Introduction To Operating System
Introduction To Operating System
Introduction To Operating System
• User
• System and application programs
• Operating system
• Hardware
Figure 1: Conceptual view of a computer system
The module that keeps track of the status of devices is called the I/O traffic
controller. Each I/O device has a device handler that resides in a separate
process associated with that device.
The I/O subsystem consists of:
• A memory Management component that includes buffering caching and
• A general device driver interface.
• Assembler – The input to an assembler is an assembly language program. The output is an object program plus
information that enables the loader to prepare the object program for execution. At one time, the computer programmer
had at their disposal a basic machine that interpreted, through hardware, certain fundamental instructions. The
programmer would program the computer by writing a series of ones and zeros (machine language), and place them into
the memory of the machine.
• Compiler/Interpreter – The high-level languages - for example C/C++, are processed by compilers and interpreters. A
compiler is a program that accepts source code written in a “high-level language “and produces a corresponding object
program. An interpreter is a program that directly executes a source program as if it was machine language.
• Loader – A loader is a routine that loads an object program and prepares it for execution. There are various loading
schemes: absolute, relocating and direct-linking. In general, the loader must load, relocate and link the object program.
The loader is a program that places programs into memory and prepares them for execution. In a simple loading scheme,
the assembler outputs the machine language translation of a program on a secondary device and a loader places it in the
core. The loader places into memory the machine language version of the user’s program and transfers control to it. Since
the loader program is much smaller than the assembler, those make more core available to the user’s program.
Operating system has been evolving through the years. Following Table shows
the history of OS.