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Title of Project
Attendance Management
System using face
To maintain a discipline and let students grasp utmost knowledge in schools, colleges
and universities the attendance system was introduced. There are two conventional techniques
to mark attendance of students in a particular class. One of them is by calling the roll number
and the second is to take students sign on a piece of paper against their roll number. Hence there
was a need to evolve this system in such a way that it could become user friendly, less time
consuming and efficient. This is an automated system to assist the faculty in taking attendance of
the whole class without any disturbance or time waste.
The idea can encompass a large number application one of which include face
identification, it will help save time and efficiently identifies and eliminates the chances of proxy
attendance. The main purpose of this project is to built automated attendance system using
Flask/ OpenCV/Python libraries and recognizer algorithm have been implemented. The proposed
system can be implemented in any field where attendance system is present and it plays a vital
role. In addition, as the project objectives and the design criteria all met, it’s greatest to say this
project is an solution for all university and colleges to track and manage the attendance.
Overview of literature survey
The attendance system is a critical component of maintaining discipline and ensuring that
students receive a quality education in schools, colleges, and universities. Traditional methods of taking
attendance, such as calling roll numbers or collecting signatures on paper, can be time-consuming and
inefficient. However, with advancements in technology, there is an opportunity to implement an
automated system that is user-friendly, efficient, and minimizes time wastage. This project proposes an
automated attendance system using Flask with OpenCV/Python libraries and a recognizer algorithm to
assist faculty in taking attendance without any disruptions or time wastage.
K-Nearest Neighbors (K-NN) algorithm is comes under the supervised machine learning utilized for
grouping and relapse. K-NN doesn't make any suspicions on the principal information appropriation. It
performs extraordinary in example acknowledgment and prescient investigation. For any new information
point, right off the bat K-NN accumulate information indicates that are close it. Any properties that can
differ on a huge scale may have viable affect on the separation between information focuses.
Face Recognition :
Dlib is a powerful and straightforward face recognition library that uses advanced facial recognition
technology to achieve remarkable accuracy. With a 99.38% accuracy rating on the Labeled Faces in the
Wild benchmark, it is considered one of the most reliable face recognition libraries in the world. In
addition to its high accuracy, Dlib also offers a command line program that can be used to perform face
recognition on a folder of photographs. This feature makes it easy for users to implement face
recognition technology into their projects, regardless of their level of experience. Overall, Dlib's
combination of accuracy and ease of use make it a popular choice for facial recognition applications.
OpenCV :
OpenCV is a powerful and free software library designed for computer vision and machine learning
applications. It provides users with access to more than 2500 optimized algorithms that can be used to
perform a wide range of tasks, including finding similar images in an image .Since its release, OpenCV
has been downloaded over 18 million times and has become a popular choice for developers looking to
incorporate artificial intelligence into their products. It is versatility and wide range of functionalities
have made it a go-to tool for computer vision and machine learning applications across multiple
To lower’s the cost while increasing operational effectiveness.
To reduce manual process errors by provide automated & reliable attendance system uses
faces recognition technology.
Flexibility , Lectures capability of editing attendance records and produce monthly reports
for lecturers.
Able to recognize the face of an individual accurately based on the face database.
Able to recognize the face of an individual accurately based on the face database.
Smart Attendance System using Computer Vision and Machine Learning Dipti Kumbhar#1 , Prof. Dr.
Y. S. Angal*2 # Department of Electronics and Telecommunication, BSIOTR, Wagholi, Pune, India 1
diptikumbhar37@gmail.com , 2 yogeshangal@yahoo.co.in
Face Recognition Based Student Attendance System with OpenCV CH. VINOD KUMAR1 , DR. K. RAJA
KUMAR2 1 PG Scholar, Dept of CS& SE, Andhra University, Vishakhapatnam, AP, India. 2Assistant
Professor, Dept of CS& SE, Andhra University, Vishakhapatnam, AP, India.
!!…Thank You…!!