors to wires.
11.Punch-down tool - Used to terminate wire into termination blocks. Some cable
connectors must be connected to cables using a punch down tool
Cleaning 1. Lint-free Cloth – Used to clean different

computer components without scratching or
leaving debris. 2. Compressed Air – Used to
blow away dust and debris from different
Appropriate cleaning tools is essential computer parts without touching the
in maintaining or repairing computers. components.
Simple cleaning tools may just be a 3. Cable Ties – Used to bundle cables neatly
solutions to contact issues like the inside and outside of a computer.
RAM and other connectors especially 4. Parts Organizer – Used to hold screw,
computers operated in humid and dusty jumpers, fasteners and other small parts and
environment. prevents them from getting mixed together.
1. Multimeter – Used to test the integrity of
circuits and the quality of electricity in
computer components.
2. Loopback Adapter – Used to test the
functionality of computer ports.
Electro 1. Anti-static wrist strap – used to
prevent ESD damage to computer
Discharge (ESD) components.

Tools 2. Anti-static mat – used to stand on or

place hardware on to prevent static
Static Energy is easily generated by friction electricity form building up. To prevent
on carpets, tile flowing, clothing, hair, accidents and damage to equipment and
fabric, etc. Electrostatic discharge may people, proper use of a variety of
damage computer components and often
hardware, software, and organizational
sensitive to ESD. To protect them from
tools must be applied.
such damage, you may need to the
Proper Use of ESD Tool
1. Connect the cable to the metal chassis of the computer.
2. Wrap the strap around your wrist.
3. The connection will keep your body at the same voltage (potential) as the computer.
4. Attach the wire on the same side of the equipment as the arm wearing the antistatic
wrist strap to keep the wire out of the way while you are working.
Proper Use of Antistatic Mat
1. Lay the computer on the mat.
2. Connect the computer to the mat with the cable.
3. Connect the mat to a reliable electrical ground with its cable.
4. Now, you and the computer are at ground potential.
CAUTION: If excessive force is needed to remove or add a component, something may be wrong.
CAUTION: Magnetized tools should not be used around electronic devices. CAUTION: Pencils should not
be used inside the computer because the pencil lead can act as a conductor and may damage the computer
1. Use mild cleaning solution and lint-
free cloth to clean computer cases,
Proper Use of outside of monitor, LCD screen, CRT
screen and mouse.
Cleaning 2. Use compressed air to clean heat
Materials 3. Use Isopropyl alcohol and lint-free
swabs to clean RAM.
4. Use hand-held vacuum cleaner with a
brush attachment to clean a keyboard.
Safety Precautions
1. Unplug the power source and double check to ensure that the power source is removed.
2. Wear rubber shoes or slippers.
3. Do not eat or drink near the workstation.
4. Remove nay high electrical conductors or any flammable materials near the workstation.
5. Use electrostatic discharge tools if available. If there is none, do the following:
a. Equalize the charge between yourself and the computer.
b. Always place the components inside their anti-static bags until such time that the component is
ready to be installed.
c. Avoid generating extra static by not using jewelry, jacket, and clothes that conduct static
electricity like wool and synthetic fabrics.
Tool Maintenance
Precision instruments must be regularly calibrated to maintain the high levels of accuracy required. If
a tool or piece of equipment is damaged, do not use it because it may be dangerous to other property.

Never leave tools lying round the workshop to avoid being lost. It may be hung on a panel or
pegboard mounted on the wall.

Measuring instruments, gauges, and meters should be stored where they cannot be damaged by
weather or impact with other tools.

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