ALS 203 Module 2 - October 15, 2023
ALS 203 Module 2 - October 15, 2023
ALS 203 Module 2 - October 15, 2023
Concepts, Aims
& Goals of
Organizing &
After completing this overview of the course, the
students shall have:
1 2
Generated knowledge on community Explored the possibility on how efficient and
organizing and mobilization and understand effective a student in organizing a community and
itsaims and goalsas applied on how to mobilize community participationfor sustainability.
organize a community.
Concepts of Community Organizing
and Mobilization
Community organizing (CO) I s a process that revolves around the lives,
experiences and aspirations of the people. It is a process that is people - oriented
and geared towards their continuing capability building, self --reliance and
empowerment. It is considered as one of the principal means to facilitate popular
participation. Community association set up and managed by the people
themselves are the primary means to implement a participatory approaching
project. Community organizing (CO) is envisioned to equip the students with the
knowledge, attitudes,values, and skills(KAVS) so that they will be adequately
prepared to undertake in social activities and manifest national consciousness in
the target beneficiaries. Community organizing is a process that revolves around
the lives, experiences and aspirations of the people. It is a process that is people-
oriented and geared towards their continuing capability building, self-reliance and
empowerment Further, community organizing also involves social mobilization
that stimulates, sustains and motivates action among members of the community
toward meeting the objectives of the program.
Community mobilization is the process of bringing together as many
stakeholders as possible to raise people's awareness of and demand for a
particular program, to assist in the delivery of resources and services, and to
strengthen community participation for sustainability and self-reliance. A lot
can be achieved when people from different parts of the community share
a common goal and actively participate in both identifying needs and being part
of the solution. Community mobilization helps to empower communities and
enable them to initiate and control their own development.
Aims and Goals of
Community Organizing and
The essence ofcommunity organizing with the ultimate aim
for development of the people, by the people, and for the
people.The goal of organizing and mobilizing the
communities is to empower the
peopleand their familiesto play an active role in community
activities, toensure that negative attitudes and
behaviorstowards other people and their families be
changed,that the communitywill be supportiveto all its
programs and projects and how to sustain it.
Apuan (1988) forwards three aims/goals of community organizing:
1) To achieve effective power for the people so they can determine their own
development and shape their own future;
2) To establish and sustain relatively permanent organizational structures, which .
best serve the people’s needs; and
3) To build or join alliances that are useful to the people. She explains that the first
goal of empowerment enables people to overcome the dehumanizing effects of
powerlessness and become human beings with dignity, assertive of their rights, and
able to determine their destiny. Organizational structures, on the other hand, become
the venue for people’s participation and linkages with other groups.
Lastly, alliances may include sectoral, regional, and national multi-
sectoral coalitions, political parties, and international organizations.
The ultimate goal/objectives of community organizing is to effect
changes in social and environmental institutions so that people can
direct their own lives. Further, the aims and goals of community
organizing and mobilization is to develop a community to be :
• self – reliant
2.motivated to improve their quality of life
3. knowledgeable about the community resources and how to use,
develop,and sustain it. to participate in planning, implementing, and managing the
and projects.
Required Readings
* Consensus organizing: Building communities of mutual self- interest.
* Analytical Skills for Community Organization Practice.
* Interpersonal social work skills for community practice.
*Community Organizing Principles and Practice Guidelines
*Social Mobilization, World Health Organization
*Community Mobilization :CBR
* Theoretical Concept and Practice of Community Organizing
* ALS Module in Community Organizing and Social Mobilization
*Social Mobilization : The Challenge Initiative
*Factors related to community mobilization and continued involvement
incommunity-based effort to enhance adolescents’ sexual behavior.
*Strategies Guided by Best Practices for Community Mobilization
learning Activity
a. Give an actual example which you personally experienced, in
organizing a community and mobilizing the target beneficiaries.
b. Discuss the concept, aims and goals of community organizing and
c. Elucidate/explain in detailed by giving example the ultimate aim
of community organizing and mobilizing which is for the
“development of the people, by the people, and for the people.”