Unit 4
Unit 4
Unit 4
Object Oriented
VB.NET is a simple, multi-paradigm object-oriented
programming language designed to create a wide
range of Windows, Web, and mobile applications
built on the .NET Framework.
Object-oriented programming (OOP) is based on the
concept of "objects", which may contain data, in the
form of fields, often known as attributes; and code, in
the form of procedures, often known as methods.
The four basics concept of OOP are :
Advantages of OOP
Flexibility and Scalability:
Code Organization:
Code Maintenance:
Code Reusability:
Better Problem Solving:
Disadvantages of OOP
Steeper learning curve:
Increased complexity:
Performance overhead:
Dependency management:
Overuse of inheritance:
A Class is a definition of a real life object.
A Class consists of data members and
member functions that operate on these data
A class definition starts with the keyword
Class followed by the class name; and the
class body, ended by the End Class
Public Class Car
Public MaximumSpeed as Integer
Public ModelName as String
Public Sub Accelerate()
'Some code to make the car go
End Sub
End Class
An object is an instance of a Class.
Members of a class can be access by using the
name of the object with dot operators. Eg
Dim c as car
Then using dot operator, you can access the
variables and function to that class:
c.ModelName= “Ferrari”
Sytax of Class Declaration
[ Access_Specifier ] [ Shadows ] [ MustInherit | NotInheritable]
[ Partial ] Class ClassName
' Data Members or Variable Declaration
' Methods Name
' Statement to be executed
End Class
Class Box Box2.height = 10.0
Public length As Double Box2.length = 12.0
Public breadth As Double Box2.breadth = 13.0
Public height As Double 'volume of box 1
End Class volume = Box1.height *
Box1.length * Box1.breadth
Sub Main() Console.WriteLine("Volume of
Dim Box1 As Box = New Box() Box1 : {0}", volume)
'volume of box 2
Dim Box2 As Box = New Box() volume = Box2.height *
Dim volume As Double = 0.0 Box2.length * Box2.breadth
Console.WriteLine("Volume of
' box 1 specification Box2 : {0}", volume)
Box1.height = 5.0 Console.ReadKey()
Box1.length = 6.0 End Sub
Box1.breadth = 7.0
' box 2 specification
End Sub
End Class
The wrapping up of data and operations / functions
(that operate on the data) into a single unit (called
class) is known as Encapsulation.
Encapsulation is the exposure of properties and
methods of an object while hiding the actual
implementation from the outside world.
In other words, the object is treated as a black box—
developers who use the object should have no need
to understand how it actually works.
Module Module1
Class User
Public location As String
Public name As String
Public function Letsprint() as string
Return “Inside class function”
End Function
End Class
Sub Main()
Dim u As User = New User()
u.name = "Lalramliana"
u.location = "Venglai"
Console.WriteLine("Name: " & u.name)
Console.WriteLine("Location: " & u.Ulocation)
Console.WriteLine(vbLf & "Press Enter Key to Exit..")
End Sub
End Module
Data Hiding or Abstraction:
Abstraction refers to the act of representing essential
features without including the background details or
For example, engine details of a car are hidden from
the driver which are abstracted from the driver.
Protecting the data of an object from outside
functions is called Abstraction or Data Hiding. This
prevents accidental modification of data by functions
outside the class.
Module Module1 Console.WriteLine("Brand: " &
Public Class Laptop Lbrand)
Private brand As String Console.WriteLine("Model: " &
Private model As String Lmodel)
End Sub
Public Property Lbrand() As String
Get Private Sub MotherBoardInfo()
Return brand Console.WriteLine("MotheBoard
End Get
End Sub
Set(ByVal value As String)
End Class
brand = value
Sub Main()
End Set
Dim l As Laptop = New Laptop()
End Property
l.Lbrand = "Dell"
Public Property Lmodel() As String
l.Lmodel = "Inspiron 14R"
Return model
Console.WriteLine("Press Enter Key to
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
model = value
End Sub
End Set
End Module
End Property
Public Sub LaptopDetails()
Overloading refers to an item being used in more than
one way.
Method Overloading means defining multiple
methods with the same name but with different
In visual basic, the Method Overloading is also called
as compile time polymorphism or early binding.
Module Module1
Public Class Calculate
Public Sub AddNumbers(ByVal a As Integer, ByVal b As Integer)
Console.WriteLine("a + b = {0}", a + b)
End Sub
Public Sub AddNumbers(ByVal a As Integer, ByVal b As Integer, ByVal c
As Integer)
Console.WriteLine("a + b + c = {0}", a + b + c)
End Sub
End Class
Sub Main(ByVal args As String())
Dim c As Calculate = New Calculate()
c.AddNumbers(1, 2)
c.AddNumbers(1, 2, 3)
Console.WriteLine("Press Enter Key to Exit..")
End Sub
End Module
By default, a derived class Inherits methods from its
base class.
If an inherited property or method needs to behave
differently in the derived class it can be overridden;
that is, you can define a new implementation of the
method in the derived class.
The Overridable keyword is used to mark a function
as overridable.
The keyword Overrides is used to mark that a
function is overriding some base class function.
Module Module1
Public Class BClass
Public Overridable Sub GetInfo()
End Sub
End Class
Console.WriteLine("Learn Vb.NET Tutorial")
Public Sub New(ByVal a As String, ByVal b As String)
name = a
location = b
End Sub
End Class
Sub Main()
' The constructor will be called automatically once the instance
of the class created
Dim user As User = New User("Suresh Dasari", "Hyderabad")
Console.WriteLine("Press Enter Key to Exit..")
End Sub
End Module
Destructors are used to destruct instances of classes.
A Destructor is a special function which is called
automatically when a class is destroyed.
In VB.NET, you should use Finalize() routine to create
In the .NET Framework, the garbage collector
automatically manages the allocation and release of
memory for the managed objects in your application.
However, you may still need destructors to clean up any
unmanaged resources that your application creates. There
can be only one destructor for a class
Class User
' Destructor
Protected Overrides Sub Finalize()
' Your Code
End Sub
End Class
Module Module1
Class User
Public Sub New()
Console.WriteLine("An Instance of class created")
End Sub
Protected Overrides Sub Finalize()
Console.WriteLine("An Instance of class destroyed")
End Sub
End Class
Sub Main()
End Sub
Public Sub Details()
Dim user As User = New User()
End Sub
End Module
Interfaces define only the properties, methods, and
events that classes can implement without defining
the actual code.
A class or struct that implements the interface must
implement the members of the interface.
reasons why you might want to use
interfaces instead of class inheritance:
Interfaces are better suited to situations in which
your applications require many possibly unrelated
object types to provide certain functionality.
Interfaces are more flexible than base classes because
you can define a single implementation that can
implement multiple interfaces.
Interfaces are better in situations in which you do not
have to inherit implementation from a base class.
Interfaces are useful when you cannot use class
Module Module1
Interface IUser
Sub GetDetails(ByVal x As String)
End Interface
Class User
Implements IUser
Public Sub GetDetails(ByVal a As String) Implements IUser.GetDetails
Console.WriteLine("Name: {0}", a)
End Sub
End Class
Class User1
Implements IUser
Public Sub GetDetails(ByVal a As String) Implements IUser.GetDetails
Console.WriteLine("Location: {0}", a)
End Sub
End Class
Sub Main(ByVal args As String())
Dim u As IUser = New User()
Dim u1 As IUser = New User1()
Console.WriteLine("Press Enter Key to Exit..")
End Sub
End Module
Access Modifier
Public. Public class members don't have access restrictions.
You use the keyword Public in front of the class member to
make it available publicly. For example, if the method in
the class is a public method. It can be called from anywhere.
Eg. Public sub add()
Return p_CustomerID
End Get
End Property
' Allow friend access to the empty constructor.
Friend Sub New()
End Sub
Public Sub New(ByVal customerID As Integer)
p_CustomerID = customerID
End Sub
' Allow friend programming elements to set the customer identifier.
Friend Sub SetCustomerID(ByVal customerID As Integer)
p_CustomerID = customerID
End Sub
End Class
In VB.NET, classes and other data structures for a
specific purpose are grouped together to form a
You can use the classes in a namespace, by simply
importing the namespace.
The Imports keyword is used to import a namespace
to your project.
.NET framework provides a rich set of built in
classes, grouped together to various namespaces.
The Imports keyword is used to import a namespace to
your project.
Imports System.Drawing
Imports System.Windows.Media
Import System.Data.Oledb
Import System.Data.SqlClient
You can create namespace by using the keyword
Namespace followed by the name of the namespace. It
must end with End Namespace.
Namespace MyNamespace
'code here
End Namespace
Imports System Module Module1
Namespace Birds Sub main()
Class Parrot Birds.Parrot.fly()
Public Shared Sub fly() Birds.Parrot.color()
can fly")
End Sub End Sub
Public Shared Sub color() End Module
("normally Parrots are green")
End Sub
Public Shared Sub type()
type of parrot are found around the
End Sub
End Class
End Namespace
Import keyword
The Imports keyword is used to import a namespace
to your project.
The .NET framework provides a rich set of built in
classes, grouped together to various namespaces.
Imports [ aliasname = ] namespace -or- Imports
[ aliasname = ] namespace.element
Term Definition
Open or start Visual Studio 2010.
On the File menu, select New Project to open the
New Project dialog box.
In the list of Windows project types, select Class
Library, and then type filename and then click OK.
Class1.vb will be created in the Solution Explorer.
Right-Click on that file and select View Code.
Write all the necessary Class Library codes there.
Click Debug button to compile and debug your code. If you
successfully debug, DLL file will be created in the output
Debug or Release folder. You can use that DLL Class
Library file to wherever project you want.
To use the DLL into your project, right-click on Project
name and then select Add Reference…
Locate and select the DLL file you previously created.
On the top of the code, import the class Library and by
using Imports file.dll.
Now, you can use the different functions or methods
available in your class Library.