Introduction To Buddhism

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What is the religion?

Introduction to Buddhism
L.O. – Starter –
To learn background On your own:
information on Buddhism Compile an individual list
including the Five Moral of six things that make you
Precepts and the eightfold path. lastingly happy.

Discuss in pairs:
What might limit your
happiness? What could
happen to the things that
make you happy?
Big think
If we all want to be happy why is there so much
suffering in the world?
1. What causes suffering?
2. What can we do to prevent ourselves and
others from suffering?
Rules for living
Create 5 rules for living that you would introduce to keep
everyone happy.


Think about what makes other people unhappy, e.g. Why

might someone feel hurt?
Five Moral Precepts
All Buddhists undertake to live by the Five Moral
Precepts which mean refraining from:

1. Harming living things

2. Taking what is not given
3. Sexual misconduct
4. Lying or gossip
5. Taking intoxicating substances e.g. drugs or drink

Who came up with these?

Who is the Buddha?
Buddhists follow the teachings of a
man called Siddhartha Gautama,

He lived in India in the 6thcentury

BCE. Buddha is not his name but a
special title as he has gained
ENLIGHTENMENT is a special
understanding, realising the truth
about how things are.

Buddhists believe that the world is

imperfect but the Buddha found
the answer to why this is and so
can over come it.
Who is the Buddha?
Buddhists believe that by
following the teachings of
the Buddha they too can
gain enlightenment.

Buddhists do not believe in an

all powerful God, they do
not believe that Buddha
himself was more important
than a normal human being.

He was important because he

had reached enlightenment.
Who is the Buddha?
Buddhists believe that
when they die they will
be reborn unless they
reach enlightenment

Buddhists try to break

this cycle and reach
NIRVANA. This is the
end of imperfection
and the state of
perfect peace.
Who is the Buddha?
The Buddha started on a life of teaching
as he wanted to help other people
achieve enlightenment.
Who is the Buddha?
Quick Quiz:

1. What do Buddhists believe about God?

2. What do Buddhists mean when they say enlightenment?
3. Who was the Buddha?
What did the Buddha teach?
The Buddha’s teachings are written down in the
“Dhammapada” or path of wisdom.
• The Buddha only advised that if you wanted
to be free of suffering then you could follow
his teachings, if not, so be it!
Copy out the diagram above.
Which do you think is the most important path to follow?
Buddhism is a choice

If you want, you

can throw
yourself totally in
If you want, you to the religion
can follow the and become a
Buddha’s teachings monk or nun
and live your daily (you must shave
life but incorporate your hair off,
meditation in to it. sever ties with
(Lay Buddhist) your family and
friends and wear
orange clothes) –
What do you think?
1. Do you agree with the pathways described in
Buddhist teachings?

2. Would you add anything else in to help

reduce suffering?

3. Would you consider incorporating any

Buddhist guidance into your own life?

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