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An Introduction to Computer

1) What is computer?
Computer is an electronic device which takes data as input,
processes it and gives a meaningful output/result.

2) What are the four basic parts of computer?

i) Keyboard ii)mouse iii) system unit iv) monitor
Page no. 29
3. Answer the following questions.
d. What is a laptop computer?
Ans- A laptop computer is a personal computer which is designed to fit on the lap and used for
portable facility.

e. Write any two differences between the desktop computer and laptop computer.
Ans- Desktop Computer Laptop Computer
1. Desktop computers are bigger and 1. Laptop Computers are smaller and
heavier. lightweight.
2. Desktop computers need separate 2. Laptop computers has built-in
keyboard, mouse, monitor, system unit keyboard, mouse, monitor and system
to connect in it. unit.

f. What are the basic parts of laptop computers?

Ans- The basic parts of laptop computers are monitor, keyboard,
Touchpad, casing, speaker, battery and AC adaptor.
Classwork Chapter 2
Basic Parts of a Personal Computer
Page no. 29

3. Answer the following questions.

a. What is a personal computer or PC?

Ans- A computer that is designed for one person to use at work or at home is
called a personal computer or PC.

b. What are two common types of personal computers?

Ans- Two common types of personal computers are-
i) Desktop Computer
ii) Laptop Computer

c. What is a desktop computer?

Ans- A desktop computer is a personal computer which is designed to fit on
the top of a desk.
Classwork Date- 4/04
Page no. 30 Day- Monday
6. Write the technical term for the following:
a) The computers that are defined to fit on a desk.
Answer- Desktop
b) The portable computers that can be used anywhere in
Answer- Laptop
c) The soft copy output device of computer.
d) The device that is used to give data in computer in the
form of text.
e) The device that is used to point object on the screen.
f) The big box that contains the major components of the
Answer- System Unit / CPU.
Homework Date- 4/21
Page no. 62 Day- Monday

Answer these questions-

1) What are called output devices?

2) What are the three types of


3) Write the full form of-

a) VDU
b) CRT
c) LCD
Homework Date- 10/11
Day- Tuesday

1. Jahnvi earns Rs 2415 in a

week working all the days of
the week.
a. How much does she earn in a

b. How much does she earn in a

Classwork Date-2078-05-30
Page no. 66 Day- Wednesday
Find the prime factors
by factor tree method.
a) 90
b) 32
c) 252
11/01/2023 8

11/01/2023 9
Homework Date – 04/07
Day- Sunday
1. Draw the input devices and name it by choosing from the given box.
Microphone, joystick, scanner, mouse, web camera, keyboard ,touch

Let’s play puzzle.

I am a basic input device. You

enter data and instruction
using me. I help you to type
various letters, numbers.
Which device am I?

THINK!!! Then write your answer in chat.

The correct answer is keyboard.
Let’s play puzzle.

I am an input device. You

use me to play games in a
computer. I have one or
more buttons to control
computer games.

THINK!!! Then write your answer in chat.

The correct answer is JOYSTICK.
Let’s play puzzle.

I am a basic input device. I

am also called pointing
device. I am used to point
objects in the screen and give

THINK!!! Then write your answer in chat.

The correct answer is mouse.
Let’s play puzzle.
I am an input device. I am used to take photos and put
them into the computer. People use me while doing
video calls through computers.

THINK!!! Then write your answer in chat.

The correct answer is Web camera
Let’s play puzzle.
I am an input device. I help to input sound and voice
into the computer. I am used in talking and record
speech and songs.

THINK!!! Then write your answer in chat.

The correct answer is
Let’s play puzzle.
I am an input device. I copy image or printed text and
put them into the computer.

THINK!!! Then write your answer in chat.

The correct answer is scanner.
Classwork Date- 4/04
Page no. 30 Day- Monday
6. Write the technical term for the following:
a) The computers that are defined to fit on a desk.
Answer- Desktop
b) The portable computers that can be used anywhere in
Answer- Laptop
c) The soft copy output device of computer.
d) The device that is used to give data in computer in the
form of text.
e) The device that is used to point object on the screen.
f) The big box that contains the major components of the
Answer- System Unit / CPU.
Classwork Date- 4/25
Day- Monday
1. Give the full forms for the following:

a) ATM= A utomated Teller Machine

b) PC= Personal Computer
c) CPU= Central Processing Unit
d) RAM= Random Access Memory
e) GHz= Giga Hertz
f) USB= Universal Serial Bus
g) VDU= Video Display Unit
h) AC= Alternet Current
i) Write the technical term.
Del= Delete
a) The soft copy output device of computer. _____________
b) The computer that are defined to fit on desk. ____________
c) Able to do many different things. ______________
d) The word computer is derived from Latin word. _____________
e) The longest key on the keyboard. ___________________
Classwork Chapter 3 Date-2078/04/17
Page no. 45 Input Devices Day- Sund
4. Answer the following questions.

a. What are input devices? List any four input devices.

Answer- The devices that are used to give input to the computer are called input devices.
Some input devices are- mouse, keyboard, joystick, microphone etc.

b. What is keyboard? Write different groups of keys.

Answer- Keyboard is a basic input device which is used to enter data and instructions into a
The different groups of keys are-
i. Alphanumeric keys (for alphabets and numbers)
ii. Control keys (CTRL, ALT, ESC)
iii. Function keys (F1, F2, F3 and so on)
iv. Navigation keys ( HOME, END, PAGE UP, PAGE DOWN)
v. Numeric Keys (0, 1, 2, 3, 4,…..)
Page no. 45
c. What is mouse? How can you hold the mouse?
Answer- Mouse is a basic input device which is used to point objects
on the screen and give commands to the computer.
We can hold the mouse gently with our index finger resting on
the left button and our thumb resting on the side.

d. What are different mouse actions?

Answer- The different mouse actions are-
i. Pointing
ii. Clicking (Single-clicking)
iii. Double clicking
iv. Right-clicking
v. Dragging
Page no. 45
e. What is web camera?
Answer-A web camera is an input device that takes photos and puts them
into the computer. It also helps to capture videos.

f. What is scanner?
Answer- A scanner is an input device that copies image or printed text and puts them
into the computer.

g. Why do we use joystick in computer?

Answer- We use joystick in computer to play computer games.

h. What is microphone? Why is it used in computer?

Answer- Microphone is an input device that is used to input sound/ voice into the
It is used in computer to record speech, songs and internet voice chats.
Important Questions for Exam!!
1. Answer the following questions:
a. What is computer?
b. What are the four basic parts of the computer?
c. What is the first calculating device in the world?
d. List any two characteristics of computer.
e. What is laptop computer?
f. What is desktop computer?
g. What are input devices?
h. What are different mouse actions?

2. Write down the technical term of:

i. The device that is used to point object on the screen. -Mouse
ii. The soft copy output device of computer. -Monitor
iii. The portable computers that can be used anywhere in any time. -Laptop
iv. The computers that are designed to fit on desk. -Desktop
v. Able to do many different things by computer. -Versatile
vi. Continuous working capability of computer. -Diligent
vi. The device used to play computer games. –Joystick
-Ashma Ranjit
3. Write down the functions of following special keys.
Page no. 46
Keys Function 6. Write single word for the
To remove the things such as letters, words or sentences
from the documents.
a. Microphone
To erase the letters, words one by one to the left of b. Spacebar
c. Web camera
To type all letters in capital or uppercase.
d. Dragging

Used in combination with other keys for different e. Scanner

purposes like typing
symbols like !, ?, @, *. f. Joystick
To move the cursor to the next line before reaching the
end of current line.
Page no.48 (8)
To put blank space between letters, words and numbers.
Do it yourself.
Project Work
Draw or paste the pictures of five input devices and write
their functions.

Name- Web camera
Function- It is used to take photos and
puts them into the computer

Name- Scanner
Function- It is used to copy images or
printed text and puts them in computer.
Classwork Date-2078-05-30
Page no. 66 Day- Wednesday

3. Answer the following questions.

a. What is output of the computer?

Ans- The meaningful information produced by the computer after
processing the input data is called the output of computer.

b. What are the output devices? Write two examples.

Ans- The devices which are used to give the output of the computer are
called output devices. Examples- monitor, printer etc.

c. Write each example of hard copy and soft copy output devices.
Ans- Printer is an example of hard copy output device.
Monitor is an example of soft copy output device.
Classwork Date-2078-05-30
Page no. 66 Day- Wednesday

3. Answer the following questions.

d. What is a monitor? Write its types.
Ans- A monitor is a primary output device which displays the output in
the form of text, pictures and video.
Its types are- i) CRT monitor
ii) LCD monitor
iii) LED monitor

e. What is a printer? Write two examples.

Ans- A printer is an output device which is used to print the output on
the paper. Two examples of printer are- Inkjet printer and laser printer.
Classwork Date-2078-05-30
Day- Wednesday
3. Answer the following questions.

f. Write any two differences between CRT and LCD monitor.

Ans- CRT Monitor LCD Monitor

1. CRT monitor are heavier than 1. LCD monitor are lighter than
2. CRT monitors consumes more 2. LCD monitors consumes less
electric power. electric power.

• Which device give the sound output?

Ans- Speaker gives the sound output.

Classwork Date-2078-05-
Day- Thursday
1. Re-arrange the jumbled letters to form a correct name of
output devices.






Unjumble the given letters to form the
correct words from page no. 68.
4. PEORTIANG=reporting
11/01/2023 35
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