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Unit 4: Psychrometric and Air conditioning (8 hrs)

Introduction to air conditioning, psychometric, psychometric

properties and terms, psychometric relations, Psychometric
processes and its representation on psychometric chart, BPF of coil,
ADP, adiabatic mixing of two air streams, SHF, RSHF, GSHF,

Thermodynamics of human body, comfort and comfort chart, factors

affecting human comfort, concept of infiltration and ventilation,
indoor air quality requirements, factors contributing to cooling load.
• Atmospheric air makes up the environment in
almost every type of air conditioning system.
• A thorough understanding of the properties of
atmospheric air and the ability to analyze various
processes involving air is fundamental to air
conditioning design.
• Psychrometry is the study of the properties of
mixture of air and water vapour.

• Atmospheric air is the mixture of many gases

plus water vapour & a no of pollutants.

• The amount of water vapour and pollutants vary

from place to place.
• Concentration of water vapour and pollutants
decreases with altitude and above 10km ,
atomspheric air consists of dry air.

• The pollutants have

to be filtered out
before processing the

Dry Air
• Hence what we process
is essentially a mixture
of various gases that
constitute air and water
Moist Air
vapour – Moist air.
• The Moist air can be thought as a mixture of dry air and water
• For all Practical purposes, the composition of dry air can be
considered as constant.
• In 1949, a Standard Composition of dry air was fixed by
the International Joint Committee on Psychrometric data.
Constituent Molecular weight Mol Fraction
Oxygen 32.000 0.2095
Nitrogen 28.016 0.7809
Argon 39.944 0.0093
Carbon dioxide 44.010 0.0003

Mol Wt of dry air = 28.966

Gas constant of dry air = 287.035 J/kg.K
• While the composition of dry air is constant the amount
of water vapour present in the air may vary to Zero to
maximum value.
• When the moisture content is maximum then the air is
called as saturated air.
Mol Wt of Water vapour = 18.015
Gas constant of water vapour = 461.52 J/kg.K
Estimation of Moist air
• It is difficult to estimate the exact property values of moist air as it
is a mixture of several permanent gases and water vapour.
• However, Properties of dry air vary very little with altitude.
• Moist air up to 3 atm pressure obeys perfect gas laws with
sufficient accuracy sufficient for engineering calculations.
• For the very high accuracy, one has to consider the real gas
behavior of moist air by considering interaction between molecules
of the various gases and the water vapour.
• How to justify that dry air and water vapour as ideal gas?

Gases tends to behave ideally in two different conditions.

1. At high temperatures
This is because the molecules are flying past each other at
extremely high speed. (here temperature is the function of velocity)

2. At low pressure
This is because at low pressure the volume of the molecules
tend to become negligible in comparison to total volume of the

• The temperatures of dry air is high relative to its saturation

• The pressure of water vapour is lower relative to its saturation
• When do gases behave non-ideally?

1. At extreme cold temperature

This is due to the fact that at cold temperature,
molecules are moving relatively slowly past one
another, allowing for the repulsive and/or attractive
forces between molecules to take effect.
2. At high pressure
This is because at high pressure the volume of the
molecules becomes a factor known as compressibility
Estimation of Moist air
Dalton’s Law of Partial Pressures

Dalton’s Law

The total pressure exerted by air and

water mixture is equal to the barometric
𝑷 = 𝒑 𝒕 = 𝒑 𝒃= 𝒑 𝒂 + 𝒑 𝒗
𝒑𝒗 = Partial pressure of dry air
= Partial pressure of water vapour
Important Psychrometric Properties
Important Psychrometric Properties

4. Dry Bulb Temperature

It is the temperature of air measured by usual thermometer
kept in surrounding air.
Important Psychrometric Properties
5. Saturation Pressure
It is the partial pressure of water vapour at Dry bulb temperature.
ASHRAE suggested regression equation for estimating Psat of water
(valid between 00 C to 1000 C )
ln(Psat)=(C1/T)+C2+C3*T+C4*T2 + C5*T3 + C6ln(T)

C1 = -5.80022006E+03, C2= -5.516256, C3= -4.8640239E-

C4= 4.1764768E-05, C5= -1.4452093E-08, C6= 6.5459673

6. Relative Humidity (Ф or RH)

Mole fraction can be replaced by partial pressure by Gibbs-Dalton
Important Psychrometric Properties
7. Humidity Ratio (W)
It is the mass of water vapour present per 1
kg of dry air and expressed in g/kg of dry
W= =
= =

Hence ,W= 0.622*

Important Psychrometric Properties
8. Degree of Saturation (μ)
It is the ratio of actual mass of water vapour in
unit mass of dry air to the mass of water vapour
in same of dry air when the air is saturated at
same temperature and pressure.

= =
Important Psychrometric Properties
8. Dew Point Temperature (DPT)
If the moist air is cooled at constant
pressure, then the temperature at which
the moisture in air begins to condense is
known as dew point temperature.

At point ‘A’ the temperature is same as

DBT but its partial pressure is lower than
saturation pressure.
If we cool the air along constant pressure Dew Point Temp
temperature reduces and at point ‘B’ first
drop of dew is formed which is dew point
• DPT=
Where DBT is in degree Celsius

Important Point to be remembered…..

1) Every Intensive property such as RH, W, μ is with
respect to dry air even if we are more concern about
moist air in air conditioning application.
2) The reason behind it is that the % of water vapour
may increase or decrease depending upon the
environment condition but this do not happen with dry
Important Psychrometric Properties
• Enthalpy of Moist Air
Important Psychrometric Properties

9. Wet Bulb Temperature

Why to specify this property?

According to Gibbs Phase rule ‘The number of degrees of freedom for specifying the
independent property of moist is 3.’
1) Barometric Pressure
2) Dry bulb temperature (Easy to read)
But there is problem about selection of third property.
i) It can be humidity ratio but it is very difficult to measure.
ii) It can be enthalpy but as we are aware that only difference in enthalpy can be
iii) DPT is also difficult to measure by simple instrument.
This is the reason why the concept of wet bulb temperature is introduced.
Wet bulb temperature is the temperature of air recorded by a thermometer, when its
bulb is surrounded by a wet cloth exposed to air (tw)
• Sling Psychrometer
1) RH is the important factor to decide human
2) Most commonly used instrument for this
purpose is sling psychrometer.
3) Bulb of one thermometer is covered with a
wet wick. It is kept wet by dipping one end
in water. A handle is provided to the frame
for rotating the frame at a velocity of 6 to 8
4) Due to the vapour pressure difference with
air around it the moisture contained in the
wick tends to evaporate as the current of air
passes over. It takes its latent heat of
evaporation and produces cooling effect.
5) After some time the system reaches to
equilibrium and water temperature stabilizes
and this temperature is known as wet bulb
• Thermodynamic wet bulb is the temperature at which air is
brought to saturated condition adiabatically by evaporating
water in flowing air. This concept was given by Dr. G.H.
• The temperature at the end of the process is equal to Wet bulb
temperature of air.
• Energy Balance
Assuming that the total pressure of air at inlet and exit are equal
and the air leaving the chamber is saturated.

As is very small quantity so it can be neglected. Then we get

This implies that this process is almost constant enthalpy process
and the quantity is called enthalpy depression or sigma heat.
Entity Formula
Humidity Ratio (kg/kg of dry air) W= 0.622*

Relative Humidity (%) RH=

Degree of saturation μ=

Partial pressure of water vapour (if

the value is not specified)
Carrier’s Equation

Enthalpy (kJ/kg of dry air) W[

• Where,
• = Partial pressure of water vapour calculated from steam table at Dew Point
• = Saturation pressure of water vapour calculated at Dry Bulb Temperature
• = Saturation Pressure of water vapour calculated at Wet Bulb Temperature
• Numerical
1) Without using Psychrometric chart, calculate Humidity Ratio,
Relative Humidity and Enthalpy of Moist Air sample having
DBT=380C and DPT= 150C. Take total pressure of the sample=1 bar.

2) On a particular day, the atmospheric air was found to have a DBT of

300C and WBT 180C. The barometric pressure was observed to be
756mm of Hg. Determine RH, DPT, h, W and volume of mixture per
kg of dry air

3) 5 grams of water vapour per kg of atmospheric air is removed and the

temperature of air becomes 220C DBT. Find
i) RH ii) Dew Point Temperature
Assume initial condition of air 330C DBT, 65%RH and pressure 1.013
bar.(Don’t use chart)

4) Obtain all psychrometric properties of moist air at 360C DBT and

200C WBT without using psychrometry chart.

Psychrometric Relations : Relative Humidity

Relative humidity is the ratio of actual mass of

water vapour (mv) in a given volume of moist air
to the mass of water vapour (ms) in the same
volume of saturated air at the same temp. and
pressure. Hence,


Psychrometric Relations : Relative Humidity

pv , vv , Tv , mv and Rv =

Pressure, volume, absolute temp, mass and gas

constant for water vapour in actual conditions

ps , vs , Ts , ms and Rs =

Pressure, volume, absolute temp, mass and gas

constant for water vapour in saturated air

Psychrometric Relations : Relative Humidity

For water vapour in actual conditions,

𝒑 𝒗 𝒗 𝒗=𝒎 𝒗 𝑹𝒗 𝑻 𝒗 1

For water vapour in saturated air,

𝒑 𝒔 𝒗 𝒔 =𝒎 𝒔 𝑹 𝒔 𝑻 𝒔 2

Also we have

𝒗 𝒗 =𝒗 𝒔 𝑻 𝒗 =𝑻 𝒔

𝑹𝒗 =𝑹𝒔=𝟎.𝟒𝟔𝟏𝒌𝑱/𝒌𝒈𝑲
From equation 1 and 2 we have, relative humidity
mv ¿ 𝑝 𝑣
 𝑝𝑠

mv ¿ 𝑝 𝑣
 𝑝𝑠
Thus, the relative humidity may also be defined
The ratio of actual partial pressure of water
vapour (pv) in moist air at a given DBT to the
saturation pressure of water vapour (p s) at the
same temperature (i.e. at DBT).

Relation between :
Degree of Saturation & Relative

Degree of Relative Humidity is

saturation is given given as,
 ps 
 1   mv ¿ 𝑝 𝑣
µ 
p 
v b
 𝑝𝑠
ps 1  pv  ms
 pb 

Relation between :
Degree of Saturation & Relative
According to both the correlation we get,

1 −( 1 − μ)

Relation between :
Degree of Saturation & Relative
Findings –
If the relative humidity, Ø = pv/ps = 0, the
humidity ratio μ = 0.
If the relative humidity, Ø = pv/ps = 1, the
humidity ratio μ = 1.
Thus the humidity ratio, μ, lies between 0 and 1.
For saturated air, the relative humidity is 100%.

Pressure of water vapour

According to Carrier’s equation, the partial
pressure of water vapour is given as,

( 𝒑 𝒃 − 𝒑𝒘 ) ( 𝒕𝒅 − 𝒕 𝒘 )
𝒑 𝒗= 𝒑 𝒘 −
𝟏𝟓𝟒𝟒 − 𝟏 .𝟒𝟒 𝒕 𝒘

pw = saturation pressure corresponding to WBT

(from Steam Table)
pb = Barometric pressure
td = DBT
tw = WBT

Vapour density OR Absolute humidity

Defined as the mass of water vapour present in 1
m3 of dry air.

vv = volume of water vapour in m3/ kg of dry air at its partial
va = volume of dry air in m3/ kg of dry air at its partial
ρv = density of water vapour in kg/ m3 corresponding to its
pressure and DBT td
ρa = density of dry air in kg/ m3 of dry air

Vapour density OR Absolute humidity

Mass of water vapour given as,𝒎𝒗 =𝒗 𝒗 ρ 𝒗 1

Mass of dry air given as, 𝒎𝒂 =𝒗 𝒂 ρ𝒂


Dividing equation 1 by equation 2

𝒎𝒗 𝒗 𝒗 ρ 𝒗
= ………. Humidity Ratio
𝒎𝒂 𝒗 𝒂 ρ 𝒂 (W)

Vapour density OR Absolute humidity

Since va = vv

𝒎𝒗 ρ𝒗
𝑾= = or 𝝆 𝒗 =𝑾 𝝆 𝒂 3
𝒎𝒂 ρ𝒂

Also we have, 𝒑 𝒂 𝒗 𝒂 =𝒎𝒂 𝑹 𝒂 𝑻 𝒅

Since𝒗 𝒂 = ρ and 𝒎𝒂 =𝟏 𝒌𝒈

Vapour density OR Absolute humidity

𝟏 𝒑𝒂
Therefore 𝒑 𝒂 ρ𝒂 = 𝑹𝒂 𝑻 𝒅 O ρ 𝒂=
𝑹𝒂 𝑻 𝒅
𝑾 𝒑 𝒂 𝑾 ( 𝒑𝒃 − 𝒑𝒗
From equation 3 we ρ 𝒂= 𝑹 𝑻 = 𝑹𝒂 𝑻 𝒅
𝒂 𝒅

pa = pressure of air in kN/ m2

Ra = Gas constant for air = 0.287 kJ/ kg K
Td = DBT in K
Various Psychrometric Processes
• Ex.1 In a heating application, moist air enters a steam
heating coil at 10º C, 50% RH and leaves at 30º C.
Determine the sensible heat transfer, if mass flow rate
of air is 100kg of dry air per second. Also determine
the steam mass flow rate if steam enters saturated at
100º C and condensate leaves at 80º C.

• Ex 2. The air enters a duct at 10 ºC and 80% RH at

the rate of 150 m3/min and is heated to30 ºC without
adding or removing any moisture. The pressure
remains constant at 1 atmosphere.Determine the
relative humidity of air at exit from the duct and the
rate of heat transfer.
• In this process air temperature drops and humidity increases.
• This process is achieved by spraying cool water in the air stream.
• The temperature of sprayed water should be less than dry bulb
temperature (DBT) but should be less than dew point temperature
(DPT) of air so that humidification of air can take place.
• This type of process is mostly done in Textile Mills because all
Textiles are Hygroscopic in nature.
• Ex 3. The atmospheric air at 40ºC dry bulb temperature
and 18ºC wet bulb temperature is flowing at the rate of
100m3/min through the space. Water at 18ºC is injected
into the air stream at the rate of 48kg/h. Determine the
specific humidity and enthalpy of the leaving air. Also
determine the DBT,WBT and RH of the leaving air.
• In this process air is cooled and humidity of air is also decreased.
• This is achieved by maintaining the coil temperature i.e. t d4
below the dew point temperature of air which is also known as
Apparatus Dew Point Temperature (ADP) .
• Due to this the air condenses and humidity of air decreases.
• This is the process air undergoes in a Typical Summer AC
• The actual process depends on the type of cold surface, the
surface temperature and flow condition for simplicity the process
line is assumed to be a straight line.
• Ex. 4 Moist Air enters a refrigeration coil at 35 0C
DBT and 55% RH at the rate of 100m3/min. The
barometric pressure is 1.013 bar. The air leaves at
270C. Calculate the tonnes of refrigeration required
and the final relative humidity.
If the surface temperature of the coil is 10 0C and the
by-pass factor 0.1 , calculate the tonnes of refrigeration
required and the condensate flow.
• The saturated air leaving the cooling section of an AC
system at 140C at the rate of 50m3/min is mixed
adiabatically with the outside air at 32 0C and 60% RH
at the rate of 20m3/min. Assuming that the mixing
process occurs at a pressure of 1 atm. , determine the
W, RH, DBT and volume flow rate of mixture.
• An AC system is to take in outdoor air at 100C and
30% RH at a steady state of 45m3/min and to
condition is to 250C and 60% RH. The outdoor air is
first heated to 220C in the heating section and then
humidified by injecting steam in humidifying section.
Assuming the pressure is 1 bar. Determine:
1) The rate of heat supply in the heating section
2) The mass flow rate of steam required in the
humidifying section.
1) The moist air enters a chamber at 50C DBT and 2.50C WBT
at the rate of 90m3/min. the barometric pressure is
1.01325bar. While passing through the chamber, the air
absorbs SH at the rate of 40.7kW and picks up 40kg/h of
saturated air at 1100C, Determine the DBT and WBT of the
leaving air.
2) 300m3/min is supplied from outdoor condition of 400C DBT
and 260C WBT to an AC room. The air is dehumidified first
by a cooling coil having a by-pass factor 0.32 and DPT 150C
and then chemical dehumidifier. Air leaves the chemical
dehumidifier at 300C DBT. Air is then passed over a cooling
coil whose surface temperature is 150C and BPF 0.26. Cal.
The capacity of cooling and dehumidifier.
3) The following data refers to air conditioning of a public hall:
Outdoor condition: 400C DBT , 200C WBT
Indoor condition: 200C DBT , 50% RH
Seating capacity of hall = 1000
Amount of outdoor air supplied = 0.3m3/min/person

If the required condition is achieved first by adiabatic

humidification and then cooling, find:

1) The capacity of cooling coil and surface temperature of

cooling coil if BPF is 0.25
2) The capacity of the humidifier and its efficiency
4) A small office hall of 25 persons capacity is provided
with summer air conditioning system with the following

Outdoor condition = 340C DBT and 280C WBT

Inside Condition = 240C DBT and 50% RH
Volume of air required = 0.4m3/min/person
Sensible heat load in room = 125600 kJ/h
Latent heat load in room = 42000 kJ/h

Find the SHF of the plant

5) A restaurant with a capacity of 100 persons is to be air
conditioned with the following conditions:
Outdoor condition = 300C DBT and 70% RH
Inside Condition = 230C DBT and 55% RH
Volume of air required = 0.5 m3/min/person
The desired conditioning is achieved by cooling,
dehumidification and then heating.
1) Capacity of cooling coil
2) Capacity of heating coil
3) Amount of water removed by dehumidifier
4) BPF of heating coil if surface temperature is 350C

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