GE 7 The Good Life

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 Examine what is meant by a good life
 Identify how humans attempt to attain what
is deemed to be a good life
 Recognized Possibilities available to
human being to attain the good life.
Heads Up!
Aristotle claimed that
happiness is the be-all
and end all of everything
that we can do.
01 Good Life
What does it mean “a good life?”
How to gain a good life?
Happiness as the goal of a good life

Aristotle for his part, In the 18th century john

forwarded the idea that there is Stewart Mill declared the
Plato thought the things in this no reality over and above what greatest happiness principle by
world are not real and only the senses can perceive. For saying that an action is right as
copies of the real in the world him, Every action that far as it's maximizes the
of forms. For him, there are emanates from a human person attainment of happiness for the
two realities: the world of is a function of the purpose greatest number of people.
forms and the world of matter. (telos) that a person has.
Different Schools of Thoughts
 Materialism
 “atomos”
 Hedonism
 Life is limited, one must indulge itself with

 Stoicism
 virtue is happiness and judgement should be
base acts on behavioural rather than work
 Theism
 the ultimate happiness is the
communion with God
 Humanism
 Human beings have the right and
resposibilities to give meaning and shape
thier own lives. IHEU or International
Humanist Ethical Union
What is the ultimate goal of a Good Life?

What is the role of technology in achieving the
Good Life?

Vergagt (2006)
A good life for all citizens is without compromising the
earth’s ecosystem
Stuts (2006)
A good life requires basic human needs and aspiration for
freedom, belonging, and sel-realization.

01 02 Ms. Gerlie Joy M. Evangelista

Ms.April Egantucan

03 04
Ms.Regie Ann Del Monte Ms. Rycel J. Dominice
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