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WEEL 1 – DAY 1
Musical Symbols and
1. Notes and Rests
Learning Comperencies

• Identifies the notes / rests

• used in a particular song
•2 3 4
• 4 4 4 time signatures
• MU6RH-Ia-1
Ask the learners to snap and clap from the
number that you will say. 
2 snaps
2 claps
Until they make a sound/rythm
• Play the Leron-Leron Sinta folk Song and
observe how the rhythm of the song.
• After the observation, let’s analyze another
• Analyze the song.
What is the time signature of the song?  
What does the upper number in the time signature mean?

How about the lower number?

 What are the notes and rests you find in the song ? (quarter
note) (eight note) (quarter note ) ( half note ) . (dotted
quarter note )

What does it mean by the song? Discuss the value of the song
in relation to the culture of Filipinos
Let’s analyze the song “Bumalaka Ay Buwan”
1. What is the time signature of the song?
2. What does the numbers in the time signature
mean ?
3. What are the notes and rests in the song?
Let’s Draw!
Instruction: Draw the notes of each following

1. Whole note
2. Half note
3. Whole Rest
4. Half Rest
Let’s Group!
From what we have discuss. Group the learners into 4
Instruction: Make your own sound/rhythm using the
note and rest provided.
Let’s Analyze!
Instruction: Identify the notes and rests found in
the song.
WEEL 1 – DAY 2
Let’s review some basic term will be use in the
What are the elements of arts?
What are the principles of arts?
What are the processes of arts?
Can you look at your soundings? What have you
notice in your scenery?
Can you tell what the shape is? Color? Texture?
Let’s Observe
Can you name the historical painting below?

• How will you describe the painting?

• How will you interpret the painting?
• Who is the painter of the art?
Style refers to the distinguishing characteristics
of a work of art that identify it as typical of an
individual artist, culture, school, movement, or
time period. Artworks may exhibit personal,
national, and/or period styles.
Group Discussion on the ff:
• Guide Questions for art criticism
• Description: What do I see? (feel, hear, smell, taste)?
• •Subject Matter: Does the artwork depict anything? If so, what?

• •Medium: What tools, materials, or processes did the art make use?

• •Form: What elements did the maker choose and how did the
• maker organize the elements?

• *Interpretation: What is the artwork about?

• •Interpretive Statement: Can I express what I think the artwork is about
in one sentence?
Using the evidences, can you describe the
differences between digital art and traditional
art based on the different element?
A. How these two arts differ in:
Line –
Shape –
Texture –
Space –
Digital Arts
Traditional Art
Focus Group Discussion

From what you have answers

above, let’s share it to the class.
Let’s Check!
From the 2 arts above, are the elements and
principles of arts present in the art work?
Explain your answer.
Let’s Try!
In a short bond paper or any paper. Make an art
using the elements and principle of the art.
Make it artirific!

Self assessment
Instruction: In your journal answer the following

1. What I have learned in art class today?

2. How can I use these learning to my
appreciation in arts?
3. What is the most striking part in this lesson?
WEEL 1 – DAY 3
Let’s Exercise!
The teacher will play a music/Zumba type and
the class will participate.
1. How does if feel to have an exercise?
2. Are you exercing every day?
3. What do you think is the benefits of
Today, you are going to describe the Philippine
physical activity pyramid.
How would you describe the Philippine physical
activity pyramid?

Show the illustration of the Philippine Physical

activity pyramid
What are the activities that you will see in the
activity guide?

What is the importance of having this physical


Why is important to the kids like you to have a

physical activities?
What are the indicators or signs of physical fitness?

Do you like doing physical activities?

Can you stretch your muscles w/o feeling discomfort or pain?

Can you move your body with a little or no difficulty?

Can you run 1.6 km in eight minutes with ease?

Is the amount of your fat less than your weight of lean muscles bones and
body organs?
If yes, you are physically fit. If your answers are no, you have to work out for
your physical fitness
Group Activity
Instruction: The teacher will group the students into 4 groups. Each
group has a task to do.

Grade 1 – Make a simple role play of the benefits of being physically


Group 2 – Make a simple jingle that promotes physically active.

Group 3 – Make a simple slogan than promotes physically active.

Group 4 – Make a simple public speaking on how we tae good care of

our body.
Group Presentation
Self Reflect
In your journal write your answer in the following
Ask the following questions.

Describe the Philippine activity pyramid

1. What are the indicators for fitness?
2. What do you mean by cardio-vascular fitness?
3. What do you mean by agility
What is meant by speed?
Health Check!
• The teacher will ask the students about their
1. Do you have a fever for the past 7 days?

2. Do you have cold or cough?

3.Have you experiencing difficult in breathing?

• In our lesson you will describe personal health
issues and concerns

• Demonstrate self and management skills

Let’s Observe
Group Activity
Assign these topics to small groups for them to discuss and the
report to the class

1. height and weight (stunted

growth, underweight, overweight, obesity)

2. hearing (impacted cerumen, swimmer’s ear, otitis media)

3. vision (astigmatism, myopia, hyperopia, xerophthalmia,

Sharing Our Thoughts
Sharing with the class. Now that we know about
this kind of health awareness, let’s share our
insight with the class.
Let’s reflect!
How will you take good care of yourself?

a.Eye Sight

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