Research Proposal
Research Proposal
Research Proposal
Fazal Hayat
A research proposal is a document that
provides a detailed description of the
intended program.
It is like an outline of the entire research
• Background of the study
• Statement of the Research Problem
• Objectives of the Study
• Hypotheses/ Research questions
• Significance of the study ( Beneficiaries of the
• Delimitation
Literature Review
Review of literature is a systematic process that requires
careful and perceptive reading and attention to detail.
In the review of the literature, the researcher attempts to
determine what others have learned about similar
research problems. It is important in the following ways:
specifically limiting and identifying the research
problem and possible hypothesis or research questions
i.e. sharpening the focus of the research.
informing the researcher of what has already been done
in the area.
This helps to avoid exact duplication. Reinventing the
“If one had the literature and exercised enough
patience and industry in reviewing available
literature, it may well be that his problem has already
been solved by someone somewhere some time ago
and he will save himself the trouble.” Nwana (1982).
Providing insights into possible research designs and
and speed.
They are also very cost-effective in terms of time
Step 1: Read a lot.
Read with care and
Look carefully at the
Read from related fields
Step 2: Define the area.
is important to know what that body
of knowledge says so that we know
where our own work should go, and,
ultimately, does go.
Copy articles.
Write down all bibliographic
information on the copy of the
Write note cards and bibliog.
Step 4: Write it up.
When writing a literature review, keep
Your research has something to do