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Visual Learners

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Students: Mariam Kharchilava;
Mariam Jalaghonia; Mariam
Shelegia; Eliko Jikia.
Lecturer: Meri Iobidze
Subject: Introduction to educational
Type of Learners Infographics

Visual learners learn best when

Visual learner interacting with the information
presented as visual images.

Reading & Reading and writing learners

writing learner mainly prefer to read and write.
What is your
learning style?
Auditory Auditory learners learn through
learner hearing and listening.

Kinesthetic Kinesthetic learning means

learner learning through practice.
What is Visual Learning?

Visual learners must They are likely to have a

see information in order photographic memory, use
to learn it. color, tone and brightness
to recall information.

Visual learners learn

Visual learners can
best by color-coding
easily visualize objects,
their notes, making to-
are very color-oriented
do lists and using
and can effortlessly
concept maps to
envision imagery.
organize their thoughts.

Orbis Pictus

Use of Visuals for


Universal Language
of Images

Early Childhood
Characteristics of Visual Learners:

Great observers Stronger memory through visuals

● They are focused on images ● Images are processed directly by

our long-term memory, where
they are permanently carved.

Quicker learning process Detail oriented

● Process pictures • They easily notice new things
in a room or physical changes
considerably more quickly in a person.
than text.
Strengths Weaknesses

1 Explaining The Complex Requires Equipment 1

2 Availability Of Resources 2

Group Participation
3 Efficiency 3
Write things down
because you Underline main
remember them points in an eye-
better that way. arresting color

Review your
Make study area
visually appealing.
ed material after
your break.

Write new vocabulary

Look at people and words on colored index
professors when cards with short
they talk. definitions on the back.
If you are teaching a visual learner:

Organize Make sure

Use lots of different
information well
technology to
with headings
there are no
present information. distractions.
and pictures.

Let the student

Use Always be creative and
handouts. encourage use their
discussion. imagination.

• Bay Atlantic University. (2022, January 24). Show, Don’t Tell: What It
Means to Be a Visual Learner. Bay Atlantic University.

• Characteristics of Visual Learners - University of the Potomac. (2022,

September 28). https://potomac.edu/characteristics-of-visual-learners/

• Getting to know visual learners | ShowMe Images. (n.d.).

• https://www.showmeimages.com/news/visual_learner.html

• Lincoln Land Community College. (n.d.). Characteristics of Learning

Styles. Lincoln Land Community College.

• Study Tips for the Visual Learner. (n.d.). Www.columbiastate.edu.

Type of Learners Infographics
Study tips for every learning style

Visual learner Aural learner Reading learner Kinesthetic learner

● Jupiter is the biggest ● Pluto is far away from ● Uranus is seventh ● Despite being red,
planet the Sun planet from the Sun Mars is cold
● Mercury is the ● Venus has a beautiful ● Neptune is an icy ● The Earth is where we
smallest planet name giant planet all live
Type of Learners Infographics

25.1% 27.6%
Aural learner Kinesthetic
Mars is the fourth planet Jupiter is the biggest
from the Sun planet of them all

20.6% 26.7%
Visual learner Read/write learner
Saturn is the only planet Venus has a beautiful
with rings name, but it’s hot

Follow the link in the graph to modify its data and then paste the new one here. For more info, click here
Type of Learners Infographics
Ways to engage a visual learner

Illustrations Videos
Jupiter is the biggest planet in the Saturn is the only planet with rings
entire Solar System in the Solar System

Photographs Typography
Pluto is so small that it’s considered Neptune is the farthest planet from
a dwarf planet the Sun

Visual maps Infographics

Venus has a beautiful name and Mercury is the closest planet to the
extremely high temperatures Sun and the smallest
Type of Learners Infographics
Auditory learners

Definition Learning suggestions

The smallest planet in our solar system and ● Jupiter is the biggest planet
nearest to the Sun, Mercury is only slightly larger ● Mercury is the smallest planet
than Earth's Moon. Mercury is a rocky planet, also ● Uranus is seventh planet from the Sun
known as a terrestrial planet ● Neptune is very far from the Sun


Explains things Repeat things Read slowly

Mars is the fourth Mercury is the Pluto is considered a
planet from the Sun smallest planet dwarf planet
Type of Learners Infographics
Mars Venus Pluto

Jupiter Mercury Moon

Physical Verbal Aural

Learning styles

Social Logical VIsual

Uranus Neptune Sun

Galaxy Saturn Stars

Type of Learners Infographics

Paper, not screens Some facts Who does it help

Fifth in line from the The smallest planet in
Sun, Jupiter is, by far, the Solar System and
the largest planet in the only slightly larger than
Solar System Earth's Moon Visual Reader

Don't multitask Some facts Who does it help

Venus is the second Saturn, the ringed
planet from the Sun and planet, is composed
is Earth’s closest mostly of hydrogen and
planetary neighbor helium Visual Reader Kinesthetic
Type of Learners Infographics

Musical learner Read/write learner

1 Jupiter is the fifth planet from
the Sun and the largest in the
Neptune is the farthest planet 3
from the Sun. It’s an icy giant
Solar System
1 3
Spatial learner
4 Visual auditory
2 Despite being red, Mars is a
very cold planet full of iron
2 Visual Mercury is the closest planet to
the Sun and the smallest of 4
oxide dust them all
Type of Learners Infographics
Preferred test modality

The Earth is the planet where we all

Barsch learning style

Saturn is the only planet with rings
of them all

Standardized memory test

Mercury is the closest planet to the
Sun and the smallest

Follow the link in the graph to modify its data and then paste the new one here. For more info, click here
Type of Learners Infographics

Visual learner Auditory learner Kinesthetic learner

Jupiter is the biggest planet Neptune is the farthest planet Uranus is seventh planet
Important key points of them all from the Sun from the Sun

Despite being red, Mars is a Mercury is the smallest The Earth is the planet
Best to be seated very cold planet planet of them all where we all live

Venus has a beautiful name, Ceres is located in the main The Moon is Earth’s only
Use this to explain but it’s hot asteroid belt natural satellite
Type of Learners Infographics

80% 40%
Visual learning Reader learning
Mars is the fourth Jupiter is the biggest
planet from the Sun planet of them all

50% 10%
Aural learning
Pluto is considered a The Earth is the only
dwarf planet planet with life
Type of Learners Infographics
KOLB learning cycle for every type of learner

Concrete experience Reflective observation

Jupiter is the fifth planet from The Earth is the only planet that
the Sun and the largest in the harbors life in the entire Solar
Solar System System

Active experimentation
Mercury is the closest planet to Venus has a beautiful name, but
the Sun and the smallest of also extremely high
them all temperatures
Type of Learners Infographics
Assessment techniques for learners

Examples Task Benefits for learners

Jupiter is the fifth planet from the Mercury is the closest planet to the
Sun and the largest of them all Sun and the smallest
Visual models

Venus has a nice name and extremely Saturn is a gas giant and the only
high temperatures planet with rings
Verbal/written summaries

Neptune is the farthest planet from Pluto is so small that it’s considered a
the Sun dwarf planet
Peer activities
Type of Learners Infographics
Kolb's learning styles and experiential learning cycle


Feel and do Feel and watch

Active Processing Continuum Reflective

experimentation observation

Think and do Think and watch

Type of Learners Infographics
Cognitive learning styles

Extraversion Introversion
Neptune is the farthest planet from Jupiter is the biggest planet in the
the Sun entire Solar System

Sensing Intuition
Venus has a beautiful name and Saturn is a gas giant with many
high temperatures beautiful rings

Thinking Feeling
Mercury is the smallest planet in Pluto is so small it’s considered a
the Solar System dwarf planet
Type of Learners Infographics
What type of learner are you?

Style scores
Logical: 09

Aural: 09

Verbal: 10

Solitary: 13

Physical: 05

Social: 08

Visual: 12

Follow the link in the graph to modify its data and then paste the new one here. For more info, click here
Type of Learners Infographics

Saturn is a gas giant with
beautiful rings
1. Logical
2. Rhythmic Interactive
3. Naturalistic
Pluto is so small it’s a dwarf
1. Kinesthetic
Introspective 2. Interpersonal
3. Linguistic
Venus has a beautiful name,
but it’s hot
1. Intrapersonal
2. Existential
3. Visual
Type of Learners Infographics
Learning styles by generation

Demographic group Age range Characteristics Learning style

Despite being red, Mars is a Neptune is the farthest planet

Traditionalists 61+ years old
cold planet from the Sun

Jupiter is the biggest planet The Earth is the only planet

Boomers 42-60 years old
of them all with life

Saturn is the only planet Despite being red, Mars is a

Generation X 26-41 years old
with rings cold planet

Mercury is the smallest The Moon is Earth’s only

Millennials 6-26 years old
planet of them all natural satellite
Type of Learners Infographics
Visual learner
Despite being red, Mars
is a cold planet %
Aural learner
Jupiter is the biggest
planet of them all %
Kinesthetic learner 50
Venus has a beautiful
name, but it’s hot %
Read/write learner 25
Saturn is the only planet
with rings %
Type of Learners Infographics

Learning styles

Logical Physical Visual Aural

Despite being red, Mars is Neptune is the farthest Venus has a beautiful The Moon is Earth’s only
a cold planet planet from the Sun name, but it’s hot natural satellite

Social Verbal Solitary

Jupiter is the biggest Pluto is a dwarf planet in The Earth is the only
planet of them all the Kuiper Belt planet with life

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