Shintoism 7th Week
Shintoism 7th Week
Shintoism 7th Week
Shinto at a glance
• The essence of Shinto is the Japanese devotion to invisible spiritual beings and powers
called kami, to shrines, and to various rituals.
• Shinto is not a way of explaining the world. What matters are rituals that enable human
beings to communicate with kami.
• Kami are not God or gods. They are spirits that are concerned with human beings - they
appreciate our interest in them and want us to be happy - and if they are treated properly
they will intervene in our lives to bring benefits like health, business success, and good
exam results.
• Shinto is a very local religion, in which devotees are likely to be concerned with their local
shrine rather than the religion as a whole. Many Japanese will have a tiny shrine-altar in
their homes.
• However, it is also an unofficial national religion with shrines that draw visitors from
across the country. Because ritual rather than belief is at the heart of Shinto, Japanese
people don't usually think of Shinto specifically as a religion - it's simply an aspect of
Japanese life. This has enabled Shinto to coexist happily with Buddhism for centuries.
Shintoism: Beliefs
Kami include the gods that created the universe, but can also
• The spirits that inhabit many living beings
• Some beings themselves
• Elements of the landscape, like mountains and lakes
• Powerful forces of nature, like storms and earthquakes
• human beings who became kami after their deaths
• The term kami is sometimes applied to spirits that live in things, but
it is also applied directly to the things themselves - so the kami of a
mountain or a waterfall may be the actual mountain or waterfall,
rather than the spirit of the mountain or waterfall..
• Three types of kami are particularly important:
• Ujigami, the ancestors of the clans: in tribal times, each group
believed that a particular kami was both their ancestor and their
protector, and dedicated their worship to that spirit
• Kami of natural objects and creatures, and of the forces of nature
• The souls of dead human beings of outstanding achievement
Coexistence with other Religions
• Today many Japanese mix Buddhism and Shinto in their lives;
something that can't be done with more exclusive religions
like Christianity or Islam. About 83% of Japanese follow Shinto, and
76% follow Buddhism (1999 figures).
• Although early Christian missionaries were hostile to Shinto, in more
recent times it was seen by some Christians as so different from their
own faith that they were willing to allow Japanese Christians to
practice Shinto as well as Christianity. (For example, a Vatican
proclamation in 1936 allowed Japanese Catholics to participate in
Shinto ceremonies, on the grounds that these were merely civil rites of
"filial reverence toward the Imperial Family and to the heroes of the
Purity in Shinto
• Many cultures have attributed divinity or significant spiritual gifts to their rulers.
The rulers of ancient Egypt and Rome were treated as gods, and medieval kings
(including England's Henry VI) were regarded as having the ability to cure
diseases with the royal touch.
• The Japanese concept of the divinity of the Emperor is often misunderstood by
Westerners. Neither the Emperor nor most of his people ever thought that the
Emperor was a God in the sense of being a supernatural supreme being.
• From the 6th century onwards it was accepted that the Emperor was descended
from the kami (in this context gods), was in contact with them, and often inspired
by them.
• This didn't make him a god himself, but rather imposed on him the obligation of
carrying out certain rituals and devotions in order to ensure that the kami looked
after Japan properly and ensured its prosperity.
History (continued)