Debate Writing
Debate Writing
Debate Writing
What is Debating?
The first and the foremost step is to choose the side, whether
you want to write for, or against the motion. Always try to
select the side you personally want to support and have more
material information to write on. It is preferable to make a
choice during the reading time.
1. Introduction/Salutations
2. Problems
3. Solutions
4. Conclusion
Let us discuss each of them in detail :
1. Introduction- This includes salutations and the topic (including FOR/AGAINST the motion).
For Example:- Good morning everyone. Esteemed judges, honourable guests, respected teachers and my
fellow students. I, (name given in the question or else, XYZ) feel honoured to have been given the
opportunity to speak (FOR/AGAINST) the topic- (name of the topic).
2. Body (Problem)- This is the main paragraph or the body of your answer.
a) Always begin with the meaning of the topic or the explanation of the topic in not more than a line.
b) Then start quoting the issues. Now here, it is important you follow a sequence. It is possible that you
have too many points or very few points. When you have a lot of varied points, it is better you choose
a few best ones and write a line on each. In case you have very few already, explain them in at least two
lines each. You can even mention a point /points of your opponent and prove his point wrong by giving
valued reasons and proving your stand to be strong.
c) Make sure you are clear with your thoughts, only then you'll be able to put them into words
3. Solution- "For every problem, there is a solution.“
a) This paragraph needs to be short and crisp whereby; you are supposed to give a
rational and practial solution for all the above problems.
b) In case you are not able to figure one out, keep in mind a few general ones. It
could involve spreading awareness, campaigns, stringent laws and their strict
implementation, education, etc.
c) Using a quote never hurts. It can be general ones like, on working together. Every
situation can be faced and solved if there is unity. So here are a few handy ones.
I. Make sure you double check for grammatical accuracy and spellings. They carry marks.
II. Leave adequate number of lines between paragraphs to make it look clean.
III. Underlining the main points is very important. But it is advised to do it after finishing your exam.
Use a pencil and scale for underlining.
IV. Always have a few general quotes in handy. They help in presentation and shows that you're
V. Presentation is very important. Let it be neat and clean.
VI. Read a lot of debates to get an idea.
VII. Have information about all the major environmental, political, social issues that have taken place
during the entire year. Example- Spreading of fake information, Mob lynching, reduced physical
activities in children resulting in poor health, the pandemic, etc
I Never mention any of your personal details, i.e., name, school name or address.
ii. Never write in one go. Make sure you follow the right format and make paragraphs.
iii Don't use slangs or short forms.
iv Don't write wrong facts.
v Try not to exceed the prescribed word limit of 150-200 words.
vi. Do not invest too much time in just this question.
Q1. You are Mukul / Mahima of Alps Public School. Your school has organized a debate on "Social Media
and It's Effects" and you will be participating from your school. Prepare your views against or in favour of
the motion. (150-200 words)
What a world it is, with everyone on their phones, all the time, faking their lives and keeping a count of
their likes?
Good Morning, ladies and gentlemen! I am Mukul/ Mahima and my topic for the day is, "Social media
and it's effects". I would like to speak against the motion.
It has now become doubtful to trust the saying that goes like "Technology was developed to save time
and make our lives easier", because people have become addicted and unproductive. It takes a lot of
effort and discipline to stay away from social media. Results have shown that it has had adverse effects
on human minds and their functioning. Outdoor activities among children have also reduced significantly.
No doubt it provides access to useful information, but, it is hard to ignore the quantum of fake news that
spreads like wildfire and the extent of impact it has on the society. In fact, fake whatsapp forwards was a
clear pattern that was observed behind the recent mob lynchings or rather, "Death by social media".
It is one of the reasons behind insecurities and depression among teenagers. It is right that technology
was introduced to save time, but we forgot to mention, "In the right amount"Â. So, remember, you leave
the present moment every time you check the phone.
Thank you for your cooperation and patient hearing.