Lec24. Binary Search Tree (BST)

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Binary Search Trees

read Chapter 10
Sequential search
• sequential search: Locates a target value in an array/list by
examining each element from start to finish.
– How many elements will it need to examine?
– Example: Searching the array below for the value 42:

inde 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
value -4 2 7 10 15 20 22 25 30 36 42 50 56 68 85 92 10

– Notice that the array is sorted. Could we take advantage of this?

Binary search
• binary search: Locates a target value in a sorted array/list by
successively eliminating half of the array from consideration.
– How many elements will it need to examine?
– Example: Searching the array below for the value 42:

inde 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
value -4 2 7 10 15 20 22 25 30 36 42 50 56 68 85 92 10
min mid max

Binary search-Guessing Game
• Assume that a computer
program generates a random
number between 1 and 100
and the user tries to guess it.
• After every incorrect guess,
the program gives a hint
whether the guess is too high
or too low.
• A poor algorithm is to guess 1,
2, 3, and so on.
• A smarter algorithm is to
guess the middle number and
cut the range in half each time

Binary search trees (BST)
• BSTs store their elements in sorted
order, which is helpful
for searching/sorting tasks.
• A BST is a binary tree that is either: 55
– empty, or
29 87
– a root node R such that:
• every element of R's left subtree
contains data "less than" R's data, -3 42 60 91
• every element of R's right subtree
contains data "greater than" R's data,
• R's left and right subtrees are also binary
search trees.

• Which of the trees shown are legal binary search trees?

m 8
g q 5 11

b k x 2 7 10 18
e 4 20
-5 1.9 9.6

-1 -7 8.1 21.3
Searching a BST
• Describe an algorithm for searching the tree below for the value 57.
// find node with given key, assumes
//non-empty tree Complexity : O(logn)
PtrNode BinarySearchTree::find(int key){
// start at root
Node* current = root;
57 <= 63?
// while no match,
while(current->elt != key){ 63
if(key < current->elt) 57 <= 27?
// go left? 27 80
current =
current->left; 57 <= 51?
else 13 51 70 92
// or go right?
current =
current->right; 57 <= 58? 82
// if no child, 26 33 58
if(current == NULL)
return NULL;
return current; // found
57 = 57 57 60 7
Searching a BST
struct Node { // a node of the tree
Elem elt; // element value
Node* left; // left child
Node* right; // right child
Node() : elt(), left(NULL), right(NULL) { } // constructor
Node(int value) : elt(value), left(NULL), right(NULL) { }
// constructor

PtrNode BinarySearchTree::contains(int k) {
PtrNode v = contains(k, root); // search from virtual root
return v;

PtrNode BinarySearchTree::contains(int k, PtrNode v) {

if (v==NULL) return v; // key not found
if (k < v->elt) return contains(k, v->left); // search left subtree
else if (k > v->elt ) return contains(k, v->right); // search right subtree
else return v; // found it here
Inorder Traversal of BST
• Visit the nodes in ascending order based on key value
– Will create a sorted list from a BST if you write the values to an ArrayList
• In a binary search tree, the smallest value will be a left-most child
– You need to process (e.g. print) this child first
– Then you process the parent
– Then you process the right child sub-tree of the parent
– Then work your way up the left side of the tree doing the same thing
– And then work your way down the right side of the tree


12 13 26 27 33 51 13 51

12 26 33
Inorder Traversal of BST
• Given a list of n numbers or key-value pairs
• Insert the keys into a BST
• Traverse the BST using in-order traversal
• Running time?
– Insert the keys into a BST O(n * h)
– Traverse the BST using in-order traversal O(n)
– Running time? In the worst-case still O(n^2) 27

13 51

12 13 26 27 33 51
12 26 33
Preorder Traversal & Postorder Traversal

Preorder 27
• Process (e.g. print) the node first
• Then process the left sub-tree 13 51
• Then process the right sub-tree
• Thus, you process the nodes in the order you visit
12 26 33
them, from left sub-trees to right sub-trees

27 13 12 26 51 33
• Process the node after visiting the sub-trees
– For each node:
• Traverse the left sub-tree 12 26 13 33 51 27
• Traverse the right sub-tree
• Process the node

Adding to a BST
• Suppose we want to add the value 14 to the BST below.
– Where should the new node be added?

• Where would we add the value 3? 8

• Where would we add 7? 5 11

• If the tree is empty, where 2 7 10 18

should a new value be added?
4 20
• What is the general algorithm?
Adding exercise
• Draw what a binary search tree would look like if the following
values were added to an initially empty tree in this order:

50 50
98 20 75
150 11 31 98
23 23 39 80 150
• Add a method add to the BinarySearchTree class that adds a
given integer value to the tree. Assume that the elements of the
BinarySearchTree constitute a legal binary search tree, and add
the new value in the appropriate place to maintain ordering.
• tree.add(49);


29 87

-3 42 60 91

49 14
add(int value)-
Adding a node
– Check if the tree is empty
– find the insertion point then link the node to the tree

Example: Adding node with value=12 and tree is empty

newNode 12
void BinarySearchTree::add(int value){
// create new node
root =null
PtrNode newNode = new Node(value);
//tree is empty? root
root= newNode;
else { // root occupied
PtrNode current = root;


add(int value)-
while(true) {
if(value < current->elt) { // go left?
if(current->left == NULL) { // if end of the line
current->left = newNode;
current = current->left;
} // end if go left
else { // or go right?
Complexity : O(logn)
// if end of the right line
if(current->right == NULL) {
current->right = newNode;
current = current->right;
} // end else go right 13 51
} // end while
} // end else
} 26 33 58

newNode 12 57 60
Searching BSTs
• The BSTs below contain the same elements. root
– What orders are "better" for searching?

root 14
9 11
4 19
6 14 9
6 14
4 7 11 19
9 6

11 4
• What is the worst-case height of the tree?
• Could be O(n)! 17
Trees and balance
• balanced tree: One whose subtrees differ in height by at most 1 and
are themselves balanced.
– A balanced tree of N nodes has a height of ~ log2 N.
– A very unbalanced tree can have a height close to N.

– The runtime of adding to / searching a

BST is closely related to height. overall root

6 14

4 8 19

height = 4 7
• Add a method getMin to the class that returns the minimum integer
value from the tree. Assume that the elements constitute a legal
binary search tree.
int min = tree.getMin(); // -3
Keep going to the left till you hit a leaf O(h)

• getMax? Finding the maximum:
– Keep going to the right till you hit a leaf O(h) 55

• Finding the next larger after a given k 29 87

– Find k then get right child O(h)
-3 42 60 91
Node removal
• Add a method remove that removes a given integer value from the
tree, if present. Assume that the elements of the tree constitute a
legal binary search tree, and remove the value in such a way as to
maintain ordering.
overall root
• tree.remove(73);
• tree.remove(29); 55
• tree.remove(87);
• tree.remove(55); 29 87

42 60 91

36 73
Cases for removal 1
1. a leaf: replace with null
2. a node with a left child only: replace with left child
3. a node with a right child only: replace with right child

overall root overall root overall root overall root

55 55 29 42

29 29 42
-3 42 42

tree.remove(-3); tree.remove(55);
Cases for removal 2
4. a node with both children: replace with min from right

overall root overall root

55 60

29 87 29 87

-3 42 60 91 -3 42 91

Deleting Nodes
• To delete a node (without destroying the 5

order in the tree): 2 7

– To delete a leaf node (no children):
disconnect it. 1 3 6 8
– To delete a node with one child: bypass the
node and directly connect its parent to the 4
– To delete a node with two children:
• find the smallest node in its right subtree (or the
largest node in its left subtree),
• use it to replace the node to be deleted,
• and then delete the smallest (or largest) node itself. 23
Node removal
A leaf node simply must be removed and the appropriate
member variable of the parent is set to NULL
– Consider removing 75

The node is deleted and left of 81 is set to NULL

Node removal
Erasing the node containing 40 is similar

Node removal
The node is deleted and right of 39 is set to NULL

Node removal
If a node has only one child, we can simply promote the sub-
tree associated with the child
– Consider removing 8 which has one left child

Node removal
The node 8 is deleted and the tree of 11
is updated to point to 3

Node removal
There is no difference in promoting a single node or a sub-tree
– To remove 39, it has a single child 11

Node removal
The node containing 39 is deleted and left of 42 is updated to
point to 11
– Notice that order is still maintained

Node removal
Consider erasing the node containing 99

Node removal
The node is deleted and the left sub-tree is promoted:
– The member variable right of 70 is set to point to 92
– Again, the order of the tree is maintained

Node removal
Finally, we will consider the problem of erasing a full node, e.g.,

We will perform two operations:

– Replace 42 with the minimum object in the right sub-tree
– Erase that object from the right sub-tree

Node removal
In this case, we replace 42 with 47
– We temporarily have two copies of 47 in the tree

Node removal
We now recursively erase 47 from the right sub-tree
– We note that 47 is a leaf node in the right sub-tree

Node removal

Leaf nodes are simply removed and left of 51 is set to

– Notice that the tree is still sorted:
47 was the least object in the right sub-tree

Node removal
Suppose we want to erase the root 47 again:
– We must copy the minimum of the right sub-tree
– We could promote the maximum object in the left sub-tree and
achieve similar results

Node removal
We copy 51 from the right sub-tree

Node removal
We must proceed by delete 51 from the right sub-tree

Node removal
In this case, the node storing 51 has just a single child

Node removal
We delete the node containing 51 and assign the member
variable left of 70 to point to 59

Node removal
Note that after seven removals, the remaining tree is still
correctly sorted

Node removal
In the two examples of removing a full node, we promoted:
– A node with no children
– A node with right child
Is it possible, in removing a full node, to promote a child with
two children?

Node removal
Recall that we promoted the minimum value in the right sub-
– If that node had a left sub-tree, that sub-tree would contain a
smaller value

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