GROUP 4 - Gender Criticism

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01 Define what is Gender

02 Explain what is Gender Criticism

03 Purpose of Gender Criticism

04 Approaches of Gender Criticism

05 Historical Background of Gender Criticism

06 Strategies for Gender Criticism

07 Some literary works involved in Gender Criticism

What is Gender Criticism
- state of being a man
(masculine) and woman (feminine)
Explain what is
Gender Criticism
Gender Criticism
- examines how sexual
identity influences the creation
and reception of literary works
Purpose of Gender
Purpose of Gender Criticism
- To criticize gender as we
commonly conceive it.
Approaches of
Gender Criticism
Approaches of Gender Criticism
▸ Masculinist
- recently advocated by poet Robert Bly
- an ideology of masculinity; and ideology
opposed to, or opposed by feminism.
Approaches of Gender Criticism
▸ Feminist
-a social theory or political movement
arguing that legal and social restrictions on
females must be removed in order to bring
about equality of both sexes in all aspects of
public and private life
Historical Background of
Gender Criticism
Historical Backgorund

In 1960's, the gender criticism approach began

when feminist criticism arose.
Strategies for Gender
Strategies for Gender Criticism
1. Consider the gender of the writer, what
role does gender play in his work?
2. Examine whether the reading of the work
may be altered by the changes in gender
roles over time.
Strategies for Gender Criticism
3. Observe how gender stereotypes might be
reinforced or undermined.
4. Consider the gender of the characters, and
what role gender plays in this work?
Strategies for Gender Criticism
5. How is the relationship between men and
women depicted?
6. How does the treatment of gender in the
work reflect the work's meaning?
Some literary works involved in
Gender Criticism
Some literary works involved in
Gender Criticism
Dick and Jane Books
Some literary works involved in
Gender Criticism
William Shakespeare

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