petroleum department
Corrosion of materials
2023- 2024
Mad institute
petroleum department
Chemical vs. Electrochemical Reactions
Definition of Corrosion
Effects or disadvantages of corrosion
Classification of corrosion
Types Of Corrosion
Factors influencing corrosion
Types of fluid corrosion
Prevention and control
Methods of applications of metal coatings
Applications of corrosion
Destruction of a metal by chemical or electrochemical reaction with its
Corrosion is defined as destruction of a solid body by chemical or electrochemical
reactions starting from the surface.
Physical or mechanical wearing away of a metal is not called corrosion but is
called erosion
If corrosion and erosion take place together the destruction of the metal takes
place very much faster
The corrosion problem should be very seriously considered in all those cases
• Non-Metals corrode by chemical reactions & metals
mostly by electrochemical reactions.
• Metals are at high energy levels & hence there is natural
tendency to go to the low energy state i.e. they try to form
oxides, hydroxides, carbonates, sulphides etc. depending
on the type of environment to which they are exposed.
Chemical vs. Electrochemical Reactions
• Chemical reactions are those in which
elements are added or removed from a
chemical species
• Electrochemical reactions are chemical
reactions in which not only elements may be
added or removed from a chemical species
but at least one of the species undergoes a
change in the number of valance electron
• Corrosion processes are electrochemical in
Definition of Corrosion
The extent of corrosion & protective values depends on the
following factors:
1. Chemical affinity between the environment & the metal.
Gain of electron in reduction
Reduction always occurs at the cathode
Theories of corrosion
In atmospheric corrosion the metals tend to revert to the states in
which they occur in nature.
Several theories of corrosion have been proposed from time to
The three theories are
i) Acid theory
ii) Chemical corrosion ( Dry corrosion)
iii) Electrochemical corrosion( Wet corrosion)
Acid theory of corrosion considers acid to be the main cause.
2M → 2M+n + 2ne-
Metal Ion
2. Electron are gained by the oxygen molecules forms oxide ions
Pitting corrosion
Erosion – corrosion
Galvanic corrosion
Cavitation corrosion
The metal which has higher electrode potential value will form
anode and undergoes corrosion. Example: Zn-Cu galvanic cell
zinc behaves as anode and corrosion occurs, copper behaves as
cathode and protected.
Galvanic Cell
The metal (iron) which is dissolved in the electrolyte is
proportional to the number of electrons flowing, which
in turn is dependent upon the resistance of the metal.
A ) Purity of a metal
B ) Position in galvanic series
C ) Over voltage
D ) Nature of oxide film
E ) Nature of corrosion product
1. Purity of the metal: Heterogeneity of the metal is due to the
presence of impurities which form tiny electrochemical cells
at the exposed parts. The anodic parts get corroded.
Oxidizing agent.
Surface Films.
Other Factors.
Solution pH
Metals such as iron dissolve rapidly in acidic solution.
In the middle pH range (4 to 10), the conc of H+ ions
is low. Hence, the corrosion rate is controlled by the
rate of transport of oxygen.
Certain amphoteric metals dissolve rapidly in either
acidic or basic solution. E.g. Al and Zn.
Noble metals are not affected by pH. E.g. gold and
H+ ions capture electrons and promote anodic
Oxidizing agents
Oxidizing agents accelerate the corrosion of one class of
materials, whereas retard another class.
Oxidizing agents such as oxygen react with hydrogen to
form water. Once hydrogen is removed, corrosion is
accelerated. E.g. copper in NaCl
Oxidizing agent retard corrosion due to formation of
surface oxide films, which makes the surface more
resistant to chemical attack.
Thus a balance between the power of oxidizing agent to
preserve the protective layer and their tendency to destroy
the protective film determine the corrosion of metal.
Rise in temp increase rate of corrosion.
Increase in temp reduce the solubility of oxygen or
air. The released oxygen enhances the corrosion.
Increase in temp induces phase change, which
enhance the rate of corrosion. At high temp organic
chemicals are saturated with water. as temp
decreases, water gets condensed.
Oxygen is needed for maintaining iron oxide film. In
the absence of O2 corrosion of S.S. increases.
Copper based alloys do not depend on oxide film for
High velocity of corrosive medium increases corrosion.
On Iron
in Soil
Iron Sulphide
Corrosion pdt
Corrosion control methods
The various measures taken for corrosion protection are
Commonly used metals Mg, Zn, Al and their alloys
Eg. The underground water pipelines and water tanks are also
protected by this method. By referring to the electrochemical
series, the metal with low reduction potential is connected to the
base metal which acts as anode.
2. Impressed emf method (Impressed
current cathodic method )
It is also known as applied current system, i.e.,
external voltage is impressed between tank and
The negative terminal of power is connected to the
material to be protected.
So the natural galvanic effect is avoided and the
anode is maintained positive.
Since anode is not consumed, metal or non
corrodable material can be used.
Direct current is applied in opposite direction to cancel the
corrosion current
Converts the corroding metal from anode to cathode.
This method is used for large tanks to
store mild corrosive liquors. In these cases,
mild steel is used with negligible corrosion.
Cathodic protection method is simple and
the most effective.
It is inexpensive. It enables the use of
cheaper material for plant construction.
Disadvantage: Corrosion can not be
reduced to zero.
6. Anodic Protection
In this method, a predetermined potential is applied
to the metal specimen and the corresponding current
changes are observed.
During the initial stage, the current increases
indicating the dissolution of the metal.
When the current reaches a critical point,
passivisation occur, i.e., the oxide layers set in
suitable oxidizing environment. The potential at the
critical point is called passivating potential.
Above this passivating potential, the current flows
decreases to a very small value called passivating
The passivating current is defined as the
minimum protective current density
required to maintain passivisation.
At this stage, an increase in potential will
not be corrode the metal since the later is
in highly passive state.
E.g. in case of S.S. titanium becomes easily
passive and can not offer cathodic
Advantages :
The anodic protection method is
utilized in the transportation of conc
Corrosion can not be reduced to zero.
This method cannot be applied for
metals, which do not passivate.
7. Coatings and Linings
Nonmetallic coatings and linings can be applied on
steel and other materials of construction in order to
combat corrosion.
Coating methods: electroplating, cladding, organic
The thickness of lining is important.
Effective linings can be obtained by bonding
directly to substrate metal or building multiple
Organic coatings can be used in tanks, piping and
pumping lines.
A thin non-reinforced paint like coating of less
than 0.75 mm thickness should not be used in
services for which full protection is required.
The cladding of steel with an alloy is another
approach to this problem.
Sp glass can be bonded to steel so that the liner
is 1.5 mm thick which is impervious.
Piping and equipment lined in this manner are
used in severely corrosive acid services.
The metal surface is covered with a coating to protect it from
These may be
i) Metallic
ii) Organic
Hot dipping: This technique is most widely used to control
corrosion. Hot dipping is used for producing a coating for low
melting metals such as Zn, Sn, pb ,Al.
on Iron, steel, copper which are having high melting point
usually underwent into corrosion due to their oxidising property.
The process in general consisting of immersed a metal in a bath
of its molten coating& covered by a molten layer.
The flow cleans the base metal& prevent oxidation of metal
coating with molten solution.
Hot dipping is widely applied either by
(1) Galvanizing (2) Tining
It is the process in which iron or steel is protected from corrosion
by coating with a thin layer of zinc.
Iron or steel is first cleaned by pickling with dil. H2SO4 solution for
at (425 – 430)0c.
The surface of bath is kept covered with a Zncl 2
flux to prevent oxide formation.
Then the metal sheet is passed through a pair of hot rollers which
Increases the life of paint film since it prevents the entry of ultra
violet rays.