Wines Project-As of 6.6.23
Wines Project-As of 6.6.23
Wines Project-As of 6.6.23
1 2 3
Barangay Road: First intersection after Bridge (Box Culvert): After the bridge, Crossing (Durian Trees): Turn
Wines Elementary School, turn RIGHT turn RIGHT on the next intersection LEFT on the next crossing
4 5 6
H1 H2 H3
Installation of Roof Panels and Accessories-
Activities: House 1 House 2
Waiting for the complete delivery of PU roof House 2- lacking 9.35m PU roof, 120 pcs
Ridge roll and ridge roll covers already at site House 3- lacking 9.35m PU roof, 200 pcs
Installation of Wall Panels and Accessories-
H1-Completed rectification from the inside, and wall to roof. Lacking rectification from the outside (possible rat entry) and skirting (below)
H2- Completed rectification from the inside (*Waiting for the arrival of PU roof)
H3- Completed rectification from the inside (*Waiting for the arrival of PU roof)
Installation of ROXELL
Feeding System- 60%
Activities: 1
House 2 House 3
House House
Activities: 1
House 2
SKOV equipment delivery is controlled in terms of installation schedule due to minimal spaces for safe keeping; LPC c/o Sir Alex
Installed 4/6 blow fans, 2 were used as access for H1; H2&H3 needs roofing installation to be completed
Cooling pads/ gutter installation waiting for c-purlins (2x6), status on-going PR
Started cable pulling for blow fans at H1; waiting for roofing to complete for H2&H3 to start cable pulling
Installation of JANSEN
Nest System- 30%
House House
Activities: 1
House 2
Controls 0% 0% 0%
JANSEN equipment delivery is controlled in terms of installation schedule due to minimal spaces for safe keeping
Markings, guide lay-out, etc for H1; H2&H3 needs roofing installation to be completed to start
Nest assembly almost complete for H1 except for missing parts such as “metal sheet”; needs roofing at H2&H3 to start
Plumbing Works- 0%
Activities: House 1 House 2
CADEX- 100%
Header Fabrication- 0% Powerhouse- 95%
Pump House- 0% Service Entrance- 100%
Pipe laying and connection- 0% Application for DLPC- 10%
Booster Pump Installation- 0% Main Power Supply (Post)- 0%
SOLARTECH- 90% Main Line Termination- 0%
Remaining works: Painting and Testing
Perimeter and Site Development