Credit Rating
Credit Rating
Credit Rating
Course Instructor:
Imran Mahmud
Credit risk
Credit risk is the risk of loss resulting from the borrower
(issuer of debt) failing to make full and timely payments of
interest and/or principal.
Credit risk has two components:Default risk , or default
Loss severity: the portion of a bond’s value including
unpaid interest an investor loses.
Loss severity is often expressed as (1 – Recovery rate),
where the recovery rate is the percentage of the principal
amount recovered in the event of default. Expected loss =
Default probability × Loss severity given default
What is Credit Ratings?
A credit rating measures the credit worthiness of a
financial security, a corporation a local government
and even a country
3 methods of credit rating: Probability of default or
Loss in case of default and Scoring method
What is Credit Ratings?
Calculated from financial history, current assets and
CRA tells a lender or an investor the probability of the
subject being able to meet payment obligations for the
interest and capital repayments
What is Credit Ratings?
Credit rating is an opinion on;
The relative degree of risk associated with timely
payment of interest and principal On a debt instrument
An opinion on the issuer’s capacity to meet its
financial obligations in a timely manner
Poor Credit Rating
A poor CR indicates that a company or government
has a high risk to default based on the agency's
Credit Rating Agency
Company responsible for assessing the financial
strength of a company or government entity
Includes domestic and foreign firms
Responsible for providing investors with information
of a companies credit wrothiness
Credit Ratings
Credit rating issued by CRA is an assessment of the
credit worthiness of individual financial securities and
debt issued by corporations, government issued
securities and a country's ability to repay debt
CR are ratings assigned to companies and debt
instruments to gauge the likelihood that a company
will default on obligation to creditors. It gives
investors an idea of the risk associated with loaning
money to the entity
Credit Ratings
CR are forward looking opinions about credit risk;
Agencies opinion about the ability of an issuer to meet
its financial obligation in full time
Uses of Credit Ratings
CR critical to activities of securities market to manage;
Building portfolio
Financial Contracts
Regulatory requirements
Credit Reporting Agencies
Function: provide investors unbiased review and
opinion as credit risk of various securities
Example Activities:
Perform credit and risk analysis to produce ratings
Provide unbiased ratings
Provide quality and dependable information
Provide info to investors at low or no cost
Investors rely on rating to make investment decisions
Ratings published in form of reports
Functions of a credit rating agency
Provide easy to understand information;
Gather complex information and interpret and
summarize in simple and readily understood manner
Provide basis for investment;
An investment rated by a credit rating agency enjoys
higher confidence from investors
Investors can make an estimate of the risk and return
Functions of a credit rating agency
Healthy discipline on corporate borrowers;
Higher credit rating make investment more attractive to
Corporations can borrow money more cheaply if they
maintain a high credit rating on their debt
How Credit Ratings are Established
Adjusted financial data + Other company
specific data + Industry Data